Ashmedai, this is VERY important work you have done (all your work is). I'm printing it out, for my doctors, and others - this is what the lawyers need, too. I'm sending a hard copy to Renz' office (just in case), the lawyers on my list, state, agency, local contacts. This is the work needed for claims and criminal filings. They are on notice, NIAID, NIH, CDC, FDA etc. they are all on notice from several sources. My local health district too. And the medical directors of the hospital clinics. Lots of postage tomorrow!!! Thank you.

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And this is only the myo/pericarditis (!!)

I intend to compile a similar list for the hematological issues for the mRNA jabs, which they still are not conceding cause clots etc

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And this is just the tip of the iceberg because many were killed by severe myocarditis induced cardiac arrest before they could even be diagnosed. Pfizer's own trial showed 4X cardiac arrest death rates in the vaccinated.


And Dr. Patrick Whelan of UCLA warned the FDA BEFORE EUA about this specific problem.


"it is important to assess in vaccinated subjects the effects of vaccination on the heart"

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The excess cardiac mortality all over the world is rather stark, and we see a pretty strong cardiac signal in the death certificates from MA & VT

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Myocarditis after Covid vaccine: Research on long-term effects underway



Why haven't I had COVID-19 yet? Am I a NOVID? - ABC News


COVID booster side effects: Does body size impact severity?


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No matter how many cases you discover with your hard work, even if it is 10 million, the FDA and CDC will never stop the mRNA gene altering injections. I believe the FDA still hasn't officially approved the injections because of their use under the emergency clause.

Big pharma is in complete control with over 100 new vaccines under development. And endless new boosters for mRNA injections. You can bet that dozens of these will end up becoming available regardless of the FDA and the fact that none of them will be safe and effective. It is now a 100% vaccine corruption parade. This has been a work-in-progress for over 50 years.

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Thank you for laying the groundwork to be used hopefully in trials and/or government hearings. 👍🏽💕

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