Compilation of *191* (!!) Daniel Horowitz Articles From 2022
One of the greatest resources covering all the angles of humanity's current predicament

One of the greatest resources that covers all aspects of the pandemic together with the links to the supporting documentation is Daniel Horowitz’s collection of articles.
Since the Blaze website’s architecture is an unqualified disaster, plus the fact that because of censorship and potential demonetization to Blaze, Horowitz’s more ‘controversial’ articles were published on Conservative Review instead, I am putting together this list of all of his 2022 articles loosely arranged into several major thematic categories similar to the compilation I made of his 2020/21 articles, so that others can benefit from this amazing compilation of erudite scholarship and critical thinking.
2022 articles are organized into the following categories:
Vaccine Injuries
Vaccine Efficacy
Medical Reich
Unmitigated Insanity
Crime / Border Invasion
Great Reset
GOP Traitors
Policy Suggestions / Observations (Insightful & unorthodox analysis of the political dimensions critical to grasping the ‘what’, ‘why’, and ‘how’ the “bad guys” have been so successful whereas we struggle to make any headway, that you probably won’t find elsewhere.)
This section is broken down into the following categories:
Covid / Medical Tyranny
Energy / Economy
Crime / Immigration
Evil GOP
How we should wield power
Vaccine Injuries
The Israeli data that nukes the Pfizer vaccine: What did Pfizer know and when did they know it?
VAERS myocarditis already 47% of 2021 in just first 2 months of 2022
More VAERS-reported vaccine deaths in our military than COVID deaths
What did Pfizer know and when? 3 important findings from recent document releases
CDC issues alert for child hepatitis, but will we discover the cause?
Why there is an urgent need to study effects of COVID shots on reproductive health
Five new data points indicate cataclysmic level of vaccine injury
Mysterious gynecological ailments reported as stillbirths rise in some countries. Coincidence?
Scottish COVID inquiry report finds excess deaths from severe lockdowns of senior care facilities
What did Pfizer know and when? 3 important findings from recent document releases
20 bizarre causes of death that the media is blaming on sudden adult death syndrome
German insurance claims hint at millions of unreported vaccine injuries
Report from UK government flagged lack of safety data on vaccine for pregnant and nursing women
New study shows rejection of cornea transplants following COVID vaccination
Study shows shocking number of vaccine symptoms, yet authors applaud as safe
5 shocking new studies and data points that nuke the COVID shots
Sudden deaths and pregnancy problems finally recognized, but the cause? Not so much
Scottish government won’t investigate vaccination status of women who lost babies for fear of truth
Numerous surveys and data points show an unimaginable level of vaccine injury
The Pentagon’s RESPONSE to the explosive DOD medical data is an even bigger story than the data
Create the illness, mandate the cure. What is causing the explosion of RSV?
Survey shows 7% rate of ‘major’ vax injury, on target with CDC data
The sudden decline in birth rates post-vaccination — and the shocking silence
Vaccine Efficacy
The lies about vaccine efficacy are exposed, so Scotland stops publishing data
Leave Africa alone and stop forcing the shots it clearly doesn’t need
Don’t say COVID? Why the media is now avoiding COVID coverage like the plague
Walgreens recorded who tested positive for COVID, and the results might surprise you
NIH study finds those with shots had fewer N antibodies even after COVID infection
Just 1 known unvaccinated person hospitalized last week in Australia’s largest state
Portugal as an enduring embarrassment of the failure of the mass vaccination campaign
Proven in plain sight: The more you inject, the more you infect
Almost every single COVID death in Australian state was vaccinated
The failure of the mRNA shots is on display for all with open eyes
Possibly the most important study on COVID shots might explain why COVID never seems to end
Medical Reich
US spent $1 billion on failed remdesivir – cash that could have helped save lives
People getting removed from organ transplant lists in … South Carolina?
Gold Star wife laments that her son can’t join the military due to senseless mandate
Ivermectin being confiscated by customs while Chinese fentanyl pours through the mail
Sen. Johnson calls out the FDA for not approving promising late-stage COVID drug
Moderna pushing high-dose shot for babies who are in no danger from COVID
How Big Pharma uses clinical trial gatekeeping to censor cures and cost lives
Gov’t watchdog reports internal allegations of political interference in science at NIH/CDC/FDA
The FDA is planning a therapeutic jihad on American children in June
FDA allows pharmacists to practice medicine while banning doctors from practicing
Canadian court rules hospitals can deny transplants to those who didn’t get the shots
At this point, why even have a Department of Homeland Security?
Great Reset phase two: The war on medical freedom is joined by a war on food security
Trauma victim with health issues arrested for not wearing a mask at doctor’s office
The monkeypox vaccines are openly unproven with major safety problems, but that’s the new normal
How many lives could have been saved by aggressive use of vitamin D alone?
New study shows Sweden’s decision to keep schools open was all gain, no pain
New study finds masks become disgusting bacteria traps as mandates continue
Unmitigated Insanity
When setting someone on fire is considered a low-level crime
The massive invasion and human rights violations ... at our own border harming our communities
NOAA fires unjabbed ‘hurricane hunters’ despite court injunction
Biden’s plan to alleviate fuel crisis? Dilute the fuel supply even more with corn needed for food
BLM activist who burned cop car gets lenient sentence to protect him from deportation
Who exactly are the marijuana offenders Biden just pardoned?
Chicago releases the most violent offenders to commit the exact same crimes
Florida judge creates constitutional right to ballot-harvesting while virtue-signaling over Ukraine
Crime / Border Invasion
Black lives don’t matter to BLM, as thousands more killed by homicide since 2020
DHS released nearly 100K illegal aliens in just one month: Tip of the invasion iceberg
Semiconductor companies just got billions from Congress. Now they want to hire foreign workers.
The Great Reset / Growing Tyranny
DHS coming dangerously close to criminalizing First Amendment, political beliefs
The new Western fascism: Countries are gradually using jail exclusively for political opponents
Are the Ukraine biolabs connected to the coronavirus gain-of-function research?
Army recruitment down 23% amid mandates, as Army tosses requirement for high school diploma
Why Eliza Fletcher should be the next George Floyd — but won’t
New gov’t watchdog report accuses DHS of settling Afghans with no vetting
Courts are unilaterally redefining sexuality against legitimate rights
The energy crisis is worse than you think — and it’s by design
NH House committee unanimously passes bill affirming physicians’ right to prescribe off-label
New Hampshire legislature as a shining star for medical freedom
NH Senate passes bill that could empower hospitals to arrest family members who argue with doctors
TN legislature passes bill to finally lock up violent criminals
Treacherous GOP
The GOP - not the Democrats and their allies in every societal institution / power base - are perhaps both the biggest cause of, and the biggest to defeating, the modern day Axis of Evil of Big Govt/Pharma/Military/etc Industrial Complex / WEF / UN / et al that seeks to transform the world into their sick, perverted dystopian vision of the ideal state for humanity.
Alabama Gov. Ivey bashing Biden after sounding like him on COVID
Senate GOP helps codify Biden’s mandates by supporting his budget
What will Gov. Abbott do with vax mandate in the Texas National Guard?
Why the political class needs Ukraine to end discussion about COVID
Effort grows to block Chinese ownership of US land, but establishment Republicans oppose it
Thanks to Trump endorsement, anti-Trump RINO to become top House committee chair
Republicans ready to join Dems in allowing China, India, and Big Tech to monopolize green cards
Why is every state besides Florida still promoting COVID jabs even for children?
McConnell’s omnibus betrayal demonstrates the Senate was lost from day one
Will other GOP governors follow DeSantis’ lead on vaccine injury?
Why the GOP vote on House rules is more important than the election
One of the most powerful Republicans supports expanding funding for FBI J6 witch hunt
What is Governor Bill Lee’s Response to Memphis killing spree?
Senate Republicans are about to nuke the entire purpose of a red wave
Oklahoma Gov. Stitt touts Agenda 2030 green energy as ‘where investments are headed’
21 Senate Republicans vote to outsource our air conditioning to the UN
Republicans want to throw endless cash at woke and broke military leadership
Kavanaugh deals crushing blow to religious liberty in military
COVID supplemental bill is Senate GOP’s final leverage point to fight pharma fascism
5 observations and outcomes from the Supreme Court’s likely reversal of Roe and Casey
Tennessee governor opposes bill making murderers serve full sentences
Why is Governor Kristi Noem attacking the small group of conservative South Dakota legislators?
Every GOP governor except DeSantis ordered COVID jabs for babies. Why?
Tennessee House leaders send letter to Gov. Lee requesting he suspend COVID baby shots
Political & Policy Suggestions / Observations
This section is broken down into the following sub-categories:
Covid / Medical Tyranny
Energy / Economy
Crime / Immigration
Evil GOP
How we should weild power
Covid / Medical Tyranny
It’s time for a government shutdown fight over COVID measures
Who will be the first governor to block the Pfizer injection for babies?
Not so fast: 10 COVID biomedical fights that are still not over
Stop the pandemic treaty and global health fascism before it’s too late
States must pre-emptively nullify any WHO international pandemic regulations
Republicans must shed their ‘sacred cow’ refusal to discuss vaccine injury
Red states should offer asylum to persecuted Canadian truckers
Energy / Economy
Time for red states to declare energy independence and thwart Biden’s embargo on US production
It’s time Republicans call Biden’s bluff on American energy before it’s too late
America’s oil refinery crisis as the bottleneck to energy freedom
It’s worth a government shutdown to fight the climate energy shutdown
After Christmas cold spell, time for red states to wake up from green energy scam
The war on coal and natural gas destroys Americans and empowers China
States must revisit the Commerce Clause to combat the fed’s controlled demolition of the economy
Crime / Immigration
Should conservatives get on board with defunding (big city) police departments?
Why won’t McConnell author ‘framework’ for locking up gun felons?
After SCOTUS ruling, states on their own in combatting border invasion
What Supreme Court ruling? Blue-state Dems continue to block right to carry
Martha’s Vineyard affair shows how easy states could fight the border invasion
Fighting the Republican RINO Establishment
Understanding DeSantis, shocking election results, and the red-state revolution we need
The problem with the Republican Party … is the Republican Party
Conservatives must finally break free from the stranglehold of fake Republicans
Will the omnibust finally push conservatives to rebel against the GOP?
What is strategically missing from the GOP ‘Commitment to America’
Standing up to Fascism
The need for states to thwart federal persecution of political opponents
The blueprint for states to protect citizens from FBI and IRS tyranny
What is the conservative plan to deal with Biden’s Fourth Reich?
State sovereignty acts: The single most important post-election agenda item for conservatives
How we should wield power to advance our agenda
Red states should ban abortions even before official SCOTUS opinion
Idaho conservatives poised to remake legislature like never before
Most important outcome of Dobbs decision? Making state legislatures great again
4 immediate actions for conservatives to make the election victory meaningful
2023 over 2025: How Trump and DeSantis can make the presidential election irrelevant — in a good way
The coming state legislative tsunami: Will Republicans capitalize on it?
Another home run. Ashmedai, you have consistently proven to be one of the very best resources and touchstones for me throughout this 3yr insanity. Thank you for so diligently providing the data and analysis that have helped me understand (and thus share) the truth behind the pandemic fraud and horrors of vaccine injury. In fact, my own (far far simplified) Substack posts would not have been possible to write without the guidance and information I drew from yours.
I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of Daniel Horowitz. And I too follow his podcast and writings regularly, so your organization of his work will come in very handy for me and others like-minded. Thank you very much Ashmedai!!