List of 42 Cancers in Minnesota that seem to have excess deaths in 2021-2023, visualized with simple charts
There's plenty to go around
One of the more controversial issues in “public health” right now is the ‘debate’ over whether there is a significant spike in cancer incidence and death.
Below is a series of charts showing the number of cancer deaths in the state of Minnesota for a variety of cancers where there seems to be excess deaths of these cancers compared to what we would expect to have seen if there was no pandemic, pandemic policies, or covid vaccines.
In the interest of intellectual honesty, it is necessary to stipulate that not all superficial trends necessarily portray a real underlying phenomenon. Statistics is fraught with all sorts of uncertainty, confounding factors, and weird technical concepts.
That being said, I am fairly certain that the cancer trends depicted below are actually understating the scope and prevalence of what is probably a far greater rise in cancer incidence. A lot of people who would’ve become cancer victims in 2021-23 were killed off before they could be killed by cancer. The excess mortality, especially in 2020, overwhelmingly hit the old and moribundly comorbid demographics - the same sort who also account for the overwhelming majority of cancer deaths. Therefore, the true expected number of cancer deaths should be markedly lower than what the pre-pandemic trendline would extrapolate to.
Another thing I suspect is that some if not most of the 2020 excess cancer deaths (where applicable) are patients who were killed by covid or pandemic policies (you can decide which you think is more likely….). In other words, they were killed off *before* the cancer ripened enough to kill the patient. This is a subject for its own article though.
Obviously, there are plenty of other factors to sort out in order to gain a more accurate and anchored understanding of the cancer mortality burden in the US, including some that would minimize the scope or degree of potential cancer excess.
However, it should be axiomatic that if cancer deaths are up - even if it’s possible that it’s only a mirage or superficially misleading - there is an urgent imperative for a thorough investigation to *honestly* get to the bottom of what this data is capturing.
Yet, the silence is deafening.
Charts primer:
There are two basic charts I am using for the most part:
Shows the first 5 months for each year (because we only have 2023 (purple bar in charts) through about May).
Shows the entire year, but leaves 2023 off.
If there isn’t an obvious trend in 2023, I didn’t include chart #1. When both charts are presented, #1 is on top. Sometimes, I show the data for only men or only women as well if there is a trend in one sex that’s not present or as easily discernable in the other - the chart titles describe what the chart is showing.
Lastly, I only included cancers where the potential excess was obvious to spot, so there may well be a bunch more whose excess is harder to spot.
List of 42 Cancers that are elevated in MN:
ICD Code C77: Cancer of Lymph Nodes
ICD Code C83: T-Cell Lymphomas
ICD Code C91-C95: Leukemias
ICD Code C91: Lymphoid Leukemia
ICD Code C92: Myeloid Leukemia
ICD Code C97: “Turbo Cancers” [multiple primary site cancers]
ICD Code C20: Rectal Cancer
ICD Code C21: Malignant neoplasm of anus and anal canal
ICD Code C259: Pancreatic Cancer
ICD Code C06: Mouth Cancers without a specific category or unspecified
ICD Code C09: Tonsil Cancer
ICD Code C321: Cancer of the supraglottis
ICD Code C340: Lung Cancer - main bronchus
ICD Code C342: Lung Cancer - middle lobe/bronchus/lung
ICD Code 343: Lung Cancer - lower lobe/bronchus/lung
ICD Code C41: Bone Cancer, site unidentified
ICD Code C49: Cancers of connective or soft tissue not elsewhere categorized
ICD Code C51: Vulval Cancer
ICD Code C53: Cervical Cancer
ICD Code C54: Uterine Cancer
ICD Code C570: Cancer of Fallopian Tubes
ICD Code C577: Cancers of Female Genitalia not elsewhere classified
ICD Code C64: Kidney Cancers
ICD Code C67: Bladder Cancer
ICD Code C68: Cancer of other or unspecified urinary organs
ICD Code C71: Brain Cancers
ICD Code C780: Secondary Lung Cancers
ICD Code C780: Secondary Lung Cancers
ICD Code C781: Secondary Cancer of Mediastinum
ICD Code C786: Secondary cancer of retroperitoneum and peritoneum
ICD Code C787: Secondary cancer of Liver
ICD Code C793: Secondary Brain Cancers
ICD Code C794: Secondary Cancers of other and unspecified parts of the nervous system
ICD Code C795: Secondary Cancer of Bone & Bone Marrow
ICD Code C796: Secondary Ovarian Cancer
ICD Code C797: Secondary Cancer of Adrenal Gland
ICD Code C8: Cancer, site unspecified
ICD Code C81-C96: See title on chart
ICD Code C82-C85: Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas
ICD Code C82: Follicular NHL:
ICD Code C880: “Roundup Cancer”
ICD Code C90: Multiple myeloma & plasma cell cancers
(#1) ICD Code C77: Cancer of Lymph Nodes
I don’t believe that it is plausible for the true incidence of C77 cancers to go from *9* in 2015 to 82 in 2019.
Rather, this seems to reflect an administrative phenomenon - either better awareness by ME’s to document these conditions, or the CDC changed how it codes certain cancers, or some combination of both.
Whatever the real baseline is, surely the 137 in 2023 through May and the 295 total in 2022 after three consecutive years of unchanged totals are deeply concerning - at minimum.
If we look at only the women, 2023 is clearly exceeding even the steady staircase trend seen in the bottom chart. And even the female 2022 total seems above the ‘staircase’:
This is just the men (don’t worry, we’re not going to slog through gender breakdowns for all 41 cancers). Interestingly, the number of C77 deaths declined in both 2020 & 2021, before roaring back with a mighty vengeance in 2022:
(#2) ICD Code C83: T-Cell Lymphomas
This one doesn’t need much explanation. (Going forward, the cancers like this one where the excess in 2021+ is self-evident will be presented without comment.)
ICD Code C91-C95: Leukemias
The overall trend is a bit noisy here, but it comes through:
Taking just the men makes the excess a bit clearer to spot:
ICD Code C91: Lymphoid Leukemia
ICD Code C92: Myeloid Leukemia
ICD Code C97: “Turbo Cancers”
These cancers - cancers “of independent primary multiple sites” - seem to fit with the moniker of ‘turbo cancer’.
ICD Code C20: Rectal Cancer
There was no obvious trend besides for 2023 - where it is noticeably up:
ICD Code C21: Malignant neoplasm of anus and anal canal
2023 has already eclipsed the total for 3/5 pre-pandemic years…. in less than half a year (!!)
ICD Code C259: Pancreatic Cancer
ICD Code C06: Mouth Cancers without a specific category or unspecified
Another 2023 beauty:
ICD Code C09: Tonsil Cancer
ICD Code C321: Cancer of the supraglottis
ICD Code C340: Lung Cancer - main bronchus
ICD Code C342: Lung Cancer - middle lobe/bronchus/lung
ICD Code 343: Lung Cancer - lower lobe/bronchus/lung
ICD Code C41: Bone Cancer, site unidentified
ICD Code C49: Cancers of connective or soft tissue not elsewhere categorized
ICD Code C51: Vulval Cancer
ICD Code C53: Cervical Cancer
ICD Code C54: Uterine Cancer
ICD Code C570: Cancer of Fallopian Tubes
ICD Code C577: Cancers of Female Genitalia not elsewhere classified
ICD Code C64: Kidney Cancers
ICD Code C67: Bladder Cancer
ICD Code C68: Cancer of other or unspecified urinary organs
ICD Code C71: Brain Cancers
ICD Code C780: Secondary Lung Cancers
ICD Code C781: Secondary Cancer of Mediastinum
ICD Code C786: Secondary cancer of certain unpronounceable organs
ICD Code C787: Secondary cancer of Liver
Just the men:
Just the ladies (much clearer above-trendline than the men)
ICD Code C793: Secondary Brain Cancers
Beware of recklessly running with trends like this one, where there is a ‘staircase’ year to year - it can be tough to extrapolate true excess from this alone.
ICD Code C794: Secondary Cancers of other and unspecified parts of the nervous system
ICD Code C795: Secondary Cancer of Bone & Bone Marrow
ICD Code C796: Secondary Ovarian Cancer
ICD Code C797: Secondary Cancer of Adrenal Gland
2023 so far is on pace to blow away all prior years - the gulf between % of deaths is much bigger than the raw totals might suggest:
ICD Code C8: Cancer, site unspecified
ICD Code C81-C96: See title on chart, too long for a text title inside article
ICD Code C82-C85: Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas
ICD Code C82: Follicular NHL
Men really shine on this one:
You are doing such great work. 👍🏽💪🏽
Very intriguing does appear that 2021-2023 cancer numbers were definitely off the trendlines, even when a few types were trending up.
In my personal network I can attest to numerous cases of brain, neoplastic, lung and multisite cancers that reemerged or struck quickly, in addition to non-oncological illnesses such as strokes, ALS, POTS & peri/myocarditis. I think the case can be made that both C19 infection and the shots have been responsible for these 1-3-sigma increases, with a heavy emphasis on the shots given the surge in these illnesses (in addition to many others) in 2021-2023.
Great reporting! Thank you...