May 23Liked by Ashmedai

Several points I'd like to make:

1) lots of nursing home residents were killed off with the jab. This is confirmed by whistle-blowers such as nurses, embalmers etc.

2) Back in 1970s, my husband worked at Public Health Dept. in PA. He helped to develop jabs. He learned then that cancer cells were being put into the jabs. That's when he quit developing jabs and never had another one. Later a book came out called "Dr. Mary's Monkey". I highly recommend everyone read that book. It also mentions that cancer cells are in jabs but has A LOT of other important info.

3) Then there's news which has come out saying finally) that chemotherapy kills: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/new-study-finds-chemotherapy-causes-widespread-cell-cannibalism-and-death/

4) It has been found that fenbendazole along with ivermectin will kill most cancers. You can buy both quite cheaply on Amazon. Look up dosage etc. Also essiac is a blend of 4 herbs which kills cancer/tumors. I know this for a fact because a friend's mom had a grapefruit-sized tumor in her bowels. My friend saw the x-ray of her mom's tumor. She started a month long course of essiac in tea form and one month later x-ray showed tumor was entirely gone. Sadly, she died a short while later of her third course of chemotherapy. Baking soda will also kill cancer cells as those cells can't live in an alkaline environment, which baking soda creates. There is a book on this by Dr. Sircus, a naturopath.

So I'm not surprised that folks are dying in retirement homes and many young folks are getting cancer and dying. They have found a way to ramp up the time that it takes to die from cancer now, too. It no longer takes a year or even 6 months. I've read that there are folks who die of cancer after they get the jab before they can even get to a doctor for treatment. This is what Dr. Fauci and his cohorts created and it's Crimes Against Humanity; makes the Nazis look like amateurs IMO.

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I wrote about a nursing home vaxxing the residents & then immediately experiencing a great 'die-off' of said residents


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May 24Liked by Ashmedai

Thank you for this, will read. When "covid" first came out it was first called coronavirus. My virologist husband worked with that virus - it is a form of the common cold. It's very hard on the lungs but only the very old and those with immune-compromised systems die from it. No one else should be dying from it. The fact that there was so much fear generated about dying from it tells us that someone sinister was going on, even from the start of this whole nightmare.

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Let's remember that anything and everything was attributed to "Covid" and so clotting and who knows what other strange bio-responses might be responsible for the demise and not actually "cancer." The hospitals would get paid for Covid deaths, but not for cancer patients who died. That's what I've read. But we're in muddied waters having to depend on MSM for data. The insiders, the actual nurses and workers in the fields, when they come forth with their testimony, we can be pretty confident that they are stating facts.


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Excellent info. The 2020 excess deaths were all among the old - nursing home residents dying from iatrogenic protocols. The huge spike in deaths - in almost all age categories - in 2021 and 2022 were vaccine-caused deaths.

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The devil is in the details is quite literally true here

When you start looking at specific conditions, there's a lot more that becomes evident.....

Like cancers

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I can't wait to read your cancer piece. Send it to Alex Berenson. In a recent appearance on Tucker Carlson's podcast, Alex sounded skeptical that the "vaccines" have caused an increase in cancers. I like Alex and am a paid subscriber, but I think he's dead wrong on that conclusion.

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Anecdotally, I've seen three people I know whose cancer re-emerged in 2021-22. All three died.

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Only three? I wish my numbers were so low. It will be interesting (in a morbid way) to see the trends of cancer post 2020. We can’t be sure of the exact relationship between the vaxx and cancer incidence, other than if there is an increase in cancers post injection rollout. However, if cancers result from naturally occurring mutations that are not repaired by natural mechanisms such as the p53 gene, it is possible that the rate of cancer occurrence could rise abruptly, slow (perhaps because of a pull forward effect), and then inexorably begin to rise again because of the natural senescence of the immune system and perhaps because of an increasing mutation frequency as we age (not really sure if this last assumption has been shown to be true, regardless of vaxx status).

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Agreed. The take-a-way here is that no one knows the core truth of the matter. We can make assumptions that the manufacturers of the "vax" knew what they would do the human body, but even that is not in stone. A safe "fall-back-upon" might be to NEVER introduce anything un-natural into the body. The second warning is to NEVER trust man's Govt!


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The sglt2 inhibitors seem to reverse lots of jab effects (ckd and senescence). It could be another Gilead?

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May 24Liked by Ashmedai

Looking forward to your article on cancers.

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May 23Liked by Ashmedai

Thank you for this thorough and high-quality and extremely important work. These data, which generally match data from all over the world, quite clearly scream that there have been substantial COVID vaccine-induced excess deaths (in addition to COVID deaths, can't deny that they did happen- although I believe that most COVID deaths were indeed due to deprivation of effective treatment and dangerous hospital protocols). The evidence regarding vaccine deaths is about as clear as one would REASONABLY expect, and frankly I would always expect some "curveballs" thrown in there to stop people from being TOO confident or "definitive" in implicating the vaccines.

That's exactly what I think is going on with ONLY the very old age groups (85+) not showing excess mortality: my guess is that those death data are somehow fudged/undercounted just enough to confuse and "muddy the waters" for people like us who can very clearly see the obvious overall picture of vaccine-induced excess deaths. All the way up to and including the 80-84 age group, there is substantial, double-digit percentage excess mortality in 2021-2023 relative to pre-pandemic. Then suddenly at age 85+ that double-digit % excess mortality magically drops to near 0%? Yeah, right. Let's see how any plausible explanation is easily ruled out. First, the "younger elderly" as in ages 65-84 also have a very high vaccination rate according to official data, just like the 85+ age group does, so the establishment certainly can't credit "high vaccination rates" for the supposedly good data in age 85+ when the data for the highly vaccinated ages 65-84 look quite bad. And if the excess deaths are "predominantly COVID", or even "long COVID" as the establishment would claim, then it makes NO sense that the 85+ age group would be seemingly unaffected (!!!) while the 65-84 age group is quite badly affected. The ONLY semi "legitimate" explanation I can think of is that the very old (ages 85+) generally don't mount a substantial enough response to the vaccines to be killed by the vaccines. But that totally contradicts the VAERS data which show that the older ages are hardest hit by the vaccines https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality, and the gold-standard clinical trial data ALSO show that older people are much harder hit by the vaccines than younger people. Still, that "legitimate" explanation doesn't make sense because if the elderly are less hard hit by the vaccines, then you would expect to see a "thinning out" of the excess mortality effect in the 85+ age group, NOT a magical disappearance of the excess mortality at that age. What does everyone else think?

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Florida refuses to let us see their death certificates, which are the motherlode for senior deaths, especially because DeSantis made sure (in good faith but still) to get them vaxxed & FL has the most seniors out of any state.

If you or anyone know a way to get to Ladapo, we'd be very aprreciative :)

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There are many charts that tell us everything we need to know in this one story. The chart that shows how the average age of a decedent plunged by 1 1/2 years in just one year is stunning.

As the author notes, that's more eye-opening when you think about the fact that the vast majority of deaths will always be among the very old. So that means to push down the average age by 1 1/2 years, a whole lot more young people must have been dying.

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May 23Liked by Ashmedai

Well done

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May 23Liked by Ashmedai

Thanks, very clear.

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I agree. The descriptions of the graphs are presented/explained in very plain, easy-to-understand language. The example showing some of the statistical tricks are also educational and well-done.

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Why thank you :)

Btw, I wrote a whole lengthy disquisition on how data fraud/manipulation is done - 'The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cooking Data for Aspiring Propagandists' https://ashmedai.substack.com/p/the-complete-idiots-guide-to-cooking

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I will definitely check that out. Please Keep the analysis of the actual death data in different states coming.

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May 24·edited May 24Author

Thanks :)

The biggest challenge trying to write up observations that can be pretty obtuse and technical is conceptual and linguistic clarity so that the material is easy and feels natural to digest/internalize for laypeople, so I'm very happy to see that it was successful in this regard

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Thank you Ashmedai for these clear bar graphs. Clearly since the Oligarch financed, controlled & orchestrated Worldwide Rollout, this is a NUMBERS GAME, gambling with public perception, strangely to injure & kill the most compliant. The deceptive use of the easily misused PCR test as a worldwide standard, regardless of the objections to this specific inappropriate COVID-19 fraud-use by its award winning inventor Dr. Kerry Mullis, shows how important public deception to their game. Add to this LACK of: a) Testing (long & short), b) informed consent about this still Experimental Medical, Emergency-Use-Authorization Intervention, c) followup health-monitoring by hour, day, week, month, year, generations. In-fact, many doctors were fired, let-go, delicensed etc. for reporting Adverse Events & Deaths to VAERS, V-safe, Euro-vigilance etc. We can be sure this kind of trillion-dollar orchestration from captured Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med & Agri-business COMPLEX control, hasn't let go of numbers-deception. They have control, particularly in institutions, so such as Old Folks homes, where family may have practically abandoned their elders, are particularly prone to Numbers Deception.

An interesting intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale Livelihood & Health-care alternative are the Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes where 70% of people live today. I live for 35 years in a large 40 acre development with 830 dwellings on 40 acres with 3500 residents, as a suburb of Montreal. 1000 people = 28.7% of these are extended families, living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration, but as well having privacy where necessary in apartments & townhouses. The average size of Multihomes is some 32 dwellings = ~100 people. The world average of extended families in Multihomes is about 20%. All humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors intentionally organized 'economically' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village). Multihomes were the core of what all humanity's worldwide ancestors & 1st Nations referred to as the Great-good-way-of-kindness. Added to Multihomes is the welcoming use of Time-based equivalency accounting upon the String-shell Value systems (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island/N. America, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands

Statistically Extended-families in Multihomes have some of the lowest mRNA uptake because families talk, eat, play, collaborate & influence each other, much more than the isolated, detached nuclear suburban sprawl car-driven household dweller who are 30% of the population.

Our Sustainable Development Association & Indigene Community are focused on this promotion of intergenerational empowerment & connection of families as a core to rebuild individual & local sovereignty & livelihood. Multihome-extended-family contribute trillions of $ of the most individually appropriate goods, services, sharing & caring/year as Turtle-Island, N-America's largest essential Economic sector, albeit unrecognized by government, education & institutions. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/C-relational-economy/1-extending-our-welcome-participatory-multihome-cohousing

DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? http://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are is a web-based Community-Economy software enabling those 70% of all populations, still culturally connected & others to join in 'community' (L. 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service' in the Multihome:

A) CATALOGUE local individual & business for: talents, goods, services, resources & dreams. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/home/membership

B) MAP local proximal collaborative relations for complementary economic concertation

C) ACCOUNT for collective contributions, buying, selling & co-investment. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy

D) COMMUNICATE such as formally through COUNCIL PROCESS or Both-Sides-Now, Equal-time, Recorded & Published dialogues for reaching formal agreement together as well as conflict-resolution. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

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I would suspect that the drop in nursing home deaths in latter years (e.g., 2022, 2023) are because of pull-forward into 2020 and 2021. I suspect the replenishment rate into nursing homes is slow, and thus COVID and the vaccine took the "weak" in the first couple years and they have yet to be fully replenished. Further, if replenishment is a bell curve of weakness, you'd expect a smaller rate of death because we've now moved the overall bias of the population of nursing homes toward being "strong." In the normal age brackets, that doesn't happen. People don't have to make a decision to change their lives to become a year older. It happens regardless. Great data. Thanks for the article.

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Is the idea that is this happened in Minnesota, it happened elsewhere?

What do we know about Minnesota vaxx rates?

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May 24·edited May 24Author

It happened elsewhere, I'm going to write up for the other states we have death certs from (MA, VT, NV, and another state I can't reveal yet)

Prior articles on death certs here - https://ashmedai.substack.com/s/death-certificates/archive?sort=new

There is widespread excess death ongoing still across the US

MN vax rates were pretty high

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Really excellent research and presentation. Thank you. I'll look forward to the next report.

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May 23Liked by Ashmedai

Widowed and the vaccine:

"My husband/wife is gone, I am old and crotchety, and no one is pressing me to get the COVID vaccine."

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I originally thought the jabs caused 18 months of gompertz curve increment. But it looks like repeated jabs caused about 5 years worth of biological age risk! Very profitable if you're selling annuities at just interest rates.

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Since 2021, I've done a similar but much simpler analysis of Florida's excess death rates. I used 2019 as base year. The maximum all-cause deaths peaked in 2021 and have graudally declined since. In 2023 they were still well above +10%. Sure are a lot of people dying of climate change, racism and not being able to get that cancer screening for the few months that Florida was locked down in 2020.

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