And possibly not the last. You have a key mind. I was just reading "Dr. Berman on Vaccines & Fertility" and it so accurately sums up the topic I felt it could be of tremendous help to my readers - and their kin - so I'll try and squeeze a translation of it into my busy schedule.
We mainly have very poor, and somewhat misguided, authors in the French-speaking countries which is why I spend a lot of time on Substack looking for - and finding - talented ones.
Actually I'm Belgian although my readers are mainly French (as is my wife), plus some stray readers from all over the world - including some sort of CCP spooks who check on me now and then, wouldn't you know.
In a nutshell, politically the French are nowhere, culturally they've lost their way a long time ago. They also make a point of not knowing anything about whatever goes on outside their country so they've got a whole lot of catching up to do, especially now, hence the reason why I'm feeding them american sources, which are much more to the point.
I have translated into French your brilliant and insightful article on my blog, here:
Hope this helps!
Wow Thank you so much!!
That is definitely the first time I have been translated :))
Je vous remercie :)
And possibly not the last. You have a key mind. I was just reading "Dr. Berman on Vaccines & Fertility" and it so accurately sums up the topic I felt it could be of tremendous help to my readers - and their kin - so I'll try and squeeze a translation of it into my busy schedule.
We mainly have very poor, and somewhat misguided, authors in the French-speaking countries which is why I spend a lot of time on Substack looking for - and finding - talented ones.
So, avec plaisir :) Just doing my job.
Can I ask who your audience is, I'm so curious, France is opaque to me culturally and politically.
Actually I'm Belgian although my readers are mainly French (as is my wife), plus some stray readers from all over the world - including some sort of CCP spooks who check on me now and then, wouldn't you know.
In a nutshell, politically the French are nowhere, culturally they've lost their way a long time ago. They also make a point of not knowing anything about whatever goes on outside their country so they've got a whole lot of catching up to do, especially now, hence the reason why I'm feeding them american sources, which are much more to the point.