The Contemporary Renaissance of Moloch
Vaccinating children is indistinguishable from the ancient rites of Moloch worship
The extinct idolatrous cult of Moloch is probably the paradigmatic embodiment of the barbaric scourge of child sacrifice in the name of an evil, perverse and irrational ideology. Unfortunately, despite the disappearance of that specific cult, its underlying pathology persists in the darker recesses of human nature, as we shall see.
The Nature of Moloch Worship:
There is a basic dispute amongst ancient Jewish sources regarding what precisely was the nature of Moloch worship. One view held that the primary act of worship was passing the child through or between multiple blazing fires in such a manner that death often occurred (the granular details of this are similarly the subject of dispute, and may well have been practiced differently depending on the time/place, so the mortality rate is unclear). In other words, the act of worship was the exposing of the child to a clear physical peril as an offering to the deity Moloch.
The other view held that the act of passing the child through a fire was symbolic and did not expose the child to the peril of the fire itself. One proponent of this view was Maimonides, who wrote (translation):
“We must also point out that originators of false, baseless, and useless principles scheme and plan for the firm establishment of their faith; and tell their fellow-men that a certain plague will befall those who will not perform the act by which that faith is supported and confirmed for ever; this plague may one day accidentally befall a person, who will then direct his attention to the performance of that act, and adopt idolatry.
It being well known that people are naturally most in fear and dread of the loss of their property and their children, the worshippers of fire spread the tale, that if any one did not pass his son and daughter through the fire, he will lose his children by death. There is no doubt that on account of this absurd menace everyone at once obeyed, out of pity and sympathy for the child; especially as it was a trifling and a light thing that was demanded, in passing the child over the fire.”
Comparison of Moloch to Child Vaccination:
The salient characteristics which define the abhorrent idolatry of Moloch include the following:
1. People faced a significant issue or issues in their lives, whether individual or communal (such as a famine, invasion, plague, or at an individual level illness or poverty).
2. The threat which served as the catalyst for people to feel the need to turn to idolatry for salvation to escape from was itself often a concocted fairytale.
3. People are brainwashed into believing that salvation lies only in declaring and manifesting in practice fealty and devotion to an abstraction – in this case the deity Moloch.
4. Demonstration of fealty was only possible through using one’s children (and sometimes you could literally purchase a child if you lacked one and had sufficient means).
5. Holdouts could be blamed should the sacrifice fail to achieve the desired objective.
6. Any and all mishaps that occurred, even those obviously unrelated to the issue/s that were the stated justification for Moloch worship and even amongst the Moloch faithful, could be attributed to the holdouts regardless of how few there were.
7. There was no intrinsic or otherwise rational connection between the act of child sacrifice and the desired objective.
8. This is true even when the danger people were attempting to avoid through Moloch worship was the death of the children themselves (this is only per the second view).
9. Once people formed a dogmatic adherence and attachment – especially one cemented by partaking in absurd or barbaric idolatrous actions – they were essentially incurably afflicted mentally and emotionally with the belief in Moloch worship as the only answer to whatever (continually burgeoning) assortment of life issues were ascribed to Moloch.
10. Sacrificing one’s children, even to an inhumanly torturous death, was required of and embraced by the people.
Vaccinating children against covid, and especially with the currently available vaccines, manifests all of the above characteristics:
1. Covid is in the minds of most people a presently significant issue on both a communal and individual level.
2. Covid is largely itself massively overexaggerated to the point of being in large part a delusional conjecture of the modern version of false prophets, “Public Health” officials and their political/social acolytes.
3. Many people have been brainwashed that only the vaccines offer salvation. Many people have been further conditioned that only by vaccinating all children – the last remaining large cohort of the unvaccinated – will we be freed from the scourge of the covid pestilence.
4. This one is patently obvious, that only by being vaccinated is one an acceptable member of society. This will extend to vaccinating your children as soon as the vaccines are made available logistically for all children.
5. Regardless of how overwhelming a majority of any jurisdiction is vaccinated, the slim minority of the unvaccinated are blamed for the failure of the vaccines to achieve their stated objective of eliminating covid.
6. All of the major problems in society, such as the supply line mess or hospitals being overburdened by non-covid health issues, are being blamed on the unvaccinated despite the absurdity of the proposition.
7. There is no rational connection between vaccinating a cohort of people that has zero meaningful risk from covid and does not spread covid in statistically significant numbers and eliminating or solving covid. This is especially true considering that the vaccines do not stop the contraction or transmission of covid (as admitted by even the High Priestess of the Covid Idolatry, the CDC Director herself). Vaccinating children does not do anything to help those who are actually at risk for covid.
8. This is especially true regarding children, for whom there is no problem to solve, as they are not afflicted by covid whatsoever (children with severe comorbidities are a tiny subset that is a separate discussion, which is another topic entirely).
9. The believers show no signs of faltering faith despite the implosion of almost every single foundational element of the covid cult’s intellectual edifice and basis.
10. Subjecting your children to the horrible deaths and other severe side effects of these vaccines is required (and probably soon to be mandated in wide swaths of the US).
And I’m sure that there are plenty of other characteristics that I left out.
Vaccinating children against covid is one of the most abhorrent societal abominations ever conceived, which considering the contemporaneous complete moral collapse of society is saying something.
I have translated into French your brilliant and insightful article on my blog, here:
Hope this helps!