Remember, this guy is is Agudath Israel's Director of the Office of Public Relations. That translates to mean that every article he writes are expressing the beliefs of Agudah.
I hope that this was sent to Ami, if they have the guts to print it. This is not the first time I have wanted to hurl the magazine while reading his articles. Many times, I skip reading them as to not ruin my Shabbos.
is it possible to redirect your powerful energies to collaborate with other moral G-d fearing women to create a Torah-true venue for information? The problem seems to me that we waste our energy spinning our wheels calling out these warped kofrim while the clueless don’t have alternative sources for genuine information.
We feel that we are so small - how can we ever counter sitrah-achrah funded tumah Ami & Mishpacha & Yated LO Neeman media..& it IS true - who are we? Little nano specks of Divine sparks & when we recognize our smallness, yet KNOW that we are aligned with Hashem’s will...then, we can surely bank on our efforts yielding success - as have ALL the previous יראי ה׳ “minorities” throughout history who called out “ מי לה׳ אלי”! & were זוכה to create huge קידוש שם שמים - for ALL time!
I’ve been getting people to question the Amaleiki medical model that has infiltrated in all our mo$do$ for decades...i know i’m “small”- but over the years - i also know that i can take inner pride in knowing that i’ve been instrumental in saving countless lives! תודה לקל !!!!! Want ideas how to accelerate geulah? Write to me GeulahDreamsComeTrue@gmail .com
Not the first time this clown expressed his dangerous views:
Remember, this guy is is Agudath Israel's Director of the Office of Public Relations. That translates to mean that every article he writes are expressing the beliefs of Agudah.
This was a response to that article.
When Shafran realized that Jews weren't voting the way he wanted (democrat), he published this:
Meanwhile, Agudah went and gaslit anyone that dared question the way they operate.
Read the above links and decide for yourself. Who does Agudah truly represent?
I hope that this was sent to Ami, if they have the guts to print it. This is not the first time I have wanted to hurl the magazine while reading his articles. Many times, I skip reading them as to not ruin my Shabbos.
I was told by others that they had sent it. The more people who send it in, the more of an impression it makes.
is it possible to redirect your powerful energies to collaborate with other moral G-d fearing women to create a Torah-true venue for information? The problem seems to me that we waste our energy spinning our wheels calling out these warped kofrim while the clueless don’t have alternative sources for genuine information.
We feel that we are so small - how can we ever counter sitrah-achrah funded tumah Ami & Mishpacha & Yated LO Neeman media..& it IS true - who are we? Little nano specks of Divine sparks & when we recognize our smallness, yet KNOW that we are aligned with Hashem’s will...then, we can surely bank on our efforts yielding success - as have ALL the previous יראי ה׳ “minorities” throughout history who called out “ מי לה׳ אלי”! & were זוכה to create huge קידוש שם שמים - for ALL time!
I’ve been getting people to question the Amaleiki medical model that has infiltrated in all our mo$do$ for decades...i know i’m “small”- but over the years - i also know that i can take inner pride in knowing that i’ve been instrumental in saving countless lives! תודה לקל !!!!! Want ideas how to accelerate geulah? Write to me GeulahDreamsComeTrue@gmail .com
:) רוב קוראים שלי לא יוכלו לקרות זה