I've done a deep dive into the topic. It turned out so deep you need a diving bell, but I digress.

Smallpox & monkeypox vaccine mythology, aegrescit medendo

The cure is worse than the disease


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I cannot even swim...

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You live on an island, Berry. How do you think you'll leave? 😉😋

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Continent. They are incontinent.

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That's true. Island sounds more remote to my ear, that's why I went with island.

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Yeah, isolated.

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Stop joking Barry. This is no laughing matter.

But "Monkey Pox" sounds like a joke.

Is it from monkeys Barry.

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Jokes are to mock their scams. We mock their politicising of the matter. Thus diluting their impacts. As we know, people don't take jokes seriously.

We don't joke about those who suffer it. Otherwise, we would have jokes at all.

No. It is only a name - monkeypox virus is carried by other animals in West Africa.

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"Catchy" name.

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WOW! You guys really ARE more advanced than we are. Beam me up, Barry! 😉😋

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Our national anthem is "Advance Australia Fair" for a reason! :)

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This is an incredible find actually!!!

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Thanks sm :))

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What's "sm"? Sex mate?

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Jun 7, 2022·edited Jun 7, 2022Author

"so much" lol :)))))))

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sm is a shortened version of svm

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....and what is "svm"?

lurve your handle!

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...So very much...? Sex viable mate....?

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first one, yep.

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Good article. Will be linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Special thanks to Lioness of Judah for linking this already!!!

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Thanks :))

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Ashmedai

I think that it is time to set up some sort of commission (or something)to approve or deny permission for these out of control “medical experiments” . I’m not sure of the mechanics of such a board, but SOMEONE needs to get a handle on this mess.

I’m generally Conservative leaning libertarian, but I’m more than a little worried by all these Dr. Mengele/Frankenstein wannabes playing with their toys and putting the whole human race in danger. They have little idea what they are doing..... even when their motives are good. Every one of these stories sound like the beginning of a bad sci fi movie.

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Mark. Their motives are not good. Period.

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And I mean a real commission with teeth, not just Fauci and his wife doling out “free” taxpayer money to their friends.

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We're going to be going up against the HUGE monster. We need a commission that cannot be bribed or bought off.

The stakes are HUGE. They KNOW that they are evil and wrong.

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Huh, wow, the same vaccine HIV protein in the virus. Thanks for reading through all the studies pointing this out. 👍🏽💕

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I am an anti-vaxxer so I really couldn't care less about any new vaccines or mRNA gene therapies or whatever garbage they are testing or marketing. If we have learned anything from the mRNA trials, it's that they do not exist in any true manner that would support long term testing for efficacy and safety.

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What does "anti-vaxxer" mean?

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It means you have no wax in your ears

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I enjoy de-waxing my ears .... and picking my nose.

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Fauxi and Gates are vaxxers.

If you are anti them, then you are antivaxxer.

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Not quite. They use that term as a weapon, as a libel. It is a fallacious libel. Just because you are against that particular matter, does not fall that you are against the whole class of that matter. Just because you are against some types of men/women, does mean you are against all men/women, etc. Just because you might not like Corona beer does not mean you are against all beers!

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Wonder if Corona beer sales are up? I assume that my neighbour drinks it, or tips it down the drain, judging by his recycling bin.

I am looking for some corona virus ear-rings.

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They locked us up and beat us in order to prevent us from getting the real thing; yet they coerced us into taking a dangerous and ineffective copy!

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After reading about all the countless yrusses and venom vaxxines I tale a big gulp from my schnaps bottle .AAAHHHH I feel much better already .

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I quoted you below Pamela.

Why do humans like to shoot themselves up.

Self destruct tendencies.

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