Last time I adapted my survey free-form comments as a substack article it became the most popular article on my substack, so here’s the latest iteration (last one was probably better).
Background: I participated in a survey of my community (Orthodox Jews) about climate change. The questions were gauging (1) what your views of the climate change science are, and (2) how that fits into your religious/theological worldview.
(*Note: This is lightly edited for clarity and form)
While the meta-narrative of climate change is definitely a scientific fraud, most scientists are not corruptly manipulating scientific field work or analysis, but rather are themselves victims of the fraud.
There are a lot of incentives, pressures, influence, from a variety of sources that all play a role in distorting science, some of it fraud, but a lot of it is simply the systemic inbuilt biases.
For instance, because of the imbalance in funding and social acceptance within the research community, there is a lot of work being done to elucidate and discover new warming mechanisms in nature that have to do with the concentration of carbon in the atmosphere, but not to discover cooling mechanisms or nature’s self-contained feedback loops that can modulate excesses. This leads to models being programmed with lots of warming inputs but a dearth of cooling inputs (and the models always, mysteriously, somehow overshoot the temperature even in the near term).
Regarding the fraud, instead of a whole disquisition, simply consider that the same data that in the 1970's was showing a cooling trend that led to a "scientific consensus" that we're heading for an ice age somehow now shows there was really a warming trend the whole time. This should be sufficient to demonstrate that the data is not remotely “objective”, but rather at minimum is dependent to a very significant extent upon human calculations and input on top of the raw recorded data, so much so that decades of a trend in one direction can be retrospectively flipped to show the exact opposite trend. And because the incentives are very much aligned to produce warming trends, we cannot trust that the adjustments are being made based on any objective formula or in good faith.
Climate change doesn’t qualify as a scientific discipline in any event – science is a process of observations, hypotheses, and reproducible experimentation to verify or refute theories. Climate change has none of that – they cannot predict anything specific, and as stated already every model ever released failed to accurately predict even the near term temperature trends correctly. Instead, literally every single major climate model ever released overestimated the temperature to be hotter than even their warped adjusted datasets that falsely add warming into later years and lower the temperatures of earlier decades to create the “warming” trend. Consensus is not a scientific concept any more than Anthony Fauci is the living incarnation of Science.
It’s also worth pointing out that climate scientists resolutely ignore other potential sources of warming and cyclical phenomena that can affect the climate, such as undersea volcanoes or the spectacular heterogeneity of the Sun’s surface.
It is tremendous hubris – something that is rather typical of modern day scientists in contrast to their predecessors from prior centuries or even the first half of the 20th century - that we can exert such control over the climate at all. The amount of carbon emitted throughout all of human history pales in comparison to one big volcano eruption. People don’t have any sense of the scale of the Earth, and how insignificant humans and our actions are by comparison.
As far as the political interference with climate science is concerned, to pretend that there is no political movement nowadays that is at least trying to capitalize on crises in order to arrogate more power to centralized government control is to deceive yourself or be a remarkably stubborn ostrich. This is hardly a “conspiracy theory”. Public officials such as the UN Climate Czar have openly expressed that communism is a superior system of governance necessary in order to combat climate change.
Furthermore, institutional science is now openly a corrupt cult of insanity - the fact that "science" holds that there are limitless genders; homosexuality is normal/healthy; chemically, emotionally and surgically mutilate confused children; and so on is incontrovertible evidence to any religious adherent in the Judeo-Christian tradition who is rational & follows the Bible that Institutional Science is clearly beholden to other considerations besides objective scientific inquiry about objectively observable phenomena in the physical universe, to which objective science is of secondary importance or not a consideration altogether.
There are also far more scientists than people are aware who dispute the fundamental premises of anthropogenic climate change, including Nobel laureates. But they are mostly afraid to speak out publicly because of the climate of fear, reprisals and cancellation they know will ensue should they openly buck the orthodoxy. This in itself also debunks the ‘scientific’ character of assertions made by people in the name of science that comprises the climate change narrative – where dissent is stifled and dissidents are quashed, by definition the open and honest debate which is the lifeblood of objective scientific inquiry is not taking place. Censorship is irreconcilable with the scientific method.
Lastly, there is no religious commandment or theme of safeguarding the planet from planetary doom. As a religious matter, the [Oral tradition of the Old Testament] actually states that the state of the physical world is dependent upon the moral virtue of humanity. The Sages of the Talmud relate that in the Generation of the Flood, the animals themselves were corrupted because of the sins of that generation (you can use your imagination as to how that was manifest). So if someone wants to worry about the state of the planet, then start with making sure that you are living properly according to the Bible and G-D’s actual Commandments, which is hard enough.
The damage from this ruse is twofold- financial repercussions but also psychological ones. From the time I was in 5th grade or so (1976 or so), the prevailing cultural belief had already been adopted; that I should, if I were a 'good' human, use as few resources as possible. Long before they told us we would kill grandma without a mask, they were telling us we would kill the world if we continue to make money, be prosperous, have kids. This has been a long campaign to kill productivity in all ways.
Well reasoned and expressed; will forward to friends and students who may be receptive to it. Thanks for sharing with us.