"When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breath clean air and drink clean water." – Kamala Harris, July 14, 2023
Whoever entered these codes was following the orders of a supervisor/manager. Both parties are guilty of being corrupt and dishonest. Being corrupt and dishonest consistently will lead to promotions within their business.
"When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breath clean air and drink clean water." – Kamala Harris, July 14, 2023
Whom the Gods must destroy, they first make crazy!
Whoever entered these codes was following the orders of a supervisor/manager. Both parties are guilty of being corrupt and dishonest. Being corrupt and dishonest consistently will lead to promotions within their business.
...and we are supposed to believe the coroners are intelligent beings.
I would laugh at this total none sense. well I do, but it's one of a myriad of conflicying emotions as I read on.
Thanks for the compilation Ashmedai. Truly astonishing.
I, agree
The insertion of "Covid" in the document gets them the money, doesn't it?: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ylu755nRLpkq/
Sooo much money, so much perverse incentive... almost as if to achieve an objective... hmmm...
We should revise this list with the *names* of the specific health facilities... I'm sure that there are many more of these out there...
"Died of an MI in the setting of neighbor reporting positive screening PCR test 2 houses away."
These people have no shame, scruples or morals... or brains.
They have no shame, they are cowards, they are despicable these government liars! Well done for so assiduously exposing their shameful deeds
That last actually could have been covid as the UCoD. Could have done me in, though no "pneumonia"! Coronavirus is bronchitis virus!