Why not? They have been doing this under the radar for decades. Since there are no penalties for big pharma, the FDA and CDC or AMA murdering people with drugs, vaccines and now mRNA gene therapy injections, it's full speed ahead.

So many people demand drugs, are hooked on their pills and trust big pharma and their doctors without question...the stage is set for ramming new drugs onto the market without trials (which are mostly fake anyway) and charging astronomical prices which the stupid government and health care operations gladly pay.

The 30% who take no drugs are on their own. Should any of those taking drugs, vaccines and mRNA injections be murdered, rest in peace knowing the culprits will never be found or charged with anything.

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No jabs, no covid. I use older drugs if needed. Expensive Xifaxan is a SIBO antibiotic, $1,350-$1,250 for 2 weeks. The number one most expensive drug, as of 2021, was Zolgensma or onasemnogene abeparvovec, a drug for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), with a list price of around 2.13 million U.S. It is an orphan drug. No one can afford it.

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The oldest most effective drug I use at 86 is a good gulp out of my German Schnapps bottle .The yrusses don't stand a chance Sorry must go get another one . Oh there was a bang ,did you hear it ? It was me falling down again ..

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those of us not into pHarmaCo drugs will be fine unless that dick Durbin and his kind manage to regulate away our access to non pHarma supplements, or worse, reclassify more of them than they already have as narcotics or toxic substances.

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All OTC REFLUX DRUGS, ALLERGY, INHALERS, have unreadable labels and once were Script drugs. If you don't know what they do, or control you could be in trouble. Not a word if they contain steroids or cortisones. Which Diabetics and Glaucoma patients aren't allowed. Your doctor may fail to tell you about, and if you see several, bad things can happen.

My Gastro informed me the OTC brand of NEXIUM only contained 10 mg of the main drug, label states 20 mg, false advertisement. I was on 40 mg Script, till Tricare cut it. He failed to read my reaction list, or thought I wouldn't know what the generic Protonic is for...Prilosec, was he trying to fool me? It's is on my reaction list, he probably didn't read. As I have Barrett's Esophagus a pre-cancer, I have to have the right amount.

I'm a label reader out of necessity. Foods that contain 'Additives' that are natural, thus don't have to be named, a natural product is Carrageen is a seaweed, it is as bad as OA drugs, or all those pain meds that are GI tract destroyers.

Ask why babies are now on Nexium, Carrageen is a Thickener/Emulsifier it is in most formulas, dairy, pudding, jelly beans, your toothpaste, even organic food. Which the true Organic eaters have filed lawsuits. It is listed as Additive. Allowed to by the FDA. EVERY DRUG THEY APPROVED AT ONE TIME HAS BEEN RECALLED. METFORMIN needs to join the list. Ask Robert Yoho, or read his book Butchered by Healthcare, government and pharma. Best $5 spent on a Kindle book. It will set the Stage for RFK JR FAUCI, just ignore his inbred Democract bias, both parties take Pharma's bribes.

Same could be said of supplements. CDC issued a warning on GUMMY BEAR Melatonin, as more people are using it. This is a decade old issue, Daycare, Pre-K, Kindergarten teachers were giving it to Your kids. 2 infants died, 3 months and 12 months, thousands were sent to the ER, or hospitalized. Those caught, the legal system dealt with. It is the availability of Adult Gummy Bear supplements OTC. more are on the shelves than the pill form now.

I don't advocate removing them, just use Child proof caps small kids can't open, many are dangerous to small children in Adult doses. What we know as Bone supplements, Calcium and Magnesium, are also heart regulators. A unknown Type 1 Diabetic small child eating to many C 500 mg could be sent into Hyperglycemia, which is very serious, or deadly. Not all recall the Tylenol Poisonings case that forced the Childproof caps in the first place. Laundry, dishwasher soap attracted small kids to eat them. They are just now putting childproof capes on them. The quality varies, some won't reseal as childproof. Tide, or the higher end ones, look more promising. Since I don't buy them, they are an expensive gimmick, that is no better than regular style that cost less, has more loads.

I take 40 mg Lutein for Dry Eye Syndrome on the Cornea doctor's advice, since Kroger's bought out Vitacost, it is harder to find, Amazon kept taking me back to those ARERDS, 10 mg Lutein, 500 mg C, 180 E, 9 Zinc, Omega 3 from Fish, no type given. 1) I'm allergic to seafood, you didn't state the source for fish, most are seafood. 2) 10 mg? 3) I'm Diabetic, C runs your BS up, it is why most Citrus fruits are limited. It is not safe for me to take. I have to read labels, as even food impacts my health.

With the right supplements which both Earl Mendel and Linus Pauling had great advice, you can improve your health. You just have to be versed in what they do, and be patient. Same goes for prescription drugs, don't rely on your doctor, look up everyone you are prescribed, before you take them. OP drugs destroy your jaw bone, or can kill. As a Senior, I want to take care of my health, but not with some costly, side effect riddled, never should have been approve drug.

Nor do I want my G. Grands, to suffer what my Granddaughter did with the Useless Gardasil shot that doesn't work to prevent cervical cancer, but has horrid side effects. She nearly died, was left with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia, both life long painful conditions. She was an active Ribbon Gymnast, multiple sports, now not very active. Wasn't even sexually active, her mom kept her to busy in sports and Christian activities. Ask the poor kids Gates crippled with it, or killed in India. Or the Polio shots that were HIV laced in Africa. Same as the Covid shots were.

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Can you rewrite this in a more organized structure/grammar, I would like to add it into the article as a footnote


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Did that help? I'm a beginner writer, Robert Yoho encouraged me to as I've the life experience, and a head full of facts, younger people forgot or never think about or learn about. Life is not stationary, you have to keep learning. I learned that the Very hard way. I was content to be a wife and mother until fate intervened, in a Bad way. I was forced to learn, and grow. I've still not fully mastered Grammarly, but working on it. Links I've not mastered, But I just copy and paste them with the title. Meet me. https://gailhonadle.substack.com/p/coming-soon?s=w

I don't have a name for this link, you might find it interesting https://www.nutritruth.org/single-post/the-human-genome-has-been-poisoned-1-25-billion-women-are-carriers-of-a-genetic-mutation-from-the-m

Monkeypox vaccine https://headlineusa.com/biden-regime-launches-national-monkeypox-vaccination-program/?utm_source=HUSAemail&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=HUSAemail as this is just over 200 cases, all in a 'specific' group there is no need for a panic, just stop the behavior.

Biden’s Transgender Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine: Sex Reassignment Surgery For KIDS is “Lifesaving, Medically Necessary” (VIDEO)


The ramifications are avoided.

I'd worry more about Shingles. Like RFK Jr I've become an anti-vaxer. Simply because I react to Flu and Pneumonia shots. Which seems to go with Autoimmune diseases. I think there are more than the 100 recognized ones.

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Lets not get sidetracked ,we better just stick to the yrusses .

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One benefit from the planDemic, this is all out in the open for those who want to see it.

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I do appreciate how the "State of Emergency" related problems, like failures of regulatory agency capture and corruption,medical-industrial establishment power, and vaccine ineffectiveness/harms, have brought to light the past issues with those items to more of the general public who used to pooh-pooh them before they became so glaringly obvious over the last couple years.

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aside from being too lazy to read the whole fiasco of the FDA document, I did notice in the table of acronym definitions "FAERS."

so is that another pharmacovigilance safety signal reporting system that will be ignored just like VAERS?

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Eeeek! I haven't been on a pharmaceutical drug except right after a surgery or something like that. I don't think I'll ever take one again.

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