More COVID vaccine excess deaths-related data on top of mountains of similar irrefutable mortality data - some revealed and much hidden - all pointing to a growing herd of elephants in the room. Getting hard to ignore these but the culpable are relying on our becoming numb or surrendering to the official “Trust The Science” wall of silence. Should be sufficient cause to initiate legal proceedings I would think. Personally, I would not stand by or forget if a loved one passed away in this manner!

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One of the most jabbed states by some account I read recently. It made me reconsider ever moving there.

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Cant heart this. Excellent work sir! But see it too often. Indeed. No definitely not only young men. Ive a 60 ish woman few weeks ago and 63 year man couple months ago, heart issues began less than 2 weeks post boost . Ive several in their 70-90s.. some dead now. Worst part? Damn hospital docs are cowards and dont even tell ppl they had heart damage or NSTEMI!! Sentara has even changed their Troponin scale and work up criteria and exclusions. Makes me want to vomit. BTW Labcorp has lowered the range on WBC because so many ppl have low white cells and lymphocytes now.. at more risk for infections, jacked up millions’ immune system real good. Pacemakers are up at least 8-10x usual as my estimate. Can you run pacemaker and heart block codes on insurance claims? Or heart block on death cert. Also had dozens with new tachy arrhythmias and cardiac workups and rx. Worst.. HTN crisis in young guys- 20-40, NO risk factors, not fat, dont smoke, dont drink much, used to run daily.. now living on 3 rx. Shameful. oh and my ‘In memory list’, here:


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