Every death certificate needs further audit. COVID was the cause of death listed in 2020 without documentation for higher hospital reimbursement. Decedents will be labeled unvaccinated if they aren’t all boosters up, even when they die of a mRNA related cause. This is another fraud occurring to support the propaganda and gaslighting ahead.

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I will be publishing a full audit of every covid death certificate from Vermont (hopefully, G-D willing).

Let's just say for now that there was quite a bit of voyeuristic clerical adventurism involved :)

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The boundary of illogic was crossed close to 3 years ago. We are now so deep and lost within the illogic wilderness that most no longer recall there ever was such a thing as logic.

Case in point, I learned yesterday or the day before that not only will I be required to wear the compliance rag when we finally return to in person instruction at the medical school I teach at in Japan, but goggles too. At a med school. I won’t and expect either to become fully unemployed or be given grief each time I have classes.

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GOGGLES??? For Heaven's sake already....

Can you tell me what med school this is - I would like to hear more about this if you're willing (you can email me ashmedai@substack.com)

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In Japan where only 10% of those in the Ministry of Health have been "vaccinated", yet they've pushed the covid shot on their population.

Japanese Professor Upends Ministry of Health: Disband Vax Committee, Investigate All Injuries


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And where my med students have been required to get the first 2 clot shots and offered up to 4.

Thanks for the link. I am aware of the incident but good to have more on it.

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My brother went to a hospital in B.C. Canada with a flu .I did not know he went there because we lived 800 km.apart and no one told me until later when he was already dead .His son came and told me that his father was put on sedation ,isolated ,given remdesivir and was ventilated .they killed him in 6 days that way . So on the death certificate it should read premeditated murder in cold blood .They know the treatment he got would kill him .Dr Yeadon wrote to me and confirmed that what they did with him killed my brother .

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I am working on isolating death certificates that are overwhelmingly likely to be iatrogenic murders

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Thank you Sir for having sympathy and understanding the pain and sorrow so many of us experience .Often many of us are helpless in front of a monster ,the state and big pharma .My brother was not well informed about the evil raging for profit .To be well informed can mean the difference ,between life or death .Again thank you Ashmedai

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With deepest sympathy for your loss. Unfortunately many have been casualties of improper treatment in the hospitals. Hospitals were incentevized to follow a certain set of procedures. Please share your brother's story.

Hospital protocol kills


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So much I want to say, but inappropriate here.

I am sorry for your loss.

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But an INTRACTABILE PAIN PATIENT CAN'T GET A OXY SCRIPT UNLESS THEY SUBMIT TO MONITORING AND BEING TREATED LIKE A CRIMINAL. That at doses less than they need. The drugs allowed are horrible and don't work. Spine Stimulators are failures and dangerous. Batteries need replacing every few years via more surgery. No one counts the Suicides. Most doctors don't even know there is a pain level above Chronic, except for cancer. No one counts vaccine injuries or deaths in the 40 childhood vaccines, most are labeled CRIBE DEATHS. My granddaughter nearly died from Gardasil and was left with lifelong pain of Fibromyalgia and Rhuemitoid Arithis. Why do children need 40 vaccines in 2 years? First 1 on day 1, when they have no immune system? Test the parents for HEP B FIRST.

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Sorry for your granddaughter. I suddenly got a laundry list of autoimmune issues after a booster for work in 2001. On disability by 2003. A few years ago God put an integrative medicine doctor in my life and I’ve been improving all around. He’s also treating me for biotoxin mold illness. My fibromyalgia still flares up but it’s so much better, I have some quality of life again. After years of neglect and gaslighting and trying so many prescriptions with insurance dictated doctors.

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According to two health care workers I know in different states, vaccinated patients were more frequently and more promptly given treatments that actually IMPROVE the survival odds, like monoclonal antibodies, melatonin, aspirin, famotidine, sometimes even vitamins and zinc, etc. Similar to what President Trump got in 2020 and was up and running in 3 days. Whereas unvaccinated patients were generally deprived of those treatments at least until they're very ill, and were just given mostly useless remdesivir, antibiotics, etc., plus actively harmful things like proton pump inhibitors, excessive and unnecessary painkillers and sedatives, and of course prematurely put on ventilators. To top it off their family members were hastily counseled into DNR orders, hospice, etc., and worst of all the premature withdrawal of life support that they were often unnecessarily made dependent upon.

These HCW also said that deaths actually due to COVID in vaccinated patients were often attributed to secondary complications or comorbidities as the primary cause of death, not COVID, which of course artificially made the vaccine seem much more effective against COVID death than it actually was.

That's why it's critically important to note that the Pfizer and Moderna "gold standard" randomized blinded clinical trials showed NO REDUCTION WHATSOEVER in the case-fatality rate for COVID. Which means "the vaccine will keep you from dying even if you get a breakthrough case" was a lie all along.

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Can you email me ashmedai@substack.com - I would like to get more details, if that's ok with you. This is worth drawing attention to, as it implicates the data more broadly in addition to the Medical Reich.

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"lack of vaccination cannot itself cause one to die. " oh yes it can. in a concentration camp.

the cdc is incentivizing hospitals to report unjabbed status, just as they did via the rule change for covid attribution on death certificates in march 2020: "with covid" as opposed to "from covid". just the latest scheme to perpetuate the illusion of a pandemic.

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Perhaps they could add a few more diagnostic codes, such as for “desire for ivermectin and other banned lifesaving drugs,” or “refusal to wear a mask,” or “overdose of anti-vax misinformation,” or “manmade climate change skepticism.”

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And what do they consider "vaccinated"....two shots? three shots.....?

They were considering a person "vaccinated" once it had been 14 days since their SECOND shot. A whole lot of dying can occur from the first shot to 14 days after the second shot.

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“We live in a society structured not on principle, but on hierarchy. There is nothing one is forbidden to do in service of the anointed “current thing”, and there is nothing one is permitted to do in opposition.”


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Going to a hospital with flu or cold is like admitting yourself to Auschwitz for treatment .It will most likely be your last trip .The treatment protocol is designed to exterminate you .On the death certificate it will say the COVID did it .The money is in their bank ,before the body is cold .

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More evidence that by allowing sociopaths atop "our" hierarchies, our values of The Good, Beautiful and True are erased, because the great majority of our people follow perceived authority without question. A lesson that we must not allow sick pfucks at the top.

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There can NEVER be any scientific, verifiable proof that not having ANY vaccine or mRNA gene therapy injection can ever be the cause of any death. You cannot prove any death was by covid without an autopsy. You cannot prove any death was from mRNA injection without an autopsy. You cannot prove that having mRNA injections will save any life and prevent any death.

But we are dealing with nefarious agencies like the FDA and CDC, so anything goes according to what big pharma tells them to do.

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This is really weird. I spent a good chunk of my career in subacute rehab as a physical therapist. The medical ICD-9 codes (ICD-10) now, were inserted as part of the chart by a medical coding person. I can't imagine records leaving a facility without ICD-10 codes already designated, because that coding is used to collect insurance payments. The facility gets paid differently for different codes, and different combination of codes. Same with doctors and therapists in private practice, you get paid by insurance via the ICD-10 codes you submit. It makes no sense that ICD-10 coding would not be done in the hospital where these people died. This is really strange.

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More than 500 infected blood victims have died during the five years of inquiry

According to the Haemophilia Society, more than 500 of those infected in the scandal have died since the inquiry was announced in 2017. With victims dying at a rate of one every four days, it is feared many more will be gone before the inquiry’s recommendations are implemented and full compensation issued.


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