They needed a scapegoat and JJ was forced out of the market because Pfizer and Moderna paid better.

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Really? The CDC is directly responsible for murdering millions by pushing the use of mRNA poison substances.

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In the 15 unit apartment I live in three people died just recently .They where of working age .Two died of cancer and one of a heart attack .They had taken all the Pfizer shots .My brother was murdered in a hospital with the treatment protocol ,when he went in there with a flu .I don't think he had taken any shots .They have different ways and means to kill us .

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Well, Glad Kristen cleared that up. They have formally exposed themselves. Thank you!

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J&J bad, Pfizer/Moderna MUCH MUCH WORSE. Gold-standard randomized clinical trial mortality data (i.e. the only truly UNBIASED mortality data) clearly shows that mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) have an infinitely WORSE impact on overall mortality than adenovirus vector vaccines (Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca). While adenovirus vector vaccines are far from safe, mRNA vaccines are much, much MORE likely to cause excess non-COVID deaths, and also LESS effective against COVID deaths. EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what the medical establishment told us.


Layman's summary here: https://dailysceptic.org/2022/04/09/covid-vaccines-increase-risk-of-heart-related-deaths-by-up-to-50-lancet-analysis-of-trial-data-finds/ (their facts are correct, though some may not care for their slightly sensationalist writing style)

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fauci, now playing historian is claiming US is where europe was in 1930s ... my bet trump will be back at white house again

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I sincerely hope that you are right about Trump getting back in the White House.

This country has gone straight to hell since he “lost” the 2020 presidential election.

If our current “wannabe dictator” is re-elected, the way he was ‘elected’ in 2020, the US may never recover.....

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if he gets in there, it wont be for you and me ...

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I don’t agree with you about Trumps motives but it doesn’t really matter.

The fact is that Biden, his minders, and leftist Democratic Party policies have severely damaged this country since 2020.

We have massive inflation for the first time in 40 years.

The Chinese are making huge gains at our expense.

Biden’s foreign and domestic policies are a bad joke.

Biden is ignoring the Constitution and the rule of law.

The Justice Department and FBI have become the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party.

I could go on and on and on. I haven’t even mentioned the corruption.

These people make the Carter Administration look competent.

This administration has been a complete failure and I don’t care why Trump is running.....I just hope that he wins.

Elections, especially fraudulent ones, have consequences.

And we’re living through them now.

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He is the same accept he seemed a war monger back then. They certainly “groomed” him into selling the death jab to the masses. How anyone can forget trump promoted himself as the reason the mRNA vaccine got produced? And so quickly. He does *not wear that badge of honour so often anymore though.

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it is the machine ... 24 hours ...

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The brain dead populace still believes the CDC. This is like an abused spouse that goes back to the abuser. The people on substack know whats up but the majority still believe the abusive murderous CDC. At this point in the game it should be fairly obvious, but its not to many people.

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'This is like'... somebody with crohn's or IBD 'compelled ' to scarf down dairy , despite the smelly & messy & v.painful consequences thereof...cuz the medical die-t-ies say it's ok to do so...go figure...

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CDC stands for Crime Denying Child. You show the blatant evidence and they say “it wasn’t me, it was them.”

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Wow you are doing great work!!! Thanks so much.

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How is it possible to make a comparison of COVID vaccines to flu vaccines? The real results will depend on how many flu vaccine adverse reactions compared to COVID vaccines. Otherwise your detailed case histories will not have the needed information to make a clear judgement on how COVID compares to Flu vaccines.

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