May 27Liked by Ashmedai

The damage from this ruse is twofold- financial repercussions but also psychological ones. From the time I was in 5th grade or so (1976 or so), the prevailing cultural belief had already been adopted; that I should, if I were a 'good' human, use as few resources as possible. Long before they told us we would kill grandma without a mask, they were telling us we would kill the world if we continue to make money, be prosperous, have kids. This has been a long campaign to kill productivity in all ways.

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May 27Liked by Ashmedai

Well reasoned and expressed; will forward to friends and students who may be receptive to it. Thanks for sharing with us.

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All 2.5 of them I imagine. Would love to share with my “ science teacher” sister but she would consider that a toxic aggression

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May 27Liked by Ashmedai

Yes, me too and also a proud vaccine denier, drug denier and a denier of all the other crappola they want us to believe.

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May 27Liked by Ashmedai

Well argued and much better than trying to concentrate on details. I had a discussion with someone the other day where I pointed out that CO2 residency time has never been established etc but it fell on deaf ears. Next time I will use your overview - it is much more succint.

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Very well stated. Thank you.

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May 27Liked by Ashmedai

Thought provoking. I had never heard volcanoes mentioned. Or considered the point of the data not changing but the doom and gloom positions always “evolve”. Ice age, ozone, acid rain etc.

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Most active volcanoes are under the ocean, where they don't get noticed, but they help keep the planet warm and in the temperate zone. It turns out CO2 greens the planet, and that greening actually lowers climate temperature, provides habitat and food for animals and people. It is only .04% of the earth's atmosphere. The claim that CO2 is a greenhouse gas is equally fraudulent.

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The hyper focus on the .04% of the environment is quite telling

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May 27Liked by Ashmedai

Excellent, thanks!

Slightly tangentially, and riffing on the “any sense of the scale of the Earth” remark, I will say that that lack of awareness of scale is multi-layered. People overestimate the significance of man on Earth, and they likewise (vastly) overestimate the significance of Earth relative to the cosmos.

The course of reality will not be altered by what we wish, or pretend, to be true.

Humility is the only rational attitude.

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Excellent! Thank you for this clear-cut rebuttal to the parasitic scam.

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Re the climate change fraud: Bravo! I am with you 200%. And while we are at it, add the "theory" of evolution as another such issue. It's all fraud. My husband, a genius in computers, said that there is no way you can make any kind of computer model of climate that has any meaning whatsoever. The "theory" of evolution is the foundation of all the communism, tyranny, racism, antisemitism, mass murder, etc. that has occurred in the past 2 centuries. And bravo on the comments about gender issues, mutilation of children, and lack of obedience to the Commandments.

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May 27Liked by Ashmedai

Excellent. Substack “Unbekoming” Bilderberg is history of how this started and by whom. Evil.

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"most scientists are not corruptly manipulating scientific field work or analysis, but rather are themselves victims of the fraud." ... is a belief, only. It is a non-measurable assertion in any case. It speaks to what? Your desires? Your instincts? Your roll-up of personal observations?

We, royalty we, don't know. Do you know? Another series of thoughtfulnesses derives out of why are you burdening the reader with this belief construct? Is it some kind of gang sign?

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Leftists don't GAS about climate or environment or anything but power.

$50 million under "climate justice alliance" in FJB's inflation reduction act spent on hamas destroying Israel. Listen as Senator Shelley Capito, Republican of West Virginia explains ~


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