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Feb 27, 2022
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I saw it posted on Gettr by Mike Yeadon

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I found it via Vital Human Channel on telegram

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Someone shared it on Alex's substack comments. That's how I came across it:


Btw, you can include this latest article from Sweden showing mRNA vaccines can end up in human dna (at least in lab):


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Thanks so much :))

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The most comprehensive summary so far. Thank you!

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include also our paper on codon optimization https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/22/12/6490

original spike has pausing site optimized versions do not have.

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Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention.

Can you email me privately at ashmedaidemonking@protonmail.com, I would like to ask you a few questions about the substance of your study to better understand it, I would be enormously appreciative.

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Impressive summary, and I haven't finished it. Thank you.

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Nice list - well done.

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Also include this latest article from Sweden showing mRNA vaccines can end up in human dna (at least in lab):


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I am assuming that all of the studies you have listed above represent what should have been undertaken before the jab was let loose on the world & I imagine that there might be a problem with getting studies like those above peer reviewed - thank you again.

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Thanks :))

For the most part, the studies I cited were done about covid itself, or were about topics that had nothing to do with covid or vaccines per se -- almost all of the spike protein studies for instance were done to show how covid was a super horrible very very very bad ultimate doomsday apocalypse killer virus :))

Most of this is putting 2+2 together, there is enough published literature already to be able to highlight most of the risk areas of most new therapeutics or drugs.

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You mention "subpar experts"; I take it this means they are "experts" merely by virtue of having passed their classes? A D grade is a passing grade; on a normal A,B,C,D,F grading scale where would these experts fall? I am interested in understanding and then being able to explain these issues to those who criticize the covid-vax hesitant. Thank you for your wonderful article covering many of the major problems with the various components of the vaccine.

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It was the gentle way of saying they're a bunch of ignoramous luddites who are less apprised then the fellow who completely dominated Fauci in the PBS video

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Just found this fabulous essay, after your latest one was cited on Telegram, by Dr. Michael Yeadon. I am very interested in a broad view of all possible mechanisms of vaccine injury, and this is a very good essay on that. Could there be any major updates on this topic/area of concern?

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Boy are there all kinds of updates to be had now.....

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Definitely there are a ton of updates :)

I am busy with the case reports though, and the sheer size & scope of the numerous mechanistic possibilities for harm is intimidating to say the least

What's Yeadon's telegram handle (there are a few with 10,000+ followers)?

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Well case reports are important too! I am a general internist with a part-time practice, And I think a well written and documented case report can be quite impactful. Sent you a screenshot of Dr. Yeadon’s post.

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Nice one!!👏👏👏👏 you kicked the "Inego Montoya, I sum up", brilliantly!!!

Frankly, I'd like to see Mike Yeadon, Igor Chudov, Walter Chesnut, Jess Rose, Joel Smalley, Matt Crawford, Pier Kory, Marc Giradot and YOU, team up.

#dreamteam #covidscismashers

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Holy Crap. I have printed this out to reread and go over with notebook and to read and collect the papers. THANK YOU! This was a LOT of WORK!!!

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Very comprehensive, and wonderful to have so many issues detailed in one place. Thank you very much!

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You're Welcome :)

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Thank you for this very detailed write up about the ever growing list of ways the COVID shots have potential to harm...all risk with very little benefit. I am curious about your thoughts on the Moderna patented gene sequence that just happened to insert itself into the Spike. This sequence apparently codes for mutations in the MSH3 gene, leading to a disabling of DNA repair. Is this an explanation for the increase in cancer and the rapid decline to death in some cancer patients?

Igor covers it here:


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The disabling of the DNA repair mechanism was documented first I think in the Scottish study. Definitely implicates cancer as one possible outcome. It is pretty much confirmed at this point that the vaccine downregulates critical types of so-called 'killer' T-Cells that are critical for keeping cancerous cells in check. Also there is strong evidence that the vaccine shuts down some of the Toll-Like Receptors (TLR's) that are crucial to signal the presence of cancerous cells to the immune system. The fact that the vax messes with the BRCA gene is downright terrifying...

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This is absolutely brilliant!!

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Thanks :)

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And the vaccines are contaminated with E. coli proteins.

Fraudulent drug safety studies have destroyed medicine; "Safety" researchers ignore lot-to-lot variation but in reality 100X difference in contaminant level, adverse events, is common


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This is really good. How come so many (supposedly) smart people I know in the Pharma industry who SHOULD be thinking about this kind of stuff, really haven’t? It’s baffling to me. They think I am the lunatic for saying “hell, no!”

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Stay strong!

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