Great summary, thanks

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#LongCovid is a lot of #LongMask - especially in kids! I had a cold or allergies in Spring ‘20 that lingered. I started wearing a mask out to stores since I was a pariah. The mask turned my cough into bronchitis and bacterial pneumonia. By mid-May, I had a full exam w/X-rays to confirm. Was given an Rx and told NOT to wear a mask. BUT when Gov Sununu opened all stores May 11th he suggested that they require masks! Every time I wore one, my waning symptoms returned with a vengeance. After another round of meds (plus steroids, inhaler, allergy meds) and a cardiology referral for heart palpitations, my symptoms started returning after another masked outing. This was now Aug. I stopped and refused to wear a mask again. The pneumonia finally resolved but my lungs were trashed until April ‘21 when Dr Twitterverse recommended NAC. It was just getting dinged by FDA and pulled from Amazon so that clinched it for me. I bought some and in 5 days my 13 months of gunky lungs were over. I bought several bottles of NAC and distributed them in the covid kits I made for family and delivered to friends and acquaintances as they came down with it and were given no other help. Meanwhile, I never tested + for covid and even did an antibody test. I guess Vit D at 70ng/ml is enough to stop the virus but not mask-trapped bacteria inhaled into the lungs. Anyway, when I hear long covid symptoms, it sounds just like my mask-damaged lungs so that’s why I tried to start the #LongMask hashtag, but I’ve been suspended from Twitter so you can’t find my efforts. 🤷‍♀️

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Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe (Masks = more cases & more deaths):


Detection of microplastics in human lung tissue using μFTIR spectroscopy:


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Paxlovid? Mulnopiravir? From two of the most corrupt drug companies in history. Just what we need, more failed big pharma drugs. There is no proven covid virus so what do these drugs really do? These covid drugs have not been thoroughly tested similar to the mRNA injections.

They used contrived trial methods just to get emergency FDA approval, which no longer means anything as far as safety and efficacy goes. Fake covid=fake mRNA injections=fake drugs=real profits while people are being murdered. I guess that's now an accepted practice worldwide.

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In the SEC filing, the bullet point after the one you quoted reads:

"Significant adverse events may occur during our clinical trials or even after receiving regulatory approval, which could delay or terminate clinical trials, delay or prevent regulatory approval or market acceptance of any of our product candidates."

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There is some reporting of the harm these venoms [VACCINES] cause ,the tip of an ice berg in the U.S. ,But what about the rest of the world .How big would the numbers be than? Don't forget the united stats is not all the .rest of the world .As it stand most people don't know what goes on in the neighbors house .

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