Thank you for this writeup. As a pregnant woman it summarizes a lot of my concerns, so it will be nice to send around to friends.

Hell will freeze over before I inject this into me.

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Thank you for your work. As someone without any medical training beyond basic CPR, I have to trust professionals. So I have to voice any concerns, questions and thoughts or fears, no matter how ridiculous they might sound to someone "in the know", so to speak.

So I use the following simple trick:

A professional who scoffs and sneers at my question, no matter how naive or stupid said question might seem, is A) not professional and B) not to be trusted.

This works equally well with any job, career or profession, from plumbers to pediatricians to politicians.

Being a father for more than 25 years now, I can still recall very well how doctors and midwifes used to approach the question of vaccination during pregnancy: warily, respectfully, and always with full disclosure re: risks/benefits. And it was made perfectly explicit that the choice was my wifes and mine, no one elses, no matter what we would choose.

You who are young today, under thirty-five: don't accept this new condescending manner from doctors, so prevalent concerning all things Covid. Ask them about Thalidomide/Neurosedyn. Ask if they know how it came to be approved. Ask if they know why it wasn't approved in the US.

Ask them about Lyodura. Ask them about the pill (contraceptive) and why millions of women developed severe health problems during the first decades of its availability.

Ask them: was it governement agencies and medical professionals who rang the alarm, or was it concerned and worried patients?

Ask them: if you lie, or are misinformed and my child dies, or I become infertile, or my child is born with birth defects - will /you/ go to prison? Will the manufacturer of this drug? Will the bureaucrats who approved it serve even half the sentence handed out for dealing pot? Can you honestly before god answer "Yes, if your child dies thanks to the vaccine, the CEO of Pfizer will serve time for manslaughter"?

Ask. See how they react. Judge what trust you should extend to them based upon their reaction.

They want you to give in to fear. By asking questions they don't want you to be able to ask, you excise that fear, and arm yourself with righteous fury - the fury of any mother whose child is threatened. Don't fear. Don't give in. Make an informed conscious choice, and stand by it. No shifting the blame. No shirking. Stand tall, together.

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This is exactly the sort of wisdom and common sense that is a fairly reliable way for regular people to judge the reliability and integrity of "experts" on a personal/institutional level & their assertions.

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Thank you. I was worried I went too far. I have a tendency to rant both in person and in text if it's something I'm passionate about.

Having worked for 20+ years on-and-off as a teacher to young adults on the autism spectrum, condescending attitudes towards people tend to set me off.

Because every one of my students over the years have told me of having being scorned, ridiculed, ostracised, and so on just for asking perfectly innocent yet inconvenient questions.

And I recognise in what you and others describe, about what is being done in the name of this Molok called covid-vaccines the bullying and dehumanisation I've seen at work. Sweden, where I'm from, hade eugenic laws until the mid-seventies.

Thus the terror I feel - all it takes is a couple of signatures, dutiful little Eichmann's in the bureaucracy and a compliant population told it's for their own good/the greater good and we're off the deep end again and again.

Self-defence begins at home, or whatever the saying is.

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If you haven't done it yet, listen to the videos of Dr. Andrew Wakefield. They are extremely eye-opening regarding autism and the triple MMR - how it leaks through the gut and into the brain, causing regressive encephalopathy.

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I think I might say you could have gone even farther with what you said.

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What an excellent comment. I am filled with righteous fury over the gross deceit about vaccines let alone big p-harm-a drugs. If you are interested I did this.


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Well done. You covered everything I included in an opinion we filed to a US court.

In my view, not contraindicating covid19 vaccines in pregnancy & even in WOCBP was an act of reprehensible recklessness.

I keep everything crossed but if nothing bad emerges, those responsible for the decisions were lucky, as were the recipients. Not a good safety strategy.

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Wow thanks so much!!

The shocking number and variety of dysmenorrhea reports does not bode well though...

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I replied elsewhere in the Thread - yes, this is a shocking tragedy or diabolical plot succeeding - either way, yes, thank you for discussing this. More attention is needed.

Some answers from a prenatal health specialist (me): Regarding this part: "Pfizer’s reported a limited reproductive toxicity study that found a “~2x increase in pre-implantation loss - ~9.77% vs 4.1% in controls”"

It is the cholinergic blocking effect of the S1 subunit affecting implantation in the uterus and development of the placenta, and later would affect the developing baby's brain.

Immunohistochemical Expression of the Alpha Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor 7 in the Human Normal, Diabetic, and Preeclamptic Placenta and Products of Conception.


The a7 nicotinic receptors in human fetal brain and spinal cord https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1046/j.0022-3042.2001.00714.x

Low nAChR activity is seen in excessive menstrual production conditions such as endometriosis.

see my post: Snake venom toxin in the spike protein? - not exactly the same, just similar effects once the fusion cleavage site is opened and the S1 subunit is freed from the rest of the chimeric spike. https://transcendingsquare.com/2021/06/18/snake-venom-toxin-in-the-spike-protein/

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Could you write more about these reports? I would be interested in the numbers and whether this is particular to the mRNA vaccines or also the adenovirus vector vaccines such as Astrazeneca and J%J.

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As we now know, plenty of bad things have emerged, sadly enough. People ought to have heeded your grave warnings, Dr. Yeadon. In vain did I plead with my friends not to get this terrible clot shot, but all of my pleas fell on deaf ears. They were completely convinced that the Lamestream Media was 110% correct, and that any dissenting voices were just plain wrong and were speaking conspiracy theories. The brainwashing was complete and total. Thank goodness that I have not heard of any friends or relatives who have had miscarriages, stillbirths, or babies with birth defects due to the clot shot, but I am very aware that this is happening in a high rate among the general population. I only personally know of one pregnant woman who got the vaccine, and so far (knock on wood), she has not had any ill effects. I do know another couple in which both the husband and wife got the clot shot, and so far they have not conceived, but have been trying for awhile. It is unclear whether this infertility is from the clot shot or not. I do personally know a couple of friends and relatives who I suspect died from the clot shot, and one who has very serious blood clots from the clot shot.

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Of course the thing is that we can't be sure what is in each of the wretched vial. It could be saline, after all it doesn't even state it on the vials I understand. Big pharma will sell us nothing for something, and the cheaper it is to them, the greater the profit.


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It is amazing to me that folks will just trust and put a foriegn substance into their body while doing almost zero research. Why would we do vaccine trials and not include the high risk population for example? If you did a little research this would be discovered and should cause a pause. The elimination of the control group so that longterm follow up is impossible would also be a bit alarming to a thinking person.....Just yesterday a friend sent around a news article referencing Oregon State study around med staff who got 19 and then vaccine now have super immunity. It took me 30 seconds to discover that this was a single site study with only 26 participants and the majority of the participants had pre-delta infection so does the immunity and antibody response even matter. In the past the simple fact that it was a single site 26 person study would have made this irrelevant but now it receives media coverage all over and it is positioned as a strategy. What was worse is that the people quoted in the articles kept affirming that the vaccines are safe......nobody on the planet can make this claim because we dont know and wont know for years.

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The problem is we trusted the medics and in many cases treated them as gods. But no vaccines ever made actually did any good and we can know that now if we think about it and research as I did in 2020. And i used to think vaccines were of some use before that but only because i had be lead to believe it was so.

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You've probably seen this already, but just wanted to point out a good writeup on that anti-syncytin study you mentioned: https://unglossed.substack.com/p/what-happened-in-singapore

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Do no harm. That is the mantra. The shot harms. It should have never been approved. People will suffer and die. The meek unvaccinated shall inherit the earth. There is no joy in this prophecy.

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No vaccines ever should have been approved.

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What a well written and rational examination of some of the possible fertility implications of the Covid vax. We need to get this more likes and views.

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Thanks! I'm open to any ideas :)

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All that I feared. For a scientist, your amazing use of the language is extraordinary. I intend to send this all to my Rabbi who is a Rosh Yeshiva, and on whatsapp with Dr. Z. Have a 31 yr old shomeret mitzvot progeny in Ca. who wants children, I have nightmares. I implored her not to get the vaccines.. Seems as if she even got the booster, although I had thought it was still limited by age and comorbidities? I wonder if damage, if caused, is reversible over time? (wishful thinking). I was an elderly primagravida, and she was 7 years later. If personal comments are inappropriate, please feel free not to accept this. Limchok. I feel ill, although the myriad of possibilities , re affecting ovaries, and placenta, were not unknown to me.

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Thanks so much!

For the record, I am not a scientist ;). I never even went to college.

I am definitely curious as to what Dr. Zelenko thinks.

Also, can I ask you how you came across the article (no pressure though) - I have little social media experience, and am trying to figure out what potentially can drive web traffic to something like this?

I hope that everyone's health remains unaffected, G-D willing.

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I follow Dr. Robert Malone on Twitter and he posted a link. Glad I saw it. Great article!

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Thanks :))

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Ashmedai is brilliant. All of his articles, and his email list. Oy, if you don't get it, it is for those who don't do internet, if you get my meaning, Ask Ashmedai to be put on his list for his emails. Warning, they are very very long, and some web browsers bounce them. Worth it. Ashmedai is amazing. his emails are packed packed with info, no where else will you find all of this info, in one place.

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How do I get on the list? I don’t want to post my email address on a public forum.

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Your brilliant writing and analysis is way too complicated for the general population. I don't want to appear like an intellectual snob, or intelligence elitist, (though until I got to IBM I thought I was way way up there after UPENN where i graduated at or near top of class. long long time ago.). So, while this is brilliant, simply brilliant, the audience for it, I fear is rather small. MD's , some other intelligent medical people. but otherwise I fear that it would fall on limited mental abilities.

Send it to Trump. you probably hate him. I judge him, not by his personality, tweets nor even poor staff choices, but despite all of that, and despite being literally persecuted fraudulently from even before day one, i judge him by his accomplishments and how they align with my world outlook.

Send it to Laurie Caroza-Moore, founder and President of PJTN, evangelicals supporting Israel. Od Yoter, their entire mission, or raison d'etre ( circumflx??/ for over the e) their entire mission is to teach Christians their biblical responsibility to protect/defend their Jewish brethren in Israel and wherever, and to fight the "new" anti-semitism wherever it is. Now of course, global. in 2105 she was on the J100 list. She believes that she is descended from Portugese expulsion. Strong, very, Jewish "identity" , although the org. is evangelical and she grew up in a totally Catholic home.

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Unfortunately, you do come across as an intellectual snob. Note, the writer is not a scientist and mentioned not attending college yet managed to understand and point out some possible issues regarding fertility via the vaccine that the "learned scientists" trained at places such as U Penn fail to recognize. This piece is for MD's or intelligent medical people? Hardly. They would never grasp the concepts listed here. Try it. Show it to most MD's and see their reaction.

The "experts" who assure us repeatedly that pregnant women should line up because there can be no fertility issues all hail from such vaunted institutions. In fact, the correlation I see is that the more prestigious an institution is, the more likely they are to mandate the vaccines for all students and staff, not even considering the possibility that there may be potential issues down the line. Where are the scholars from these esteemed institutions pointing out possible fertility issues? It's a rarity and if one does speak out, the person is pilloried by their "learned" colleagues who ostracize them and sometimes try to have them censored or even terminated. The general population are far more likely to ask questions regarding possible fertility issues due to some knowledge of history and just basic common sense which is severely lacking among the so-called "expert" class.

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Aaron, my post did not go through. ashmedai, you are a miracle. a total miracle full time job, and info that would take others to contribute. B"H

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oy, I responded to the email, and got msg from substack? that it did not go through, and i should post it to the website, but I am handicapped in that I have no clue how to paste the rather long response to you. answer your questions. I did not want it to appear as a comment, but now, is there another email addr that I can forward it to? it is in my sent mail. Confusing . I could truncate it to 2 sentences, but that is against my OCD religion. talking about OCD, in jest, fluvoxamine, luvox is only SSRI originally approved for OCD.

and no, i am not in general, just when I explain things.

What to do? vastly truncate response, or is there another oh, yes, your gmail addr?? I

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ok, for future. Did you get my email? Think I saw reference to Dr. Z on twitter, but cannot locate his profile if he is on, but inactive. (zev_md or zev_dr)?? , should have written it down. Did you see the awful bloody attack on Dr. Kory this morning, Lies, lies and more lies. Makes me want to. Well, raised my BP. Hideous.

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Check your personal email, please . for former reply of mine, and no, i am not stalking you, just used initiative to find your article after Dr. Kory's accolades. which for sure fell on deaf ears. Hineh, proof, who came here?

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Is there an email I can contact you at?

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As you wrote this some time ago you may well have much more information but I will say we cannot tell what is in each vial, but if it is anything other than saline, it will be vile!

As to healing that will depend on what really was in the vial taken. I have written much myself, not so much from healing, although I do say that dealing with Covid 19 vitamins C and D are key.


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You might want to reach out to other posters on Substack that have expressed concerns over possible vaccine adverse events. For instance Dr. Jessica Rose, Matthew Crawford and bad cattitude.

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Thank you, this is a beautiful piece of writing. I've shared it on FB and Gab. My only quibble is your assertion that we need large controlled trials in pregnant women of these vaccines. I would rather the policy be that these injections (which function more like malaria chemoprophylaxis oral medications, not like vaccines) should be limited to those only at extreme risk from COVID and that pre-illness improvement of native immunity via nutraceuticals and weight loss, early home detection and treatment with repurposed drugs, and, if necessary, treatment with monoclonal antibodies be the standard for everyone. I see no reason to subject pregnant women and their unborn children to the risks from exposure to the injections if their risk from the virus can be minimized such that it poses little risk of serious morbidity and mortality.

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In a sane world, I would agree with you. But in the current climate, since the reality is that the vaccine will be pushed regardless, and there are millions of women who have already been brainwashed into believing in the vaccine wholeheartedly, they have no excuse for not performing a proper RCT etc., and pressuring them to do a proper RCT on pregnancy/fertility might be something that is within the realm of possibility of achieving.

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Very informative.

Do you have any information on unvaccinated women being affected by those vaccinated? I was around a few vaccinated people spring and summer and May/June was when all the menstrual problems started, mostly like what is reported here from those who received the Covid vaccine. I ended up anemic and low iron. Things are only recently a little better but the boosters might start things up again.

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I have heard anecdotal reports, but I am not personally aware of any specific data on this

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@kay ~

Here's the data I've gathered on vaxx shedding, in case it might be helpful.

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/bb8062b655eb

For research purposes, you can also submit your story here:

> https://MyCycleStory.com

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Can you please reference the studies you used I can’t find them.

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Excellent article!

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Regarding this part: "Pfizer’s reported a limited reproductive toxicity study that found a “~2x increase in pre-implantation loss - ~9.77% vs 4.1% in controls”"

It is the cholinergic blocking effect of the S1 subunit affecting implantation in the uterus and development of the placenta, and later would affect the developing baby's brain.

Immunohistochemical Expression of the Alpha Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor 7 in the Human Normal, Diabetic, and Preeclamptic Placenta and Products of Conception.


The a7 nicotinic receptors in human fetal brain and spinal cord https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1046/j.0022-3042.2001.00714.x

Low nAChR activity is seen in excessive menstrual production conditions such as endometriosis.

see my post: Snake venom toxin in the spike protein? - not exactly the same, just similar effects once the fusion cleavage site is opened and the S1 subunit is freed from the rest of the chimeric spike. https://transcendingsquare.com/2021/06/18/snake-venom-toxin-in-the-spike-protein/

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Thank you for not being stupid, wheee are you ppl hiding?

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I just can't deal with statistics. You have a mind for it and that's great. I've been disillusioned and jaded over the years with the lies they hold, both intentional and through error. Ever see that book Bill Gates was carrying around titled "How To Lie With Statistics"? Ya. There ya have it. Over the years I have banked on testimonials. Testimonials from uncontrolled people. When the people speak, I listen.. Like Dr Biss. How she still manages to hold her position is rather astounding. I suppose some hospital systems may have aligned themselves with truth...miracles can and do happen, you know. Read about her here as well as Dr Thorp. https://arrowd.substack.com/p/fertility-pregnancy-and-infants

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Thank you very much for your post. Vaccines and fertility is very much an issue as whatever other rubbish is in the wretched things, they are neuro-toxic. Fertility in the Western world has been dropping anyway fro various reasons, but a lot has to do with vitamin D deficiency due to increased living and working indoors away from the sun.

Anyway, neuro-toxins will affect men and women's fertility as they interfere with ovaries and testes. Whilst not directly about this, perhaps you would be interested in my post on vaccines.


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