Dr Paul Alexander wrote a piece on this study too that is more colorful:


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Those scientists should all go to prison for life, pronto.

We know all their names. They are on the paper.

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There is always somebody stupid enough to build a bigger bomb; that's my biggest gripe with scientists and engineers. Nobody should be allowed near a laboratory before completing a full year of philosophy and ethics courses -- and passing psychological profile tests. (I know, but we can dream.)

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Here is something to make your blood freeze: The work was done in a BSL-3 lab, which means that a virus 80-800x more lethal than all earlier strains was being manipulated in a lab with LOWER safety constraints and tools than the Wuhan lab (BSL-4) from which the original bug escaped (assuming there was no intentional release).

Preprint pdf is here: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.10.13.512134v1.full.pdf

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Where was the ethics committee that should have said to this study NO F*cking WAY???

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I have sat on ethics committees and so have wondered the same thing. Where was the risk benefit analysis? Are people incompetent, bought out, scared? It is absolute madness.

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I was pissed enough to post this on Facebook, Someone I used to respect relied "The companies have been making deadly diseases for decades, they how they create cures for them."

I have to just shake my head

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P.S. Partly funded by NIAID (still)... Surprised?

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What assh*le thinks this is a good idea? These people need to be locked up before they kill off most of the population.....just because they can. They act like f’ing irresponsible children, ‘I want to play with my new bomb, aw mom don’t worry, I won’t kill anybody’.

They need to have their toys taken away......NOW

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I thought gain of the function research was illegal in the US

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It's not gain of function, it's gain of threat and diversity. If they add an extra cleavage site they get carbon credits and a donut.

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I can't get my head around just how disturbing this is. Such important info in this article. Thank you.

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Oops, we are in for a doozy! If they have it, they will surely release it. Just after this boosting cycle completes and the immunity wanes again - they won't be throwing the jabs away just because they have something better in store, accidentally. Take their money 1st, kill next.

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I would think that they want to attenuate this version first, it would wipe out too many people & the [more] vaxxed would seem to be considerably more vulnerable to this even not accounting for the general VAIDS

Thing is, I don't trust their competency to prevent this version from escaping by accident or some hothead fanatic from taking matters into their own hands

I wonder what Vegas would put the over/under of Omi-S becoming the dominant VoC in, say, 6 months at ;)

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Considering the abysmal bivalent uptake (https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/lack-of-appetite-for-boosters-in), it will happen sooner rather than later. And as the satanists have particular penchant for Christmas that is around when I bet they will release it. If so, running on schedule: https://twitter.com/TheUnionJohn55/status/1581417818662526976?s=20&t=sQNPXNsCOrnUHfDwU_uhpQ

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Else next Easter - Sunday, April 9, 2023. Just under 6 months. If so, behind schedule: https://twitter.com/TheUnionJohn55/status/1581417818662526976?s=20&t=sQNPXNsCOrnUHfDwU_uhpQ

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Holy mackerel💣💣💣💣💣

Where is that clip from???

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The WEF forum

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when? is there a fuller video?

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It's an edited fake, although quite in keeping with Bourla's character, and WEF's goals. See 2:30+ in this clip:


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@ 2:51: "Jan. 2019 goal: by 2023 we will reduce the number of people in the world [that cannot afford our medicines]by 50%".

What kind of business goal is that??? And "[that cannot afford our medicines]" is injected and mumbled through real fast. So, in reality, it's cannot be a business objective. So, what remains is "We have set a goal in January 2019 that by 2023 we will reduce the number of people in the world by 50%". Makes total sense.

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someone needs to make a Grinch meme with an Omicron virion head or something similar

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We generated........?????

Say What???!!!

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Yes, they already did it, tested it on mice, in a level 3 lab. Wuhan, where this shit escaped, was a level 4, much higher security.

These low-life scum have created a virus, and already tested it on animals, that if it were to escape would destroy humanity. With civilization rapidly gone the survivors would starve, and those left would be irradiated from the nuclear reactors melting down without workers,

For what, so they could fuck around pretending to create a vaccine for coronavirus again? Which has never worked in history and always created ADE?

Absolute fucking madness

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This sounds really crazy.

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there is a pattern here. this is not the first time.

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Somewhere I have an article about increasing cases of accelerated dementia as sequelae from omicron infections in the jabbed - including children.

I was paranoid - I mean concerned, after reading about the first omicron and its "mutations" (the PrP sequences silenced (that should be good, right?) and acquisition of adeno virus sequences in particular) and opined it was a proof-of-concept trial. Recent reading predicts myriad omicron varieties, all very infectious despite repeated previous infections.

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Oh. Crap.

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Question - Bossche has warned that the leaky vaccines will likely result in a lethal highly contagious mutation... it is a numbers game - the more doses injected the more likely of achieving BINGO!

If they can do this in a lab why didn't they just create the deadly mutation and release it?

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They did, didn't you notice that whole 'pandemic' thingy? Was quite the stir.

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Unlikely in my opinion. This Omicron evolved from South Africa and was brought here by a passenger on an aircraft, is my take on that - it was never dangerous to humans because it had too many stalks and it defeated itself, however, it gave anyone who caught it a bad cold and theoretically provided them with protection from future variants, so it made no sense to create a vaccine which tried to stop it and stripped further natural immunity from everyone who had the vaccines.

You have to realize that Covid, from Covid-19 is constantly evolving and it is trying to survive as much as we humans want to as well and nothing can stop it from doing what it does best, a new variant occurs on average every 4 weeks or so, except with Richard Noakes's free salt water cure, which kills each Coronavirus dead, hence no Covid can occur. You cannot catch Covid, you have to catch a Coronavirus first and let that evolve into Covid in the nasal passages of your head, what the virologists forgot to tell you, because they treat Covid in the body, where the money is - Covid, think Pneumonia.

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Richard Noakes has not been ill from viruses for over 29 years - using his free salt water cure.

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Oh god, don't start that again

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Humans might not have much time left, honestly.

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I'm at the point where I'm rootin' for Putin to make the first strike...

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Did they create an Omicron Superbug, or is this subterfuge for the natural behavior of RNA virus quasispecies mutant swarms? https://harvard2thebighouse.substack.com/p/understanding-covid-19-and-seasonal

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