Do the dearh certificates have shot history at all? Is the data you have anonymized or could you get the actual shot history with a list of names?

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The immunization database is a separate entity that I was not given.

The death certificates are not de-identified, we have all sorts of personal info.......

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Is that a separate request you can make? With the list of names you have, get an actual shot history per individual. Then you can slam dunk how much of each type of death has to do with shots… The inferences you are making here are very nice, but that’d nail things down without much wiggle room…

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Most states have statutory research exceptions that allow for research on the databases.

Looking at FL......

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Yes… would think them less likely to fool around and obfuscate this

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Unfortunately, the immunization database is not for public access like death certificates are (dead ppl have less privacy rights)

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OK I missed that these were public. This is something that would be really useful for some org. like CHD to do — FOIA the states for death cert + shot records…

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Very interesting, especially the male female data as the number one user of jabs are liberal females. Would also like to see the ACM rates as well as birth rates and stillborn rates.

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I think that there are stillborns in the DC's but I'd have to standardize them first somehow.

What sort of ACM data do you want? I can generate a chart if you give me specifics

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Cancer cases, strokes, heart attacks.

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This paper reminds of 45sec video I made around this time last year... https://www.bitchute.com/video/xlQSE61nSWuL/

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The only thing that has been neutered since March of 2020 is the TRUTH. The mRNA gene altering injections never were meant to change anything about covid. Their purpose is something we are still discovering and it's extremely nefarious and gruesome.

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initially, when I saw how damaging these jabs turned out to be, I wondered whether there was something else doing on. Once the numbers in VAERS started showing injuries and deaths beyond anything we had ever seen before and yet they continued jabbing people, there must be something more nefarious going on, right? Then I read about what they did with AZT and how that "drug" killed 1/2 million young men and for what? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ So my thinking shifted: If they could kill 1/2 million men with a fake treatment for AIDS 30 years ago for the sole reason of making a lot of money, then they can certainly be doing it again with the covid jabs. I think it's difficult for normal humans to believe that people at the FDA, CDC, WHO, even AMA, and especially Pharma companies can be so lacking in normal human emotions that they would coerce billions of people into taking an injection that they know will maim for life or kill. But, as I said, they did it before, so why can't they be doing it again. These people are monsters, it's really difficult for us to understand or even believe that people could be so cruel.

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Good! I always liked Vermont. It's very pretty state. If it's depopulated, it will be quite affordable and nice to live there.

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I'm in Vermont. I remember very well that we had approx. 70 total Covid deaths (including deaths "with Covid") when the vaccines rolled out in Dec 2020. Well, we're now closing in on 800 deaths, and, as this article points out, have been running hot on all-cause deaths for some time. So much for the vaccines ending the pandemic as promised. (The state health director specifically used the word "immunity" when pitching the shots.)

What's frustrating for me is that the Dept of Health seems completely uninterested in looking at the control group, those of us who remain unvaccinated. Their data portal "unvaccinated" column of monthly deaths lumps in those who are not "up to date" on their shots, so we have no truly clear data on how the unvaccinated are doing. Health officials are either intentionally obtuse or have lost the capacity to think.

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Wow. This is great. Keep doing what you are doing.

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pretty damming. thank you for this very thorough analysis!

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That final bar chart in your analysis, the one on total mortality...

The year 2020 is the year that those born in 1946 (the first "baby boomers") turned 74 years of age... what effect has the increasing population had on all this?

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"If the covid vaccines worked as advertised, then how come they don’t work?" I'm totally stealing that!

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Better make sure the politicians are included in the depopulation first..

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