Epic resource for understanding the major issues relevant to you: Daniel Horowitz articles of 2023
There are sparingly few individuals in the public domain who produce high quality material that is both unique and also on the mark and easy to understand. Horowitz is one of them. He correctly diagnosed every significant aspect of the pandemic from Day 1 (literally) of the pandemic as a political phenomenon. I have previously published lists of his articles from 2020/21 and 2022:
He also has a podcast that is well worth subscribing to:
I organized his 2023 articles into the following categories:
Evil Government - articles detailing various types of evils and harmful policies inflicted by government actors or agencies
Evil Republicans - the purpose of this category is to highlight the fact that the Republican party, contrary to public perception by most, is an accomplice and party to all of the societal upheaval, transformation, and destruction wrought by the political Left. (SCOTUS debauchery is included here on account of its allegedly “conservative” character.)
Policy Ideas / How to Win - the purpose of this category is to showcase the many actionable ideas and policy prescriptions that are often simple to implement if only there was awareness and political will to do so - people who are aware of the problems
Covid Carnage - mostly relating to the covid vaccines
Victories - the rare instances where we had a tangible victory on something. It is important to highlight victories in order to demonstrate we can win; show *how* we can win; inspire people to action; and have a reference to compare unsuccessful (or downright traitorous) people or institutions to.
The first three categories are subdivided into more specific categories (e.g. covid/medical, economy, climate)
Evil Government
I. Covid / Medical
Local WV hospital suggests unjabbed workers don yellow stars on badges to identify need for mask
DOD plans to embrace Operation Warped Speed as the new model — if Congress allows it
As FDA prepares to roll out RSV, flu shots, Fauci concedes they’re not ready for prime time
Death, injury, no liability, and now a part of the child vaccination schedule
Major German paper reveals Pfizer fabricated clinical trials to cover up deaths
Deja vu: FDA committee recommends Pfizer’s RSV shot despite known risks
The FDA wants to steal our safe drugs while mandating dangerous ones
Switzerland suspends COVID shot campaign while US continues to promote shots for all
CDC warns of monkeypox outbreak from ‘festivals.’ Solution? More ineffective vaccines!
FDA responds to negative efficacy of variant boosters with another variant booster
The FDA is now willingly approving dangerous, ineffective shots even after pandemic
II. Climate
Study shows electric vehicles are a scam propped up by government
The invisible hand behind the Silicon Valley Bank bailout? Green energy venture socialism
III. Economy
The immoral income inequality created by COVID fiscal and monetary policies
No, there’s no 14th Amendment power to mortgage our future with debt
Inflation trap: Debt increases over a trillion in five weeks, quickest pace ever
Deficit explodes in June as interest on debt becomes third-largest gov’t expenditure
Long economic COVID and Bidenomics: Cashless, homeless, and jobless
Record debt and inflation from the ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’
Why anyone who supported COVID fascism has no right to complain about inflation and housing crisis
Treasury set to borrow unfathomable $3.2 trillion by the end of the year
Are most of the ‘new jobs’ really second jobs to afford basic living?
IV. Foreign / Immigration
The open border reveals our backward homeland security mentality 22 years after 9/11
Forget the cartels, Biden is flying illegal aliens directly into US airports
DeSantis is right: The overwhelming majority of Gaza Arabs have toxic beliefs
We spend $1 trillion on defense and can’t keep shipping lanes safe
V. Other
Why the stone silence from feds and media on the Ohio burning of toxic vinyl chloride?
US Sentencing Commission expands jailbreak of violent criminals under Trump-era First Step Act
Ninth Circuit makes homeless encampments a fundamental right
The blackout of the Fargo terrorist attack obscures a broader concern in small-town America
A right to expose a minor but no right to be free of Pfizer?
Evil Republicans
I. Covid / Medical
Wyoming GOP speaker believes you have a right to castration but not to bodily autonomy
Chip Roy calls on House Republicans to use pandemic reauthorization bill for COVID reckoning
The vanity of Fox and the GOP: UFOs but nothing about COVID fascism
The problem with Trump’s excuse on Fauci runs much deeper than COVID
II. Climate
Republicans must stop accepting the premise of the carbon/climate fascism agenda
Landowners fight back against latest green energy scam: ‘Carbon capture’ pipelines
Why are GOP governors continuing to push the destructive green energy scam?
Red-state communism? South Dakota landowners losing property to carbon capture scam
Why is Governor Brian Kemp promoting the net-zero electric car agenda?
Why is Kristi Noem not standing with South Dakota landowners against green energy eminent domain?
Why is Kristi Noem so reluctant to pull the trigger on a special session?
Debt ceiling deal leaves us completely vulnerable to electric car hell
III. Economy
IV. GOP Treachery
The top committee chairs in a McCarthy House are the worst of globalists
20 House patriots provide the blueprint for conservatives to reassert control over failed GOP
The South Carolina RINO loyalty oath and the next big conservative fight
Republican old bulls expose themselves as frauds on limited government
While DeSantis cleans up Florida universities, Wyoming Republicans promote gender studies
Why did Speaker McCarthy keep Pelosi’s House ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ office?
House debt limit bill is worth supporting if McCarthy promises to stand behind it at all costs
The Texas Rangers have come full-circle in defense of state and national sovereignty
Both parties must stop lying about debt default. There is no default cliff.
The shocking degree of political betrayal from Kevin McCarthy
In which Team Trump brags about the worst bill he signed and attacks DeSantis for opposing it
How McCarthy debt deal will destroy our leverage for the rest of Biden’s term
Trump-appointed judge twists fundamental rights to enshrine drag shows in Tennessee
Kavanaugh & Roberts open door for Dem racial gerrymandering to win back the house
Why Byron Donalds’ comment regarding Florida’s education successes is so problematic
The problem with weak Republicans who happen to be anti-abortion
GOP-appointed judges killing us on important issues, including control of Congress itself
Tim Scott has already disqualified himself by choosing ‘grievance over greatness’
Supreme Court voids state legislative authority over redistricting
DeSantis vetoes 2 weak-on-crime bills from GOP-dominated legislature
Why is the House GOP continuing to fund bloated and woke HUD programs?
McCarthy passed budget bills with Dem support during Trump years
Policy Ideas / How to Win
I. Covid / Medical
Reconstituting the America we once loved in red states, part 1: Medical freedom
Congress must investigate Pfizer’s other dangerous boondoggle: Paxlovid
It’s time to put a nail in the coffin of the mask religion once and for all
We must stop the feds from tracking immunization status and imposing medical apartheid
Florida first lady wants to change our entire approach to cancer
Top 10 bombshell bills on medical freedom to put COVID fascism into the grave
Why the battle against mRNA mass vaccination is not over, despite the end of COVID measures
Never again? The RSV human experimentation shots continue full steam despite known concerns
Republicans MUST cut off all funding for COVID jabs in the HHS appropriations bill
Why Speaker McCarthy needs to set up a commission auditing vaccines
Now that government COVID malfeasance is exposed, what will the GOP do about it?
Congress should treat Pfizer’s RSV shot like a chemical abortion
II. Climate / Economy
Why any debt ceiling deal must include repeal of last year’s $1.2 trillion green energy bill
Why House Republicans must remove electric car subsidies and mandates from the budget
Why red-state governors must treat EV Green New Deal like Medicaid expansion: Just say no
Why House Republicans must remove electric car subsidies and mandates from the budget
As central banks accelerate twin banking, inflation crises, time to revisit role of the Fed
Why red-state governors must treat EV Green New Deal like Medicaid expansion: Just say no
III. Foreign / Immigration
We don’t need ‘border security’; we need to make illegal immigration illegal
House Republicans should force a vote on troops on the ground in Ukraine
Florida and Texas immigration bills are the only solution to the border invasion
House Republicans should not pass a defense authorization bill without these 8 policies
As Biden admin undermines Texas border security, states should fight back
If enforced, Texas’ new immigration law would be a game-changer
The border crisis is now an interior crisis. What will the GOP do?
IV. Opposing Growth of Government / Tyranny
Conservatives must stop conserving a military that no longer exists
Tennessee lawmaker introduces the single most important bill for the life of our Constitution
DeSantis’ state compact against ESG is the blueprint to fighting federal-corporate fascism
Sovereignty! Tennessee legislature proposes giving back all federal education funds
Talk or action? 7 actions Trump supporters should promote to stop politically targeted prosecutions
Taxation without representation: GOP must stop Biden’s global tax cartel
Rep. Clyde lays down gauntlet on defunding Trump prosecutions in DOJ funding bill
V. Other
Learning all the wrong lessons from Memphis and Tyre Nichols
Here’s the must-have legislative fix for biased blue-city prosecutors and juries
Minnesota as a left-wing Mecca, Disney subversion, and why red states aren’t red
McCarthy must completely reset the debt deal and fight for better appropriations bills
Now is the time to counter the Rainbow Jihad’s assault on marriage
The once-in-a-generation chance to shift policy rightward is being squandered
Ron DeSantis succeeds on education where other Republicans failed for decades
DeSantis has instilled fear in leftist culture warriors by enforcement, not just talk
DeSantis challenges the premise of the college accreditation cartel
DeSantis becomes first governor to reject major Green New Deal subsidies
Thank you for the compilation. Horowitz is frequently very, very good, especially on the economy.
Just my two cents on the first side note, but I think the case is the exact reverse: People chomped like bass on the invisible, pretend virus in defiance of every bit of solid, rational, real evidence--and there was a lot of evidence to be found by February, 2020. Wikipedia's "common cold" entry, to name just one easily-findable source, lists coronaviruses as causing common cold symptoms (and it lists RSV as causing the common cold, too, so there's no need to panic about that, either). The fact that no one ever, to this day, has listed a single alleged symptom of "covid" that isn't shared with the common cold--and that it therefore *is* a common cold--is another real-world fact that people refused to acknowledge. The list goes on, whether the topic is slave muzzles or mRNA technology.
The problem is not too much confidence in the strictly observable physical universe--i.e,. in reality. It's the absolute refusal to acknowledge it at all. And where does that come from? What turns people into intellectual and moral cowards, fighting each other to be the first to exclaim that the emperor's new clothes are fabulous? A near-total absence of introspection and respect for rational ideas. Bad philosophy or no philosophy, which leads to a near-total lack of moral confidence, and which in turn leads to a willingness to be led by anyone whose braying can act as a stand-in for their own judgement. It doesn't matter whether the virus in question is 100% fatal and the fixes 100% effective. It doesn't matter whether one has a medical degree or a job wiping down the men's room at Pizza Hut. What matters is knowing this: Every human being is an end in himself, and no human being is the means to the ends of others. If that were our guiding cultural light, the scary virus psyop would never have gotten off the ground.
Thank you for this excellent work. I am a fan of Daniel Horowitz.