Does everyone think it is merely the increased falling trauma that causes it? Couldn't it also be due to changes in the muscles and bones and ligaments? I know of injected seniors with marked decrease in muscle tissue and with marked osteoporosis. With repeated fractures. Male seniors.

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I know seniors here in Canada that experienced vertigo, dizziness, and balance problems post jab. This could be a cause.

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This is kind of strange. What could be causing it - by causing it I mean what is happening in their bodies to cause this?

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McCullough hypothesized POTS & syncope

I suspect neurological conditions like limb weakness & incoordination might be complicit as well

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Neither of those first two conditions had occurred to me before (probably because they were previously rare) but based on other effects we know about all three are possible causes.

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Acute cardiac and/or neurological events or new onset progressive neurological conditions leading to falls causing lower extremity (largely hip) fractures (which ordinarily have ~20% mortality rate--& with clot shot induced immune dysfunction, likely higher). All brought to you by Pfizer, Moderna, Fauci, & the other 33 horsemen of the Apocalypse, IMHO

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Massachusetts passed a law I think in...2020? that the hospitals, nursing homes, nursing facilities cannot put the guard rail sides of the beds up, because that is confining and messes with people's rights to be free of coercion, feeling trapped, or something. So - falls are epidemic. Policies depend on the whim of the state, the "guidance" changes. Having worked in state government at one time, there is a lot of internal combat and politics going on, and practicalities lose out. Interpretations change. At any rate, to have both side rails up, requires a doctor's order. Some places allow one rail up, some have removed the rails entirely.

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I am 53 and was coerced into getting the shot. Myself, I have been experimenting difficulty focusing my eyes on what I want to see, decreasing hand eye coordination and difficulty judging distances. At least some of my over all “symptoms” ( many others I have not listed here.) began before I got the shot and I have not had covid. However, we were under lockdown lite here in Japan for 3 + years. I am sure, but am open to being proven wrong, that the physical and mental inactivity of lockdowns and semi isolation, by which I mean I had no contact with anyone outside my household with but few exceptions, for over three years at least plays some part in all this. Many of these elderly may have been much closer to full isolation and full immobility than I. In addition to this horribly degenerative, forced lifestyle, the shots seem to have had more of a negative affect on the elderly.

I am not trying to shot down the theory put forth in this post, but am wondering if there are also other factors that might also be at play. I do need to state that I firmly believe that the lockdowns in and of themselves are not getting the “credit” they deserve for much of the damage panicked covid countermeasures have caused.

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3 years, wow that must have been horrific ... being Clinically Extremely Vulnerable it was 18 months for me, and that as traumatic enough - I am now scared to go out on my own (nothing to do with Covid) and since the death of my daughter to suicide (lockdown most definitely had a lot to do with that) I am still very socially isolated.

I hadn't had the merest sniffle for 12 years pre vaccines, where I was persuaded to have the 1st 2, then had a throat full of razor blades with no tonsils! I smelled a rat when I noticed that they were deliberately inflating the death figures, but at that point couldn't quite see why. If you haven't seen 'The Fall of the Cabal Sequel' documentary, I would recommend watching, it puts it all in a very well researched order ....

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While we did not have hard lockdowns like many places did, most places anyone would want to go to where closed at first then tickets were rationed once they reopened. Many pieces of play ground equipment were police taped off. Anyplace serving beer and most places just serving food keep getting shut down and the shut downs extended again and again. Camp grounds even cancelled our reservations. A famous large park near the sea cut all the flowers off their tulips so that no one would go out to see them.

We just had our first local matsuri (Japanese festival) in 5 years two weekends ago. A Typhoon hit the day of the matsuri 4 years ago and covid caused its cancellation these past threes years. Thus, my 10 year old had to wait half his life up to this point to play drums in the festival. Other matsuri are still being cancelled or greatly scaled back.

The past two years, the festivals and events that were held in our city of approximately half a million required entering a lottery for tickets. Those who won were sent a QR code via email so that, with a smart phone, which I do not have but my wife does, we can log in and out of the city park and other outdoor venues for the few events we were allowed to have. Of course, we had to allow our temperatures to be talked and wear the stupid mask.

Many are still wearing masks even though the government dropped the “recommendation” to wear them May 8th of this year (2023). Just a week and a half ago my med students complained to the school that I was not wearing a mask in the classroom. What wonderful MDs three will undoubtably turn out to be…NOT. As recently as August I got thrown out of a bar for not having a mask.

My kids are still not allowed to talk during lunch time and the majority of their classmates and teachers are still masked. The oldest, 10, is now having difficulty understanding spoken language and more recently, pronunciation. 1/3 of ones early childhood being deprived of the right to hear the spoken word uninterrupted can lead to no other outcome, as reports around the globe testify to.

And we in Japan are the “lucky” ones.

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My apologies. I was searching for this comment for two different reasons and with the time that passed, I got it in my head that it was two different posts. I must not have skimmed it very well as I missed the more important reason once I form this the first time.

I have no words to convey my horror and sadness over the death of your daughter. The lock downs drove even many of the sanest to that act. AND nicompoops often use lock drowns for an excuse to a verse effects in an effort to shift blame from the clot shots. To me, they are all the same; whether masking, remote learning, social isolation, lockdowns, loss of livelihoods, careers are just a steady paycheck and the constant drum beat of fear fear fear, all share in the responsibility of a humongous number of deaths. I do not care if it was the shot are lockdowns, they same idiots are responsible.

I have had more absences this past 1 and half semesters back after three full years of all online classes at my med school period that I have had in the previous 18 years combined and all are due mental and/or emotional issues. Again, how could it be any different? High school is one of if not the most important time to socialize for kids and my students have been denied socializing for the entirety of the 3 years of Japanese high school. (Med students go straight from high school to med school inJapan, which is 6 years.). Two of my 16 nurses too. One of whom just plain quite through she could have taken a year off.

But did they expect when they isolate everyone as if they were a hardened criminal who misbehaves horribly in prison? You can not make people the object of fear of the own grandparents, friends and other family members and not expect serious problems. They did not care. They do not care.

I am worried over my students and terrified for my own children.

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Thank you - it is hard. we haven't even had the inquest yet and it is 11 months today that she died, so we don't really know although we think it may have been accidental. If it wasn't and something triggered her it will be on her phone, the one the police took that day and didn't send for download until the 7th August, knowing there was a 12 week backlog! So it's unlikely to even be this year ....

They are now trying to mandate mask wearing for 2 year olds in parts of Canada, so that'll be a generation who is backward in language development and won't be able to recognise facial cues - to ward against a virus that doesn't affect 99% of people. This is all about fear and control, and if our countries sign up to the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty, then we will end up living in a police state, it will be like an apocalyptic movie, and I fear for the lives of my grandchildren greatly .....

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You are in my prayers.

While my kids had to wear masks for “only 3 1/2 years, most of the school mates and teachers still are. They still are not allowed to talk during lunch. They have deliberately destroyed the ability of almost every single child on the planet to understand spoken language clearly not to mention the nonverbal clue essential to ordinary human communication.

Even without joking the WHO’s power tripping treaty, I’d say that most of the West is already a police state. Canada, the US and Germany certainly are.

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Yes we are getting there too, stopping strikes, an 'Online Safety Bill', stopping 'peaceful protests etc .... we have just 1 very brave MP in Parliament who is trying the stop the WHO power grab by getting the word out, he is also trying to stop the vaccine rollout due to the number of excess deaths here - particularly in young fit males - lots of cardiac issues appearing, strokes, heart attacks and blood clots as well as really aggressive cancers turning up. My friend's brother lost his life to one of those. Even now when I try to post links to things, they are removed, particularly on Facebook - I will though try and post one here about what happened in the UK in 2020.

I'm so so sorry for your children, that must be absolutely miserable for them, robbing them of a normal childhood.

Let's see if this will post?


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The link works. Thanks.

Just the one MP? Incredible. They all truly are bought.

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The military data on falling, tripping, etc is staggering.

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I suspect they fall more, rather than underlying conditions causing falls to lead to death, but the clotting could cause increased bruising, and even necrosis. Last December and January I lost hearing and got dizzy when around jabbed people who were likely shedding.

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