Vermont Excess Death Anomalies: The True Pandemic is.... Pandemic of the Divorced/Singles; Widowers Have the LEAST Excess Mortality of Everyone; and Excess Accidental Deaths Dwarf Everything Else
"Siri, what is 'uxoricide'?"
I am recovering from a bout of enteritis that landed me in the ER over the weekend, and I have a massive headache & still cannot keep down solid food (even being on THREE separate anti-nausea medications), so I’m taking a few literary liberties in lieu of a weed cookie…
We’re probably only a few weeks away from accidental swimming with the salamanders is gonna be blamed for increases in sudden deaths or something, and I didn’t have any other picture to use for this post, and it’s anomalous.
Anyhow, I finally figured out how to create charts on excel. Excited to take advantage of this newfound freedom, I decided to rig up a bunch of charts to see if any of the more ‘random’ details in the 178 or so fields in the Vermont death certificate spreadsheet they gave me had anomalous correlations.
Well, turns out that they do indeed!!
Anomaly #1: Accident Apocalypse
This section is not entirely accurate as written, because most of the superficial topline number of excess accident deaths in 2020 & 2021 were from Fentanyl. It is being updated. See following graph:
To appreciate the magnitude of the sudden tsunami of fatal physical altercations with the scenery, consider the following:
The average number of accidental deaths for the 5yr span of 2015-2019 = 427.4 (maybe losing half your brain from an accidental hammer blow to the skull is .4 of a death?).
There were 621 accidental deaths in 2021.
621 is 145.3% of 427.4. That’s a nearly FIFTY PERCENT increase!!
621 is also 193 more deaths (and our extra half-death for good measure) than 427.4.
For comparison, there were an average of 5,754.6 deaths for the years 2015-2019, 893.4 less than the 6,648 in 2021. (See? The .4 death is legit!!)
So the 193.4 excess accident deaths are 21.65% of the total excess deaths for 2021 over the 5yr average before covid.
That’s more than the number of excess cardiac deaths (including deaths where a cardiac condition was a contributing factor and not necessarily the direct CoD) - a comparatively trivial 103.8 in 2021 over the 2015-19 average of 315.2.

What about 2020?
It is true that the 523 accidental death sin 2020 is itself a seismic bump of excess-ness. But the source of the 2020 excess is not the same as the 2021 excess, as we can see by comparing the following 2 sets of 4 age cohorts:
(2022 got left out of the labeling, so clearly I still have what to learn about the sundry intricacies of excel.)
So that leaves us with… an anomalous quirk at minimum. One that is gonna be statistically significant for sure.
The most straightforward hypothesis to explain at least the excess excess of 2021 over 2020 is that the covid vaccines alters the state of awareness or consciousness of people and they have a traumatic kinetic rendezvous with various surfaces or structures. Like the innumerable people who drop on live TV and hit their heads on the floor, except that if the floor is a flight of stairs or has a gas pedal underneath your foot, well, that extra oomph of turbulence might be the difference between you being the .4 death and a full-bodied 1.0 death.
Anomaly #2: Widowship has better efficacy against excess mortality than everything except Ivermectin and HCQ*
(*Might be a slight exaggeration)
Since the death certificates come handy with 6 different options of marital status, I was curious to test out a supposition I had: married people should fare best overall as compared with non-married people (as married couples, especially seniors, tend to be happier & healthier than singles).
Well… I was right. Almost. Mostly.
Marriage does protect you. Alot. Better than any other status. Except for… being a widower. ?!?
But first, there’s a more salient observation:
Let’s break this down, shall we:
The difference between the green graphs and the red graphs is stark (and not only on account of biasing the color scheme).
Here are the numbers:
There are essentially the same raw number of excess deaths in singles as in married people… despite singles having less than ONE THIRD of the number of total deaths.
There are 50% MORE divorced deaths - again, the raw number - than there are married deaths, despite divorced deaths having less than half the total number of deaths as married people.
Clearly, every dimension of the pandemic has been a pandemic of the divorced and singles, be it covid, covid policies, or the vaccines.
The Protective Efficacy of Widowship
As you can see, widows/widowers are even more protected than married people, with a paltry 4.98% excess deaths, less than half of the 11.10% of their still-married compatriots. (Perhaps not married for much longer after they see this data?)
This is to me a bit of a bizarre discovery. The age cohorts that hog pretty much all the widows are precisely those that you’d expect to get whacked by every lethally stupid and evil policy, bioweapon, and random bureaucratic malfeasance:
Age stratified # of widowed deaths per year:
They’re literally all in the same geriatric cohorts as Biden! C’mon man!
So… what gives? I have no idea at the moment, and I am too woozy to think about this coherently right now.
Definitely seems like a curious tidbit though.
Thus, if there is one practical lesson you take away from this article, it should be this: If you are faced with divorce, well…
A real ethical dilemma, especially if your spouse is 100% the guilty party (which is almost always the case, as pretty much everyone’s personal experience can attest to).
Rise of the Uxoricidal Geriatrics? Maybe there is a simpler reason for all these excess accidents after all…..
Conclusion: Follow the science
Since we all believe in following proper sciencey science, we must demand that the Federal, State, and Local governments all immediately reshape all pandemic related policies to account for this newly-discovered finding that this has been a pandemic of the divorced & singles all along.
3 things:
Swallowing a tiny cube of raw ginger like a pill can be great for nausea, and hope you feel better soon.
There were more divorced people in 2021 than in 2020, so numbers may need to be adjusted somewhat. A close friend of mine was a "lockdown divorce" and when I mentioned her situation to another friend, that friend said "Oh my gosh -- she needs to get a lawyer immediately -- so many people are getting divorced, most of the lawyers are completely booked already." This was in May 2020 in a hard lockdown state. (Come to think of it... would be interesting to compare divorce increases in hard lockdown states vs. Florida.)
Doesn't accidents include accidental overdoses? Could some of these be deaths of despair or actual suicide but without sufficient evidence they are just classed as accidents? That's my thought about the 2020 accidents.
Theory: the widowers are older gentleman (men from a bygone era) who aren't being pressured by their wives to get a vaccine they are skeptical of! I know my dad has virtually no choice on these issues if he wishes to remain happily married to my mom. The now-single men are staying vax-free and might yet have the oppty to supply vax-free sperm to younger ladies (also vax-free) who need a partner for reproduction ;).