You are doing such great work. πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ’ͺ🏽

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Very intriguing data...it does appear that 2021-2023 cancer numbers were definitely off the trendlines, even when a few types were trending up.

In my personal network I can attest to numerous cases of brain, neoplastic, lung and multisite cancers that reemerged or struck quickly, in addition to non-oncological illnesses such as strokes, ALS, POTS & peri/myocarditis. I think the case can be made that both C19 infection and the shots have been responsible for these 1-3-sigma increases, with a heavy emphasis on the shots given the surge in these illnesses (in addition to many others) in 2021-2023.

Great reporting! Thank you...

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β€œIntriguing”???!!!!! According to Ed Dowd this is a 60 sigma event and you say β€œintriguing”. Come back when you’re ready

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Exactly as big pharma dictates. Thus they can go forward with dozens of new cancer drugs that will be extremely expensive. And dozens more after that to replace the useless drugs that will be even more useless. The health companies will gladly pay for them since they are also part of the drugs-for-profit racket.

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Vexines and or 5G, these 2 causes probably work synergistically

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Saying the quiet part out loud.

100% correct that 5G weakens and can kill cells. I need to dig in deeper to understand what additional havoc EMF creates at a cellular level, beside maiming and destroying.

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Absolutely, it’s everywhere. In the air, water, food, medication. Sprayed, injected, beamed …

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is it possible that a significant percentage of these cancers were initially triggered by radionucleides from fukushima, and then turbocharged when the covid shot destroyed those patients' immune systems? 3/11 was twelve years ago, we're now at the point where those cancers would be starting to reach critical mass

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I thought this data here is all MN and the nuclear plant was in Japan?

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yes this is MN data. from the evidence i've seen, the midwest was largely spared, aside from the initial iodine-131 cloud. but lethal radioactive material from the explosion was found in california produce as late as 2016.

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Yikes. Hadn't heard/ read that. Thank you

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What is also concerning is the stair step increase in almost all of these cancers between 2015 - 2019. Something was already happening and it has been accelerated by the pandemic & vax "measures".

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You can add spike to BRD4 interactions to the nightmare list.

Megathread #32: SARS-CoV-2, spike protein, BRD4 and associated pathologies

or "If you don't like this cancer pathway I have others"


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Deagel Corporation, seems like it's all on track for Deagel Corp's since deleted 2020 posting. 77% pop reduction for UK and 68% for USA....to name two.

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The Mother of all Coincidences – Gratefully!

Discrete Care for Medical Coincidences:

Finally there is a hospital treating the plague of new unexplained diseases, without making any waves! (2 minutes)


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"When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breath clean air and drink clean water." – Kamala Harris, July 14, 2023


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