The Real-Life Wicked Witch of the West
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky's reign of terror achieves a new low: Signing the death warrants for thousands of babies & an accompanying propaganda video to maximize the vaccine uptake [carnage]
This article is a polemic of sorts, the brainchild of outrage at the latest shameless gaslighting by Rochelle Walensky endeavoring to maximize vaccine uptake in babies - a sick & demented perversion of morality and science.
As I am sure you are all aware, Rochelle Walensky just signed what amounts to the death warrants for a few thousand children under age 5 (even assuming that only 2 million out of the estimated 18 million or so children under 5 get vaccinated). This is indeed an accurate depiction, because the CDC Director had to sign off to make the approval & recommendation official, and it is statistically inevitable that vaccinating 2 million babies will result in a few thousand deaths based upon what we already know about the vaccine’s safety profile thus far (a tiny % of 2 million is substantial in raw numbers).
I was a bit disturbed that I was not more disturbed by the mere fact of this. At this point, we are probably all suffering some degree of mental and emotional fatigue from the unceasing avalanche of unbridled demonic evil perpetrated on a near-daily basis, so I suppose that this is just a “fact of life” under the reigning ‘new normal’.
Regardless, it turned out that the lack of disturbed-ness was quickly remedied, when this video clip of CDC Director Rochelle Walensky floated across my twitter feed shortly thereafter:

Sometimes, it isn’t the evil act itself that awakens the moral outrage, but the depraved nature of the subsequent attempts to rationalize or cover it up. And boy does this short one-minute production pack a punch. As Daniel Horowitz often says, at this point your blood is either boiling or clotting.
Let’s break this down, shall we?
"We now know based on rigorous scientific review"
We ‘know’?? ‘Rigorous’?? This is precious.
It used to be that you at least had to be an expert or at least somewhat knowledgeable to pinpoint how the trials were rigged exactly. Now any layperson can see for themselves the open skullduggery and lies proffered by the esteemed “experts” from Pfizer and Pfizer subsidiaries FDA & CDC, as opposed to the original trials whose deceits and sleights-of-hand were not superficially obvious and required expertise in order to unravel.
By obvious deceptions (if something so readily identifiable can even be called deceptive), we mean such as having more cases in the vaccine arm than the placebo at every stage except the final blip of 10 cases >2 weeks after Dose #3 (of what was supposed to be a two-dose trial). Or measuring efficacy by comparing antibody levels in a carefully selected handful of vaxxed babies to antibody levels of… some adults in the control group of the original vaccine trial (something so radical and obviously fraudulent that it would only be done if comparing them to the unvaxxed babies or children in their respective trials would show similar antibody levels, ie no efficacy even per the irrelevant cherry-picked standard of antibody levels as a proxy for immunity):

These actions are so plainly illegitimate that many rational people would struggle to believe such is the case simply because even if Pharma were this corrupt, they couldn’t possibly be this careless and clumsy and open about it.
Calling these FDA & CDC ‘reviews’ “rigorous” would make Orwell proud. It’s one thing that the FDA/CDC simply skipped all but the skimpiest (& decidedly unscientific) review of the trials’ data. It’s a whole new animal when even the chicanery by Pfizer & Moderna was far less rigorous for the baby trials than it was for their prior respective vaccine trials.
Ergo, "we now know based on rigorous scientific review" is perfect Orwellian double-speak. It’s hard to top a “rigorous scientific review” so thoroughly exhaustive that both Pfizer and Moderna graduated from fraudulent methodologies to plain fraud, understanding that going forward they would not even be held to the prior rigged standard (whatever that actually was1). And who can honestly fault them when the FDA has all but openly declared their intention to forgo clinical trials altogether for reformulated versions of the current mRNA vaccines “updated” for future variants?
"the vaccines [...] can be used safely and effectively in children under 5"
For anyone “with eyes to see and ears to hear”, “safe and effective” is indistinguishable from ☢️ or ☠️. If anything, it is probably a more potent danger warning, as ☢️/☠️ have been overused to the point that many people don’t take them all that seriously anymore if they see them on fences, buildings, or even pill bottles; whereas “safe and effective” signifies an acute imminent dire risk to life and limb. This underscores the magnitude of the gaslighting here - it was common knowledge in Soviet Russia that if the govt said someone was guilty of something, hat meant they were innocent. Similarly, now when the US govt says “safe & effective”, we know that whatever they’re talking about is definitely a toxic brew with little or no efficacy. Like Remdesivir. (It turns out that Bernie Sanders succeeded even without becoming General Secretary of the USSA.)
"vaccinating children is a critical opportunity to protect them hospitalization & death from covid-19"
To borrow one of El Gato Malo’s brilliant witticisms, reducing the risk of getting struck by space junk does not protect you from anything that posed a measurable danger to you.
And every one of the premises that collectively established that there is no risk of covid to kiddies comes from….
The CDC. You know, the organization that Walenski is in charge of.
Walensky’s CDC was the source of the very inconvenient factoid that by February at least 70+% of kiddies had already been infected with covid. (This would put the real number at functional 100% by now, when taking into account the subsequent few months of covid infections in the diminishing pool of covid-naïve kiddies, and the fact that antibody seroprevalence will miss a portion of those with infection-immunity2.)
It was also the CDC who reported that at least 35% of alleged pediatric covid deaths had “no plausible chain-of-event or significant contributing condition”; in other words, were definitely *NOT* caused by covid:
This is the same CDC that once upon a time openly admitted (page 2) that covid was far less threatening to the kiddies than the typical seasonal Flu/Influenza:
This would be the same CDC that further provides estimates of Flu/Influenza mortality that we can compare to the CDC’s own (inflated) claims of the pediatric covid mortality is (HT to Phil Kerpen):
One could be forgiven for seeing this and concluding that the CDC is secretly a virulent hotbed of antivaxxers.
Yet, Walensky attempts to insidiously fearmonger that there is this big looming threat hanging over the heads of our children. Like the ominous impending food shortages President Biden warned us about. That’s some heavy “miscommunication” inside the CDC bureaucracy.
And remember that these vaccines do. not. work. (See above discussion & links to trial corruption.)
"I hope all parents will take advantage of these lifesaving vaccines & protect their children"
Again, Orwell would be proud. Just look at what we’re calling ‘lifesaving’3:

(To be fair, it’s now totally normal to beg people to avoid lifesaving treatments, just look at the FDA’s repeated desperate pleas that those infected with covid under no circumstances take lifesaving medications like Ivermectin or HCQ.)
The sheer mendacity here is truly something to behold. We can pretty confidently state that these vaccines will not save ONE single life from covid, and we know for a fact that if you vaccinate 2-3 million kids there will be at minimum a few hundred deaths, and probably a few thousand. “Lifesaving.”
Let’s take a more granular look at this quote:
“all parents will take advantage”
ALL parents??
This is exactly what a “Big Lie” is - so big & bold, and in such overwhelming contradiction of (self-evident) reality, that people can’t begin to psychologically/mentally/emotionally entertain that a lie of such magnitude could be uttered, especially by supposedly “trustworthy” people, especially as the official justification for one of the most intrusive policies ever designed by a (supposedly) civilized society. Even if you use only CDC sources, and assume that the vaccine efficacy & side effects profile is exactly what the trials claim them to be, at best you maybe have a *case* (a far from clear-cut case to be sure) to vaccinate a very narrowly defined and vanishingly small cohort of children who have very unusual susceptibility to covid and who have also not yet contracted covid.
And let’s not forget the intended implication of “& protect their children” - that (a) every single (b) parent4 who doesn’t vaccinate their kid/s is (c) knowingly (d) choosing to (e) place their kid in (f) significant peril of (g) severe covid injury or death.
Every single element here is either vicious gaslighting or brazenly false (or both).
This is highly effective propaganda, and evil to the core.
Other Observations
Besides for what Walensky said, there is her demeanor. Obviously, CDC Director duties include the obligatory statements & video clips celebrating the ‘exciting new development’ of vaccine approval for the tots. But that doesn’t mean she has to be positively giddy about it. Her disposition - a slightly paradoxical combination of a mostly concealed excitement, effusiveness, and reassuring sense of expertise with a sprinkling of elitist snobbery on top but oddly coupled with a vibe of artificiality or fakeness - was revolting and despicable.
Ultimately, whatever her intentions may have been when she took the job5, she has come to fully embrace her job requirements to approve and enable anything desired by the powers that be, and to propagandize the public to maximize uptake and compliance.
Walensky has already extended the institutionalized child abuse of millions of children stuck in public schools by masking and social isolation policies by a full year and a half.
And it’s not as though we weren’t warned that Walenski is a deluded fascistic luddite. Walensky was one of the signatories on the infamous John Snow6 Memorandum released specifically to counter the horrible, dangerous “misinformation” of The Great Barrington Declaration . The JSM declared, among other things:
The “focused protection” strategy (ie common sense) advocated by The Great Barrington Declarations “is a dangerous fallacy unsupported by scientific evidence”.
“Any pandemic management strategy relying upon immunity from natural infections for COVID-19 is flawed.”
“there is no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection”
“Japan, Vietnam, and New Zealand, to name a few countries, have shown that robust public health responses can control transmission, allowing life to return to near-normal7”
Yup. This is insanity beyond words.
(Amazingly, the JSM also asserted that “Prolonged isolation of large swathes of the population is practically impossible and highly unethical.” Which goes to show that Ethics evolves almost as rapidly as The SCIENCE. Last I checked, children were a “large swath of the population”. As are unvaccinated people. There are plenty of other hidden gems in this illiterate screed.)
The moral of the story? If you appoint someone who is a self-declared fascist luddite, you will probably get someone who behaves like a fascist luddite.
This is not to say that Walenski alone bears the primary responsibility for the ongoing democidal debacle catalyzed by the pandemic. But it is perfectly legitimate to highlight the unconscionable evil she just committed and unleashed (on top of an already lengthy train of abuses that makes King George’s abuses look like mere trifling inconveniences by comparison). Even the Wicked Witch of the West had a sister who ruled the East8.
Unfortunately for us though, Dorothy is still in Kansas. (And they’re trying very hard to ensure she dies in the tornado instead of being whisked off to Oz.)
One final thought: Maybe it’s time to amend the seminal quote from 1984 to better reflect the post-1984 version of Big Brother’s propaganda:9
Freedom Is Slavery. Ignorance Is Strength. Safe is Lethal. Toxic is Lifesaving.
Update tidbit from the 1,700 case studies:
I have already come across more than 20 studies that ‘rechallenged’ someone who got a SAE from Dose 1 with Dose 2.
As you would expect, it usually doesn’t go so well…..
To the uneducated mind at least, it is difficult to discern an actual standard in practice. The minimum efficacy threshold, the basic parameters of the study designs (like length of time or being a study with a ‘control’ group), and the execution of the studies have been done to vacillating (or nonexistent) criteria. Like blowing up the blinding scheme and the integrity of the control group by vaccinating them a few years before the trial is officially slated to be completed.
An early study from Italy reported that “Interestingly, we were able to detect S protein-specific IgA in the mucosal samples of several subjects in the absence of seropositivity. Additionally, a few other individuals also had detectable S protein-specific IgG in their nasal fluids despite being IgG seronegative” and “Interestingly, in 15–20% of S protein-seronegative individuals, we were able to detect S protein-specific IgA antibodies at several mucosal sites. Furthermore, mucosal S protein-specific IgA levels inversely correlated with patient age, suggesting increased mucosal antibody responses in younger SARS-CoV-2-exposed individuals”.
We can all agree that their findings definitely qualify as ‘interesting”, especially to the CDC’s austere scientists.
Perhaps ‘lifesaving’ can refer to the legal personhood of Pharma corporations? Spikevax sure seems to have saved Moderna’s life - Moderna was basically a company on a (metaphorical) ventilator, a financial black hole that sucked in hundred of millions of dollars but never produced anything, resuscitated by their miracle vaccine. Lifesaving indeed. (Although looking at Moderna’s stock value, it seems like the efficacy of their ‘lifesaving’ corporate vaccine may need a few ‘boosters’ of its own.)
Yes that’s intentional, the purpose being to impugn their competence as a parent to protect their children which is the heart and soul of a parent’s love for their children, if they elect to forgo vaccinating their already infected/recovered & perfectly healthy 2yo toddler.
Remember one of her first major public actions as CDC Director was to essentially say that it’s time to reopen all the schools, after which she ‘disappeared’ from the public eye for a few days to reemerge as the duly chastened demoness who just condemned tens of thousands of babies to suffering severe vaccine injuries or death.
Not the fellow from the TV show.
Side note: Apparently Google has a bout of schizophrenia - it can’t decide which John Snow deserves the top slot:
And even the "People also ask” section is a confusing mix of the two:
It would seem highly improbable that there are many individuals who go from inquiring “what did John Snow [the epidemiologist] discover” to wondering “Is John Snow [the fictional character] coming back” in his own TV series. Although there is an awful lot of official scientific literature about GOT, so who knows.
“Returning to a new normal” is another example of the picturesque application of Orwellian principles - it is impossible as a matter of tautology to return to a something that has never before existed.
Even if a proverbial house is proverbially dropped (Hey FBI, it says “proverbial”) on Walenski - or any of the other high-profile miscreants like Fauci or FDA vaccine chief Peter Marks - there are plenty of other Slytherin’s waiting in the wings to take the reins and continue the modern day cross between the Reign of Terror and Medical Reich. So Walenski alone may not even be a head of the Hydra in the first place, more like a tooth, doesn’t make a difference which one bites you & there are thousands more teeth between all the myriad heads. But there’s nothing wrong with seeking justice. And we can still ultimately prevail.
“War is Peace” is removed because, at least for now, there is widespread bipartisan agreement that war is still considered to be war and not peace. Exhibit A: Ukraine.
For the record, Wicked Witch of the West is meant to also highlight her prominent role as the (officially) preeminent health official for the Western first world countries part of global civilization
Wow, this is such a good post. The emotional fatigue is real, along with the sudden sense of outrage that pops up when we read or see something particularly egregious.
Excellent work, thank you!