"what sort of demented parent vaccinates kid #2 after kid #1 lands in the hospital with vaccine myocarditis?"

I would have to guess, modern progressive liberal.

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It's totally abominable as no one under 60 years of age needed this crap since is has proven to be virtually useless for anything. The rightful terms are negligent and reckless abuse as well as first degree murder in many cases. Or, how about democide to put it bluntly.

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It is mindboggling how people could be this brainwashed or follow guidance that could lead to their (and their children's) demise--yet I see it everyday in my own family members.

They will literally keep getting injections until they fall over dead because they cannot hear or see logic. Cognitive dissonance to the highest level.

My mom and dad are 80 (were in excellent health in 2020) and got their SIXTH shot a couple months ago.

They both had a physical a couple wks ago and the Dr heard something while listening to my mom's heart.

My mom has never had heart issues or high blood pressure. Now she has to see a cardiologist on top of the other Drs she's seeing for her osteoarthritis, swollen spine, left hip pain, that occurred after her 4th booster and 5th (bivalent) injection.

I'm not allowed to talk about or send her articles/videos about the shots.

I tried and tried to warn her but it was pointless because she thinks they have kept her and my dad from catching covid. Her church also told all its members to get the injections because "surely God wouldn't tell them to get a covid vaccine if it would harm them."

I gave up after hearing that. Their mental sharpness is gone, my mom can barely walk, my dad can't remember what he tells me from one day to the next--and his cholesterol is over 2,000 according to his Dr.

I feel sick knowing how many innocent children have been damaged by these things because their parents have the mind of a cult-follower.

No matter the damage, they'll keep following the same path to destruction because of their cult-following mentality.

If I were a child today, my mom would have forced me to get every one of these shots and flu, HPV, rsv, etc...

She actually believes wholeheartedly in ALL of them. I honestly don't know what it would take to break the spell these people are under.. It's evil and immoral.

The only way my mom might start questioning the injections is if she, my dad, or my brother fell over dead or injured right as the syringe was pulled out of their arm..

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2 possibilities:

1. genetic - the goop in the vaccine causes issues at a genetic level, so genetically related people are affected similarly

2. batch quality - ignores genetics, affects people injected from the same poor quality batch. N siblings / family members would typically be injected in the same visit rather than doing N visits to the injection facility, leading to a batch-specific phenomenon.

They are independent variables and can interact in wonderfully deleterious ways.

The other thing about genetics is the MHC component of antigen handling is genetically derived, and differs at the interpopulation level (ie Asian vs Caucasian vs African, etc). Something that does not receive a lot of attention.

I wrote about a guy whose kid ended up in hospital with heart issues, who then turned around and exhorted all parents to vaccinate their kids, no matter what. It sickened me to my stomach... He had been awarded an Order of Australia medal ffs: https://stoichastic.substack.com/p/wtf-1-dr-shane-huntington-oam

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I hope the courts will absolve the children when they take justice into their own hands.

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Could blood types be a reason? Maybe these satanic psychopaths are able to target certain groups.

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So one case was two Japanese boys, and the other case, what ethnicity were the three siblings?

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"Also, what sort of demented parent vaccinates kid #2 after kid #1"

Unfortunately people were terrorized out of their wits and most probably thought the first child had contracted the "virus" and was so scared they vaccinated the second one.

It is so sad.

That is all I can think why they did it.

BTW had to look up cray-cray and saw the Dutch term "gek", in Afrikaans its the same word and means crazy. So yes they were driven crazy I think.

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I guess they don't like their kids huh?

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