I read your article like it was a detective story. A great one!!!! Thanks for bringing all these facts together!

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Thanks so much :)

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Connecting both of your observations (see my longer comment posted above)

doi: 10.4172/2155-9899.1000346 "The present study indicated that SEB selectively targeted memory CD4 T cells in vivo and prevented helper function. Consequently, recall humoral immunity was lost."

doi: 10.3390/pathogens7020053 "We suggest that superantigens can act as targeted modulators that drive the immune response away from an effective response"

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Before I read to BONUS ENHANCEMENT # 5, I was thinking " Cancers are going to explode".

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Infecting T-cells is not why HIV causes AIDS. Many viruses attack the immune system, such as Measles which is overall deadlier than HIV.

HIV's rapid mutation rate simultaneously is what allows it to slip away from the immune system and is also why it doesn't kill in matter of days because it has such low replication viability due to the high mutation rate. But the properties are intrinsically linked; can't have one without the other (or God help us all).

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I didn't mean to reduce the pathology of HIV to this one characteristic, but it is hard to strike a balance between technical precision and being layperson-friendly(ish), which necessarily means oversimplifying things at times ;)

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"We recently discovered a superantigen-like motif sequentially and structurally similar to a staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) segment, near the S1/S2 cleavage site of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein"

Janik and Lee (2015, doi: 10.4172/2155-9899.1000346): "Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B (SEB) Induces Memory CD4 T Cell Anergy in vivo and Impairs Recall Immunity to Unrelated Antigens."

"A bacterial superantigen SEB exploits unique TCR proximal signaling processes in memory CD4 T cells to induce clonal anergy. ... Conclusion: The present study indicated that SEB selectively targeted memory CD4 T cells in vivo and prevented helper function. Consequently, recall humoral immunity was lost. The data are most consistent with in vivo T cell anergy as opposed to indirect suppression.... These data suggest that bacterial superantigens can impair post-vaccination memory cell responses to unrelated antigens via their ability to target Vb families and antagonize memory cell activation."

Tuffs, Haeryfar, McCormick. (Review, 2018, doi: 10.3390/pathogens7020053): "Manipulation of Innate and Adaptive Immunity by Staphylococcal Superantigens. Pathogens."

"Herein, we outline the major diseases associated with the staphylococcal superantigens and how a dysregulated immune system may contribute to pathology. We then highlight recent research that considers the importance of superantigens in the pathogenesis of S. aureus infections, demonstrating that superantigens are more than simply an immunological diversion. We suggest that superantigens can act as targeted modulators that drive the immune response away from an effective response, and thus aid in S. aureus persistence."

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Found you in the comments of Jessica's thread and kudos for the incredible detective work. You should be talking with the DRASTIC folks if you aren't already. July 4th chat with JJ Couey and Charles Rixey is all about this same gene hunting and fascinating discussion icymi :~)


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Thanks :)

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Always my pleasure, knowledge is power that multiples when we pass it on. Lucky us!! :~)

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Thanks for shedding more light on the Gain-of-Fauci phenomenon!

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You're Welcome :)

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Thank you very much ashmedai.

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You're Welcome :)

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I think the big question for humanity is now that the vast majority have either had Covid, sometimes more than once, or the injectable version, also likely more than once, how do we clean up the mess left behind?

Is Ivermectin the panacea it appears to be, and how best to utilize it?

Are there other superior ways to tackle this thing, depending on your own heath issues or age, etc., and how you contracted the chimera of Fouci & Friends? Vax or virus....

Honestly lynching these people is way too good for them.

I pray more humans get that we are all under attack, the battles are raging worldwide, and to win we must attract many more warriors of truth!

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FLCCC last week zoom was all about how autophagy gets rid of spike protein & how to stimulate autophagy.

Ivermectin works for many ppl per docs who use it (mechanistically makes sense too, it binds spike proteins, anti-inflammatory, etc.)

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