I probably should have read the study first, at least the abstract. It's exhausting enough reading all the other studies to sort them & then to capture a summary of the case & other datapoints for the spreadsheet, I saw this study referenced at the bottom of the Pfizer study & just assumed that it was about horses & ran with it...
heh no worries it happens. We wouldn't be having this discussion if they would've just called it chilblains - which is apparently fairly common with covid...
According to the mayo clinic, chilblains ""may be an abnormal blood vessel response." Makes sense with of the issues we've seen with the vaccines and the blood vessels from autopsies.
My husband had COVId toes twice. First in NYC March 2020 wave, but didnt show until a few weeks after he left for our rural New England home. He got them again this Feb or March again after his Jersey City office opened back up and he’s back in the city every week. He is not vaxxed. He has never tested positive and did antibody testing in May 2020 and I had him do the t-cell detect test in 2021. He tests every week before going to work. His mom currently has COVId and he’s been sitting with for an hour or more everyday since Thursday and no symptoms so far. His mom was boosted in October and after her assisted living had an outbreak over Easter, they did 4th shots. He declined for his mom. And wouldn’t you know it, she came up positive 2 weeks later when the 2nd booster round created another outbreak. One of the studies on chilblains says it was an efficient response to the virus that didn’t generate any
positive tests or serology. My husband and I have been taking lots of vitamin D for 4-5 years for joint pain. He’s been in the 30ng/ml range and I’ve been up at 70ng/ml. We also eat an anti-inflammatory diet.
Oct 8, 2021 — Molnupiravir began as a possible therapy for Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus at Emory University's non-profit company DRIVE (Drug ..."
What do you expect from big pharma poisons? Many of their drugs do the same damage but only slower. The safest bet is to avoid ALL big pharma drugs as much as possible. Your precious body will thank you in the long run. If any of them were natural to the body, they wouldn't come with an assortment of terrifying and debilitating after effects. After this mRNA gene therapy injection disaster, if you still trust big pharma, you are a fool.
This article is officially misinformation lol
I'm going to have to rewrite it.
Thanks to the ppl who caught it :)) (in about all of 27 seconds)
Are you sure it occurs in horses or the rider?
Whoops you are correct lol
Yikes :))
Due to these vaccine criminals, we are all drinking from a fire hose. Tough to get everything right.
Thanks :)
I probably should have read the study first, at least the abstract. It's exhausting enough reading all the other studies to sort them & then to capture a summary of the case & other datapoints for the spreadsheet, I saw this study referenced at the bottom of the Pfizer study & just assumed that it was about horses & ran with it...
Yes, but the rider got it FROM the horse! Or perhaps having tense muscles holding them onto the horse. Close enough for horse shoes, as they say. …
I might rewrite this to reframe as getting disease from a horse as the karma, still plenty ironic
heh no worries it happens. We wouldn't be having this discussion if they would've just called it chilblains - which is apparently fairly common with covid...
There are a number of case reports of chilblains from vaccines.
I thought that was pretty ironic too, the vaccine causes "covid toe" "covid finger" "covid arm" etc.
According to the mayo clinic, chilblains ""may be an abnormal blood vessel response." Makes sense with of the issues we've seen with the vaccines and the blood vessels from autopsies.
yup, I think that possibly some of these are being called vasculitis in case studies
Yep, 'equestrian' vs. 'equine.'
According to wikipedia at least, it's "a skin condition that presents on the lateral thighs of equestrians who ride on cold damp days."
I assume it would be "Equine perniosis" if it occurred on horses.
Whenever I see a picture of Boris Johnson I have an urge to give him a hair cut ,to see if there is a brain under the mess .
Darn, it would be great if it were true. Gave me a good laugh to read about it. 😁🐴
My husband had COVId toes twice. First in NYC March 2020 wave, but didnt show until a few weeks after he left for our rural New England home. He got them again this Feb or March again after his Jersey City office opened back up and he’s back in the city every week. He is not vaxxed. He has never tested positive and did antibody testing in May 2020 and I had him do the t-cell detect test in 2021. He tests every week before going to work. His mom currently has COVId and he’s been sitting with for an hour or more everyday since Thursday and no symptoms so far. His mom was boosted in October and after her assisted living had an outbreak over Easter, they did 4th shots. He declined for his mom. And wouldn’t you know it, she came up positive 2 weeks later when the 2nd booster round created another outbreak. One of the studies on chilblains says it was an efficient response to the virus that didn’t generate any
positive tests or serology. My husband and I have been taking lots of vitamin D for 4-5 years for joint pain. He’s been in the 30ng/ml range and I’ve been up at 70ng/ml. We also eat an anti-inflammatory diet.
But a true epic equine hypocrisy example is - Ivermectin maker Merck's new baby, mutagenic Molnupiravir, was originally made for equine encephalitis(!) https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/thinking-points-april-4-2022?s=r
(apologies if i wrote this twice, thought i posted before but dont see it)
This, however, is true epic equine hypocrisy - Merck, maker of ivermectin, lied all along about ivm for covid ( https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/2021/02/the-false-ivermectin-narrative-begins.html ).
Merck's new baby is Molnupiravir, so potentially mutagenically nightmarish that the FDA even almost didn't authorize it..
But where did Molnupiravir come from? -
"https://www.nature.com › news
Oct 8, 2021 — Molnupiravir began as a possible therapy for Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus at Emory University's non-profit company DRIVE (Drug ..."
What do you expect from big pharma poisons? Many of their drugs do the same damage but only slower. The safest bet is to avoid ALL big pharma drugs as much as possible. Your precious body will thank you in the long run. If any of them were natural to the body, they wouldn't come with an assortment of terrifying and debilitating after effects. After this mRNA gene therapy injection disaster, if you still trust big pharma, you are a fool.