Ok. Fair enough. I make it simple then. Ants, Bees... Power without free will. What I question is the following. Can the opposite also exist. Power with free will? What is the cost? What is the size of sacrifice owed to time? Think Dune... I have to stop now. I have said too much!!!
I didn't took it wrong. I just like to play games and find it the best way for others to learn. Some subjects are just too hard for some, emotionally I mean. Better to test the waters before demolishing ones perception of reality. The power of pink unicorns is immense. I have seen it myself. Feed your brain they say. LOL. Maybe our dear leaders were caught by an ancient natural law. Young substitutes old. That old serpent will not allow Janus to hold its power an push further inversions... Or will he?
I must say, this sounds like an Ethical Skeptic syllogism :)))
Ok. Fair enough. I make it simple then. Ants, Bees... Power without free will. What I question is the following. Can the opposite also exist. Power with free will? What is the cost? What is the size of sacrifice owed to time? Think Dune... I have to stop now. I have said too much!!!
I meant it as a compliment :) (and for humor)
I didn't took it wrong. I just like to play games and find it the best way for others to learn. Some subjects are just too hard for some, emotionally I mean. Better to test the waters before demolishing ones perception of reality. The power of pink unicorns is immense. I have seen it myself. Feed your brain they say. LOL. Maybe our dear leaders were caught by an ancient natural law. Young substitutes old. That old serpent will not allow Janus to hold its power an push further inversions... Or will he?