Daniel Horowitz Articles From the Beginning of Covid
One of the best resources for all things pandemic related (and unrelated)
If there is a one-stop-shop that covers all aspects of covid together with the links to all of the supporting documentation, it is Daniel Horowitz’s Blaze page that has his articles.
Since the Blaze website’s architecture is an unqualified disaster, I am reproducing a list of all of the articles he wrote since the beginning of covid, so that others can benefit from this amazing compilation of erudite scholarship and critical thinking.
The organization is a loose scheme tat was trying to avoid having too many categories.
Daniel Horowitz 2020
Covid Stats/Data
Horowitz: Man who spooked the world with coronavirus model walks back his prediction - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Dr. Birx: 'We’ve taken a very liberal approach to mortality' - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Antibody tests are proving that continuing lockdown is senseless - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Colorado coroner accuses state of classifying gun deaths as COVID deaths - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Comprehensive analysis of 50 states shows greater spread with mask mandates - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Florida leads nation in pushing accuracy and transparency of COVID-19 testing - TheBlaze
Horowitz: A severely symptomatic lie about asymptomatic spread - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Damaging a generation of schoolchildren for a lie - TheBlaze
Horowitz: A lost generation of children — thanks to adults acting like children - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Three ways the COVID hospital data is being inflated - TheBlaze
Horowitz: New data show hospital levels not much worse than flu season - TheBlaze
Horowitz: COVID-19 is officially becoming this year’s flu - TheBlaze
Horowitz: More evidence coronavirus is instead of, not in addition to, the flu - TheBlaze
Horowitz: NYT is ‘surprised’ by obvious lack of viral spread in schools that opened - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Can there really be a harsh flu season along with coronavirus? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Argentina is world's worst COVID-19 hot spot despite 200-day lockdown - TheBlaze
Horowitz: New information on airborne transmission demonstrates why masks are useless - TheBlaze
Horowitz: What President Wilson said when he contracted the Spanish flu in 1918 - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Washington Post admits school openings have not caused widespread outbreaks - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Tennessee data exposes the lie of coronavirus panic & masks - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The coronavirus death rate has been inflated all over the country - TheBlaze
Horowitz: De Blasio’s flat-earth ‘science’ behind shutting schools - TheBlaze
Horowitz: We have been lied to: 6 facts that change everything we know about SARS-CoV-2 - TheBlaze
Horowitz: This is the most blatant example of inflated COVID-19 death stats yet - TheBlaze
Horowitz: As Europe opens schools, nanny Fauci pushing school shutdown possibly into fall - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Ohio officials discover six coronavirus cases from January - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The CDC confirms remarkably low coronavirus death rate. Where is the media? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The median age of reported COVID-19 deaths in Florida on Wednesday was 93 - TheBlaze
Horowitz: More good news: Immunity rising, virulence waning - TheBlaze
Horowitz: New study finds very weak asymptomatic coronavirus transmission - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Data on child care and camps shows remarkably low risk among children - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Mass testing results: Endless panic and false positives - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Lost common sense: How America lived through the Asian flu of 1957 - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Sweden riding high and the triumph of the rational herd immunity approach - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Medical directors in Texas border counties: We’re treating patients from Mexico - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Chris Wallace flubs America’s virus death rate while playing gotcha with Trump - TheBlaze
Horowitz: A supernatural virus: Is coronavirus now causing motorcycle accidents? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Data shows low death rate despite widespread infection among meatpackers - TheBlaze
Horowitz: If the panicmongers were consistent, we’d close the schools every flu season - TheBlaze
Horowitz: New study shows 17 years of potential T cell immunity in SARS-infected patients - TheBlaze
Horowitz: One Texas-Mexico border county reported more deaths Tuesday than 44 states - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Texas border counties hospitalization rate is 5 times the national average - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The worst Texas coronavirus increase? On the BORDER - TheBlaze
Horowitz: More evidence that most coronavirus cases are now weaker than the flu - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Amid rioting in Minneapolis, coronavirus cases spike among younger people - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Most serious surge in virus cases? Coming across the Mexican border - TheBlaze
Horowitz: All the ways the media is misleading you about a record spike in Florida - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Mitt Romney cluelessly exaggerates coronavirus fatality rates - TheBlaze
Horowitz: 1,300 test positive in Tennessee prison: 98% asymptomatic: UPDATED - TheBlaze
Horowitz: WHEN did coronavirus begin in the US? And why it matters - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The key bad assumption in the bipartisan panic pander bill - TheBlaze
January 27: Will Trump consider suspending travel to China amid the coronavirus outbreak? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: How magical masks can achieve more than 100% efficacy - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Pro-mask study withdrawn after virus spread in counties analyzed by researchers - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Czech mega-surge of cases shows dramatic failure of mask mandates - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Swiss magazine: Mask-wearing in stores not making a difference - TheBlaze
Horowitz: E-MASK-ulation: How we have been lied to so dramatically about masks - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Cases surging in Hawaii – with the strictest mask mandate - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Philippines had the harshest lockdown and most mask wearing. It didn’t work. - TheBlaze
Horowitz: From Fort Benning to Japan and Hawaii, face masks are not working - TheBlaze
Covid Treatment
Horowitz: Shutdown, not coronavirus, is causing loss of medical personnel - TheBlaze
Horowitz: We don’t need another bailout; we need to reopen - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Liberal governors publish plan to reopen society … never - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Lockdown is killing more patients than the coronavirus - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Why is Deborah Birx pushing lockdown on behalf of this administration? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Putting our seniors in solitary confinement is costing, not saving, lives - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Analysis from J.P. Morgan shows lockdowns don’t help - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Bad medicine: The devastating and shocking effects of lockdown - TheBlaze
Horowitz: One chart exposes the lie behind universal lockdowns - TheBlaze
Horowitz: CDC: 25% of young adults seriously considered suicide during lockdown - TheBlaze
Horowitz: More than money: GDP loss from lockdowns will cost millions of life years - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Philippines had the harshest lockdown and most mask wearing. It didn’t work. - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Lockdowns and BLM anarchy are harming blacks more than anything - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Comparing Europe to the US, the evidence is clear: Lockdowns don't work - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Why do politicians ignore the futility and collateral damage of lockdowns? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Lockdowns in review: Bad for stopping virus. Good for tyranny - TheBlaze
Horowitz: This letter from Pennsylvania’s House speaker blows up the lockdown lie - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The schools should be the first thing to reopen, not the last - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Oklahoma Gov. Stitt uses coronavirus to empty the jails - TheBlaze
Horowitz: As cops arrest moms at playgrounds in Idaho, burglaries surge in New York - TheBlaze
Horowitz: More sex offenders released nationwide as peaceful Americans arrested - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Gov. DeWine threatens to veto self-defense law as crime skyrockets in Ohio - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Baltimore criminalizes restaurant owners while releasing murderers - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Murder rate surging in 2020 as COVID policies keep criminals out of jail - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Crime surging in nearly every major city in battleground states - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Minneapolis residents scared to leave their homes as city on the brink - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Florida Gov. DeSantis proposes anti-rioting legislation - TheBlaze
Horowitz: COVID-1984: The criminal is the victim and the victim is the criminal - TheBlaze
Horowitz: It’s time to invoke the Insurrection Act - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Trucker attacked by mob on I-35 was delivering fuel to black-owned business - TheBlaze
Horowitz: There is no systemic racism in policing - TheBlaze
Horowitz: New America: Cops get punished for self-defense; rioters set free - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Repeat criminal who violated his bail 3 times arrested for murder days later - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Black lives matter. Empower good cops to save them - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Plague of violence: Career criminals wreaking havoc on our country - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Man arrested for randomly punching elderly woman in NYC had 18 prior arrests - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Trump should embrace the 1994 anti-crime agenda, not repudiate it - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Justice for 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant means locking up violent criminals - TheBlaze
Horowitz: America has become one mass crime scene, and the victims are black children - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Republicans won’t even fight for self-defense - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Career criminal allegedly kills 7-year-old hours after release from jail - TheBlaze
Horowitz: America or Afghanistan? The growing danger to truckers on America’s roads - TheBlaze
Horowitz: 10 ways Trump can push law and order – and make it stick - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Where is the GOP’s sense of urgency to act on crime? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Atlanta shooting exposes the lie of BLM - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Republicans decide to take a knee and wash Pelosi’s feet - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Whose streets? Not Antifa’s. Time to take the roads back from the mob, America - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Anarchy mixed with tyranny: Jailbreaker criminal terrorizes woman in her home - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Baltimore’s coronavirus plan: Free criminals & beg killers to stop killing - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The latest leftist response to coronavirus? Open up the jails - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Man released by First Step Act rearrested for meth trafficking - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Pro-criminal organizations blocking Georgia Gov. Kemp’s anti-gang bill - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Will the Supreme Court finally confirm Nov. 3 as Election Day? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The biggest potential win for conservatives from the SCOTUS vacancy? Gun rights - TheBlaze
Horowitz: 16 questions conservatives should ask ANY Supreme Court pick - TheBlaze
Horowitz: No more stealth nominees. Use the conservative litmus test on SCOTUS candidates - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Courts finally clamp down on executive actions … that deal with illegal aliens - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Trump-appointed judge: Idaho can't block men from competing in women's sports - TheBlaze
Horowitz: SCOTUS rules Nevada churches can be restricted more than casinos - TheBlaze
Horowitz: 'Good judges'? Think again: Trump appointee blocks key Trump immigration policy - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Today’s SCOTUS opinion reveals there’s only 1 vote against Roe v. Wade - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Time for Trump and conservatives to crush judicial supremacy. Here’s how. - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Federal court puts ICE in lockdown, keeps illegal alien sex offenders free - TheBlaze
Horowitz: SCOTUS decision redefining sexuality will wreak havoc on society - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Conservatives get massacred by fake ‘conservative’ SCOTUS - TheBlaze
Horowitz: It took coronavirus and the Ohio governor to finally push back against a judge - TheBlaze
Government / Covid Tyranny
Horowitz: It’s time to end the great American COVID-19 police state - TheBlaze
Horowitz: It’s time for revolt against intolerable and indefensible tyranny - TheBlaze
Horowitz: A new declaration of independence — from coronavirus fascism and anarchy - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Where is the authority of a governor to suspend all civil rights indefinitely? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: A conservative blueprint for creating an American sanctuary through localism - TheBlaze
Horowitz: GOP to sign on to trillion-dollar COVID bill to ‘stimulate’ lockdowns - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The Constitution is immune to coronavirus power-grabs - TheBlaze
Horowitz: This fall’s biggest crime is Thanksgiving - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Republicans hold a ton of power in the states. What will they do with it? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Idaho church singer & Ohio woman arrested for not wearing masks OUTDOORS - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Science and liberty over power: Ron DeSantis delivers for the people of Florida - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Don’t count on Republicans opposing Pelosi’s panic bill. Make SURE of it - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Trump must veto bailouts for states that suspend our liberty - TheBlaze
Horowitz: New Marxist frontiers: The riots cured the incurable virus - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Politicians plan to control our lives with masks and restrictions … for the flu - TheBlaze
Horowitz: States don’t have the constitutional power to place travel bans on each other - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Where’s the endgame? The media is using viral lies to stoke violent hatred - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The media’s coronavirus con: Would you rather be Florida/Texas or NY/NJ? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: We can no longer celebrate our independence. We must fight for it again. - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Kids’ lives matter: Stop the national coronavirus child abuse - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Your governor can’t force you to stay in your state. Period - TheBlaze
Horowitz: New projection: US debt will eclipse WWII-era debt - TheBlaze
Horowitz: After all this, can we at least socially distance from China? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: State legislatures must convene to control governors' growing tyranny - TheBlaze
Horowitz: If money from the feds is free, why not give everyone $100,000? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: 15 things conservatives must demand in return for coronavirus bailout package - TheBlaze
Horowitz: GOP outsources Wuhan virus response to Pelosi. There is a better way - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Senate pushing bipartisan green energy social engineering bill - TheBlaze
Horowitz: JPMorgan Chase joins the war on America’s energy - TheBlaze
Illegal Immigration
Horowitz: Illegal alien crime wave continues as border heats up again - TheBlaze
Horowitz: More MS-13 murder and illegal alien child rape in notorious Maryland sanctuary - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Why is the Trump admin allowing judges to illegally release criminal aliens? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: With so many Americans hurting, Trump must cancel the H-1B visa lottery - TheBlaze
Horowitz: It took Chinese coronavirus to finally make illegal immigration ILLEGAL - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Sanctuary Montgomery County: Police interrupt illegal alien rape in progress - TheBlaze
Horowitz: 9 laws Republicans must pass to stop voter fraud - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The ultimate election fraud? Violating civil liberties - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Even California voters reject radical leftist ideas - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Yes, state legislatures do indeed have the final say over this election - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Trump’s amazing performance with Hispanics in Texas’ border counties - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Did Democrats suppress their own voters with COVID fearmongering? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Kamala Harris' stunning reversal on fracking ban - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Did Joe Biden disavow lockdowns during the debate? - TheBlaze
Illinois officials find 545 noncitizens registered to vote. Tip of the iceberg? - TheBlaze
Daniel Horowitz 2021
Horowitz: CDC now admits 23% of hospitalizations in June — pre-leakage — were vaccinated - TheBlaze
Horowitz: FDA prints false label implying ‘Comirnaty’ (Pfizer) vaccine PREVENTS COVID - TheBlaze
Horowitz: ‘Your body, my choice’ is the new guiding principle - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Irish county with 99.7% vaccination rate has highest COVID case rate - TheBlaze
Horowitz: How GOP governors must stop the OSHA clot-shot mandate in its tracks - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Is Europe getting crushed by variant completely immune to COVID shots? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: How to break Pfizer’s pfascist grip on our country and our bodies - TheBlaze
Horowitz: A plan for GOP governors to protect soldiers from unjust jab mandates - TheBlaze
Horowitz: North Dakota legislature essentially greenlights Biden’s immoral mandate - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Sweden obliterates the lie of ‘vaccines’ as ticket to ending pandemic - TheBlaze
Horowitz: 10 places that show the COVID shots have failed miserably - TheBlaze
Horowitz: It’s now clear that the leaky shots have made the virus worse than ever - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The problematic variant is the CURRENT Pfizer-Delta variant, not Omicron - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Pfizer vaccine injury data ordered released by judge shows shocking risk level - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The vaccines are working ... exactly as they were designed - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The vaccines are working against Omicron … - TheBlaze
Horowitz: It’s time for conservatives to treat Pfizer like Planned Parenthood - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Why did Scotland experience a spike in infant deaths? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: How states should respond to the CMS mandate on health care workers - TheBlaze
Horowitz: It’s now clear that the leaky shots have made the virus worse than ever - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The indefensible rush to experiment on children - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The coming death match against vaccine passports in the states - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Vaccine deliveries for COVID-19 being used to legitimize segregation - TheBlaze
Horowitz: No, this is not an epidemic of the unvaccinated - TheBlaze
Covid Treatments
Horowitz: The $cience of remdesivir vs. ivermectin: A tale of two drugs - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Louisiana AG Jeff Landry warns pharmacies against blocking COVID treatment - TheBlaze
Horowitz: New study shows denial of ivermectin is a crime against humanity - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Even doctors in red states are being punished for saving people from COVID - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Remdesivir is the greatest scandal of the pandemic - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Merck’s new COVID drug, Molnupiravir, is dangerous and unproven - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The despicable and indefensible approval of Merck’s dangerous COVID drug - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Now we know why the establishment has always opposed early treatment - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The treatment nihilism of our government continues unabated - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Are hospitals making thousands off this dangerous and ineffective COVID drug? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The censorship of ivermectin is the biggest story of COVID - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Here is a lifesaving COVID-19 bill every legislature should pass - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The government’s dark and senseless war on ALL early treatments - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Red-state governors must make ivermectin available over the counter - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Study shows remdesivir as primary COVID treatment is a total bust - TheBlaze
Horowitz: CDC endorsed use of ivermectin … for Afghan refugees! - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The unmistakable ivermectin miracle in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh - TheBlaze
Covid Data/Stats
Horowitz: The media misses the lesson of Africa and COVID in plain sight - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Omicron itself might turn out to be the real vaccine - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Omicron: Mother Nature’s universal booster - TheBlaze
Horowitz: 6 important COVID data points that destroy the prevailing narrative - TheBlaze
Horowitz: New study shows massive increase in childhood obesity since lockdowns - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The blueprint for ending COVID and COVID fascism in 2022 - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Schoolchildren's lives have been destroyed. Any lessons learned? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: What virus? DHS dumping COVID-positive illegal aliens into Texas cities - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Governors and legislatures must declare war on the CDC - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Retraction serves as the new academic censorship - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Why unvaccinated kids are less at risk than vaccinated adults - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Late surge of COVID in Argentina and India exposes fraud of mask mandates - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Stay-at-home orders are the worst thing you can do in a pandemic - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Masking children playing sports outdoors is anti-science child abuse - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Masks are experimental medical devices that must be optional, according to law - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The big lie behind the panic over COVID ‘variants’ exposed - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The satanic, evidence-free masking of children - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Large Wisconsin study shows almost zero virus transmission from youth sports - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Data from India continues to blow up the ‘Delta’ fear narrative - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Are children in the hospital for RSV, not COVID, BECAUSE of lockdowns? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Chasing our own tails has become the new pandemic - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Are elites planning a COVID repeat ... with smallpox?
Horowitz: Twitter suspended me for reporting a vaccinated hospitalization - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The medical field's immoral war on children - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The Delta deception: New COVID variant might be less deadly - TheBlaze
Horowitz: NYT catches CDC in gravely consequential lie about outdoor transmission - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Facebook’s ‘independent’ fact checker on vaccines is funded by … you guessed it - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The biggest COVID lie right now: No immunity from prior infection - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Fauci flip: In 2014, Fauci opposed quarantine of Ebola health care workers - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Biden invites foreign criminals, while criminalizing Americans over masks - TheBlaze
Horowitz: For the first time in our lives, free speech is about to be criminalized - TheBlaze
Treacherous Republicans &/or Covid Tyranny // Good guys fighting back
Horowitz: There will be no red states left when the courts are done with their business - TheBlaze
Horowitz: 12 things red-state legislatures must do tomorrow to reset COVID policy - TheBlaze
Horowitz: A ‘never again’ law to prevent future public health fascism - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Who needs Biden? Trump shaming governors who don’t promote boosters - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Arkansas Gov. Hutchinson calls special session to double down on failed faucism - TheBlaze
Horowitz: How Republicans can get rid of Trump for good - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Thousands of Afghans coming to a red-state community near you - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The federal government has forfeited all power over immigration enforcement - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The only solution to border invasion is for Texas to remove illegal aliens - TheBlaze
Horowitz: And the state with the most lenient gun laws is ... California! - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Why are federal authorities ignoring the black militia threat? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Texas should secure its own border. Here’s how. - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Idaho Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin bans masks in governor’s absence - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Iowa passes the mask bill that every red state needs - TheBlaze
Horowitz: SC and FL governors lead on unmasking and unshackling our children - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Replacing Liz Cheney with Elise Stefanik is the whole problem with the GOP - TheBlaze
Horowitz: No, the border crisis is not getting better - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Florida Gov. DeSantis leads as other Republican governors drag their feet - TheBlaze
Horowitz: What ever happened to the right to breathe freely? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Arkansas GOP governor stands on the hill of chemical castration for minors - TheBlaze
Horowitz: A freedom spring after the dark winter of tyranny? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: With attack on Colorado baker by transgender lobby, red states can take action - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Ohio legislature delivers smackdown to Gov. DeWine’s royal COVID powers - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The abuse of schoolchildren continues even in the reddest states - TheBlaze
Horowitz: A COVID ‘stimulus’ bill that Republicans should push? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Beware the fine print on the ending of mask mandates - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Will state legislatures keep rolling over for tyrannical governors? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Oklahoma House votes to enable legislature to block Biden’s executive orders - TheBlaze
Horowitz: West Virginia Republicans have become as fascist as San Francisco Democrats - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Missouri county authorizes arrest of feds who violate Second Amendment - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Red states must nullify Biden’s nullification of the Constitution - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Finally! State legislatures reclaiming power from dictatorial governors - TheBlaze
Horowitz: States should block caravan invaders if Biden regime refuses to do its job - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Governors have an obligation to rescind deployment of National Guard - TheBlaze
Horowitz: DNI Ratcliffe accuses CIA of covering up Chinese interference in 2020 election - TheBlaze
Horowitz: What North Dakota teaches us about our failure to drain the swamp in red states - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Constitutional sanctuary movement begins to grow - TheBlaze
Horowitz: It’s time to let Democrats tax the pants off big business - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Republicans have nobody to blame but themselves - TheBlaze
Horowitz: 7 ways conservatives can fight back at the state and local levels - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Are elites planning a COVID repeat ... with smallpox? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The crisis of violent criminals out on bail and parole is worse than you think - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Manhattan DA to downgrade armed robbery to misdemeanor amid growing crime wave - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Attack on Colleyville synagogue: The next FBI memory-holed terrorist attack - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The notorious alleged murderer of at least 18 seniors will escape death penalty - TheBlaze
Horowitz: New Justice Department report: Prison rates plummeting, lowest level since 1992 - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The parole of murderers and the silencing of victims - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Leftist cities create haven for guns … in the hands of criminals - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam's evil parole board releasing murderers - TheBlaze
Horowitz: BLM's legacy a year later: Terror on America's streets - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Two Georgia counties offer community service credits to criminals who vaccinate - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Cpl. Keith Heacook from Biden’s home state should be the next George Floyd - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Police now enforcing rather than dismantling violent BLM roadblocks - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Juveniles are treated like adults for everything but committing heinous crimes - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Media coverage of Columbus shooting exposes their BLM agenda as a fraud - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Why I’m now in favor of abolishing the police - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Why Daunte Wright’s aggravated robbery charge matters so much - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Number of sex offenders caught at the border tripled since last year - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Border state officials dealing with violent incursions deep into US territory - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Georgia’s once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to finally lock up violent criminals - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Has New York City become a sanctuary for sexual predators? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Data show record number of Minnesota criminals avoiding prison - TheBlaze
Horowitz: How about ‘red flagging’ those who have ALREADY committed gun crimes? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The Robinhood-GameStop scandal, lockdowns, and a two-tiered justice system - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Justices Kavanaugh and Barrett deal crushing blow to religious liberty - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Courts: No right to property, but yes, right to welfare - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Just two SCOTUS justices believe that only a woman can be a woman - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Florida appeals court rules mask mandate is unconstitutional - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Parler lawsuit: The courts discover free enterprise at the exact wrong moment - TheBlaze
Daniel Horowitz 2022
Horowitz: The danger of the momentum behind N95 respirators - TheBlaze
Horowitz: GOP governors must ban shots for babies and toddlers - TheBlaze
Horowitz: It’s time for a government shutdown fight over COVID measures - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The country the COVID cultists don’t want to discuss - TheBlaze
Horowitz: What will Gov. Abbott do with vax mandate in the Texas National Guard? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Alabama Gov. Ivey bashing Biden after sounding like him on COVID - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Should conservatives get on board with defunding (big city) police departments? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: People getting removed from organ transplant lists in … South Carolina? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Who will be the first governor to block the Pfizer injection for babies? - TheBlaze
Horowitz: The lies about vaccine efficacy are exposed, so Scotland stops publishing data - TheBlaze
Horowitz: Senate GOP helps codify Biden’s mandates by supporting his budget - TheBlaze
Thank you for this really helpful compilation. Are they in any particular order?