I have never scanned a QR code, never will. Life is better without a fondle slab (cellphone). One of the best parts is (drumroll) you never have to charge the gdamn thing. Oh, and saving thousands a year is nice. If folks would just drop their cellphones, the entire 'agenda' agenda would evaporate. But most folks are simply too addicted. As for olympics, they simply destroy and bankrupt city after city. You would think folks would have learned by now.

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Yes to all this, except that there have never been restrictions in France to the Police asking for ID.

The dreaded "Vos papiers, s'il vous plaît" (Your documents, please) have been part of life on French streets for decades, as one could be stopped at any time and place for any reason by the "flics" (police). France was never a country where individual privacy existed. Their "Guilty until proven innocent" system of law is opposite to the Anglo-Saxon one of "Innocent until proven guilty." So these totalitarian policies are facilitated by national French culture. These policies also reflect French thinking that their culture is supreme. Distasteful as that may be to others, their belief in their superiority is long-established.

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Yup. I'm never ever setting foot in France again, although it's a beautiful country, only a two hour ride from where I live (I'm Belgian). My French wife, who had to flee her native country's horrible social policy when she was younger, will have to go visit her family without me.

Macron is actually the dear price they are now paying for their superiority complex.

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“entire area encompassing 41st and 43rd streets -- cross streets and all -- every inch, being cut off to all motorized traffic for 8 days”

I have sat in traffic in that area for what seemed like 8 days.

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Sadly, the damned QR code has entrenched itself everywhere you go these days. I refuse to use them. Say my phone isn't enabled for QR. Friends of ours stay in a gated community where they now send you a QR code to be let in. My spouse thinks I'm being paranoid. Scoffs at me. It really riles me. I will be resisting it for as long as possible. Even if I have to haul out my old button phone and feign absolute idiocy.

Thanks for the post.

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PS - picked up a small typo - it's "hare-brained" - sorry, am a ridiculous spelling pedant!

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