You can find a study showing that dang near everything and anything causes cancer. But we're supposed to believe that a brand new, never-tried mRNA vaccine that had safety trials of two or three months ... definitely does NOT cause cancer?
Cancer is the result of your body losing its natural defense against it forming. You never "catch" cancer nor do you catch most diseases. All big pharma drugs interfere with your body keeping you healthy. Untested and unknown mRNA substances are going to rip out your soul and render you a quick study for the grave. And the crazier thing is these murdering clowns of pharma want to sell you an anti-cancer vaccine. Wake up!
Can someone well informed on Cancer, explain to me, why cancer has a seasonal-effect pattern or cancer patients being killed off by annual flu season in Winter? Vitamin D production lower in Winter or higher in summer? It seems like while its upward trending, its a wave-like pattern. Year over year, I don't think that "they'll all be dead in 3-5 years!!!!!!!" prediction is coming true from Cancer, at least. The actual fatalities per week, appears to have gone up....250 deaths from 2022 to 2023 (ish) and 400 from (2023 to 2024) looking at the yearly maximum/spikes. 250 deaths over 52 weeks = 13,000 which is a very small drop in the bucket compared to the 200M or so vaccinated individuals in the US. Even 400*52 = 20,800. Also still, a drop in the bucket compared to the 400M Americans total population.
That's an extra 400 deaths per week equates to a 0.005% mortality relative to the whole US population and 0.01% relative to the US vaccinated population? That's ...quite a far cry from "100% will be dead in 3-5 years!!!!!!!!" At that rate, you're looking at like ~10k years to kill off the entire us vaccinated population. Nature will do it long before the c-19 vaccine would.
The growth looks quite linear, so you could do a series-time calculation for assuming an increase of 150 more extra deaths per year for say the next 20 years....and even in the 20th year, from today, we'd be at 20*150 + 400 = 3,400 deaths per week or 176,800 per year. That's still only 0.1% of the US vaccinated population per year.
If heart disease (which takes out about 50% more), takes out 0.15%, you're still at only 0.25% of the US Vaccinated population dying per year extra from the c-19 20 years time assuming this trend continues linearly as the graph kind of indicates. If it becomes exponential, yes, 20 years will look far different. So far though, I don't see much evidence based upon the cancer-graph
Firstly, there are Not 400 million Americans, there are roughly 320 or so million Americans. Unless you’re counting the anticipated 70 million more illegal Aliens allowed to cross the border and Arabs from Gaza being proposed to infiltrate. But I digress. If the cancers and heart damage and all other undocumented/associated illnesses and deaths continue to increase, this is nothing short of genocide. Period. Perhaps the next MIC deployment will give you the linear graph you so desire. BTW empathy and compassion are biblical fruits of the spirit.
True. There's 333M in 2022 according to census data. I'm also including like 50Mbl for temporary foreign legal workers and illegal immigrants. Then just round up slightly.
A key takeaway is simply this - yes, a 400 million population may not be changing much, but when you deal with such large numbers they are EXTREMELY stable and predictable.
Even the tiniest little change, if you can see it then it means something.
So if there's 250 more deaths per week then it literally means 250 or so people, every week, are dying from this crap causing cancer. You blow that off as no biggie, cos hey, in the big scheme of things...?
So if YOU get ass-cancer and faced a painful death, hey, you're just a speck and mean nothing, you know, to the big picture?
Quite a few memes, discussions with French virologist and Noble prize winner ummm..... drawing a blank on his name, he died after saying vaccinated people test positive for AIDS Luc Montagnier.
Here's a doctor claiming it at the Orange County Board of Comissioners based upon some statement a doctor made:
Dr. Barkahdi and a few others have claimed the meme. Multiple interviews with Virologist Greet Vanderbosche keeps claiming a super-covid-mutation will come and whip out "hundreds of millions" virtually-overnight.
Its a meme in the vaccine community now because so many people believe it, say it, repeat it and it originated from a noble prize winning virologist and other virologists; among with a PhD in and professor of immunology from Thailand, etc.
Another doctor here. Dr. Shawn Brooks says 5 years death will hit them all and they are all sterile, etc:
Dr. Harvey Risch is a Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology at Yale University. He specializes in the areas of cancer etiology, prevention, and early diagnosis, and in epidemiologic methods.
Perhaps a more easily recognizable connection would be with people who were in remission for a considerable length of time, and whose cancers reawakened after vaccination. Professor Angus Dalgleish in the UK, one of the more prominent oncologists there, has had a number of interviews with John Campbell, specifying that he is seeing this with his oncology patients, as well as a number of papers written on the subject.
One thing that stood out is his saying that if people need a booster shot then the vaccine has failed. Since this isn’t a true vaccine then it failed from the first shot. The PTB have rewritten history.
"It was always to prevent more severe sickness and death."
Yeah, but that’s not what they said in the beginning is it?
And the question becomes, how much death would have been prevented if alternative meds (like ivermectin??) would have been given during the first couple of days of infection, rather than waiting for the illness to get bad enough for hospitalization, ventilators etc.
Dear Dr. McCulloch: The recent discovery of the “mammalian stress mechanism” (MSM) enables the “Unified Theory of Medicine” envisioned by the late Dr. Hans Selye, whose theory became the prevailing paradigm of medical research for some 30 years after the discovery of DNA in 1953. The discovery of the MSM provides a simple, straightforward theoretical explanation of how the worthless and dangerous mRNA COVID injections cause cancer by inducing harmful MSM hyperactivity. The MSM appears during early embryological development to convert the chromosomal genetic blueprint into complex multicellular structures, and then remains active for the remainder of life to maintain and repair tissue structures and regulate hemodynamic physiology, which determines organ function. The mRNA injections consist of weaponized coronavirus genetic materials that attack and hijack the cells of the vascular endothelium to replicate more viral RNA that propagates throughout the body when it is abnormally introduced into systemic circulation. The consequent disruption of the vascular endothelium, which is the focus of MSM activity, causes the abnormal release of tissue factor and von Willebrand Factor into systemic blood circulation. Tissue factor activates blood enzyme factor VII, and von Willebrand Factor activates blood enzyme factor VIII. The simultaneousl activation of factors VII and VIII hyper-activates the enzymatic interaction of factors VII, VIII, IX, and X that generates thrombin, which causes systemic inflammation that promotes cancer throughout the body. I have published a paper that explains all this, and explains how stress theory can be used to cure cancer: More information is available via my website
Thank you very much for posting this. I would think that the over expression of Factors 7,8,10 etc. would promulgate the clotting and TPP we saw as opposed to cancer, but then again we know that inflammation is basically the fire for every disease, right? Even the term “stress” or the out-of-control stressors of life have been postulated to cause or exacerbate cancer. What about the supposed implication of Ace2 inhibitors with the convid “virus” or spike proteins? These directly affect the endothelium and cause disruptions. Then there are all the secretive components of the vax and suspicions of graphene oxide and magnetic fields created. Let’s not forget the SV40 used to make this and the Flu jabs. I could be mistaken but as Prime once said, “There's more to this than meets the eye.”
Dear Deborah, looks to me as if you are a candidate to read my book. You obviously possess the knowledge to pose intelligent questions, and you already have a pretty good knowledge of research information. Can you describe your background and training? Please have a look at my website and check the Amazon source for my book called “50 Years Lost in Medical Advance: The Discovery of Hans Selye’s Stress Mechanism” where you can download a free electronic copy of the book. Try exploring that. You are welcome to contact me via my website. As for inflammation, it’s regarded as a mystery, but its purpose is obvious: it loosens the cell connections and dissolves the basement membrane that holds cells in tight formations so that repair cell fibroblasts can move from adjacent damaged tissues into damaged tissues where they engage in tissue repair. When the tissue repair activity becomes “hyperactivated” it can cause proliferating, over-stimulated repair cells to invade and disrupt adjacent healthy cells. This releases more tissue factor into systemic circulation and induces nociception that releases von Willebrand Factor into circulation; this, in turn, causes dangerous systemic thrombin generation that causes systemic inflammation, which, as Virchow discovered in the 1800’s, precedes the appearance of the self-sustaining state of “malignancy.” The key to treating cancer is to calm the stress mechanism hyperactivity to enable spontaneous apoptosis of the hyperactivated repair cells. Instead, the cancer racket “treats” cancer with the very stresses that cause cancer: mutilating surgery, toxic chemicals, and harmful radiation). This is scientific insanity on steroids. To understand all this you need to read my book. Then you will understand that medicine is now on the brink of revolutionary advance, with the discovery of a theory that guides physicians to treat the actual cause of disease (stress mechanism hyperactivity induced by excessive and unremitting combinations of stresses) instead of relying on fickle symptoms.
Hello. I just have a lowly Biology degree and worked in labs my whole life. I have none of your obvious expertise and deeper understanding, but am simply trying to filter out truth from allopathic lies and confusion. Your hypotheses make a lot of sense, so I will definitely consider your book. Have you ever researched Otto Warburg, Weston Price, or Seyfreid (sp?) and his theory of cancer being a metabolic disease? Also have you heard of 1,4 beta glucan’s ability to regulate the immune system? Supposedly it was researched in the 1940’s.
You evidently know more than most cancer doctors. I am passingly familiar with Warburg’s work but regard it as a side branch leading to a blind alley. The MSM indicates that cancer cells are normal cells that have been thrust into a “hyperactivated” state by excessive thrombin exposure. In that state, they produce abnormal metabolic by-products, and that was what Warburg was detecting. Once the “vicious cycle” of malignancy becomes self-sustaining, it is only aggravated by the so-called “treatments” that are used to “fight” the cancer. The entire concept is wrong-headed but it serves the cancer racket well, because the continued “treatments” only make the cancer worse, and sustain it, so there is less chance of spontaneous remission. You need to read the book. Try downloading the free electronic version. If you like it I will negotiate a discount price for you.
There is no shortage of ideas about what causes cancer, most of which are inspired by the “abnormal” metabolism of cancer cells. Most of these presently popular ideas overlook basic biology. The first thing I would recommend is that you read a book called “The Secret History of the War on Cancer” by Devra Davis. Her book explains how wartime researchers Goodman and Gilman (of pharmacology textbook fame) learned about the WWII disaster in the port of Bari, Italy, where an American Liberty ship filled with an illegal cargo of mustard gas was bombed, strafed, and sunk by a surprise German air raid. This released catastrophic quantities of toxic war gas that killed and maimed thousands of civilians as well as soldiers and sailors. This story is generally suppressed from public awareness to the present. An American expert named Alexander was sent to investigate the disaster and he reported that the survivors exhibited low white blood cell counts. This inspired Goodman and Gilman with the notion that toxic mustard gas derivatives might be an effective treatment for leukemia, which causes elevated white cell counts. Lacking anyone with leukemia, they tried injecting mustard gas derivatives into a mouse with a large tumor, and the tumor shrank in size. Based on their observation of this single mouse, they immediately proceeded to try the same “treatment” on a dying silversmith. Though he died within days of this “treatment” they published their results along with their hypothesis that the mustard gas derivatives had prolonged the life of the silversmith----which was an outrageously unscientific claim.
Up to that time, there were two schools of thought about cancer. One held that cancer is a systemic disease with local manifestations that should be left untreated, because treatments tended to hasten death.
The other was that cancer is a localized disease with systemic manifestations that could be cured by removing all the cancerous tissues.
After the DNA discovery, which happened soon after the end of WWII, Mary Lasker began a vociferous campaign managed by her husband’s advertising agency that promoted the notion that cancer is caused by “defective DNA”. There has never been convincing evidence of this nonsense. Nevertheless, it encouraged the idea that cancer could be cured if the supposedly defective cells could be eradicated by toxic chemicals, radiation, and mutilating surgery. This is criminally insane bullshit, because toxic chemicals, excessive radiation, and surgical stress are all proven CAUSES of cancer. How can you “treat” cancer with the same stressful factors that cause cancer??? Nobody ever asks that obvious question. All these treatments do is hasten the death of the patient, but usually the actual cause of death is heart attacks, strokes, and pulmonary embolism, all of which are caused by “Trousseau’s Syndrome (syndrome meaning “we don’t know”) which accompanies all forms of cancer. There are lies, there are damned lies, and then there are statistics----and statistics are used to confuse the true lethality of conventional cancer treatments by attributing the deaths to heart attacks, strokes, and so forth.
Anyway, the hypotheses of Warburg, Price, and Seifried all seize upon the abnormal metabolism of cancer cells. Actually, the cells themselves are normal tissue repair cells that are hyperactivated and nobody can distinguish any difference between cancer cells and tissue repair cells during the peak phase of wound healing. In both cases the cells are in a hypermetabolic state that often outstrips their requirements for oxygen and glucose, and they often exhibit broken chromosomes because they are dividing and replicating with abnormal speed. Under these circumstances, eukaryotic cells revert to “anaerobic” metabolic pathways for lack of oxygen, causing them to produce lactic acid, NADH and so forth. This is basic biology, which is overlooked by these tyros.
In science, one must first devise a TESTABLE hypothesis. Then one can proceed to test the hypothesis to either confirm or disprove it. Warburg, Price, and Seifried have failed to provide any means to test their ideas, so their ideas are useless. We may believe in God (which I do) but there is no available means to test and confirm God’s existence.
Meanwhile, cancer treatment has devolved into a wildly profitable racket. The story is always the same. First the cancer victim is frightened half to death with the notion that the cancer is going to kill him if nothing is done. That isn’t true, because cancer often resolves spontaneously if it is left alone----in which case doctors dance victory laps and claim credit for the “cure.” But more often the first round of treatments with toxic chemicals, harmful radiation, and mutilating surgery shrinks or extirpates the tumors, and then the doctors declare that the cancer is in “remission.” But the cancer almost always re-appears, often accompanied by seemingly unrelated tumors in distant locations, or it “metastasizes” in typical ways. For example, hyperactive lung tumor cells are often transported to the brain. Both the lung and the brain are “target organs” for stress and cancer because both are rich in tissue factor and autonomic innervation. That explains why cancer of the lung and brain are so common. Generally organs and tissues rich in tissue factor are “target organs” for cancer and stress, such as the gonads, cervix, nervous tissue, retina and so forth. Ligaments, tendons, muscle, and other tissues lacking in tissue factor are seldom afflicted with malignancy.The bowel is relatively lacking in tissue factor, but it is intensely innervated with autonomic nerve endings.
The importance of the mammalian stress mechanism lies in the fact that it is TESTABLE. However, the sort of sophisticated animal, human clinical, and laboratory techniques necessary to test and confirm the mechanism are strictly controlled by the politics of Big Pharmaceutical companies and medical professions, both of which profit at the price of public health, so finding ways to test the mechanism won’t be easy.
Meanwhile, I can only encourage whoever reads this to read my book, which is called “50 Years Lost in Medical Advance: The Discovery of Hans Selye’s Stress Mechanism” and is available on Amazon. I expect that stress theory will slowly gain adherents until there is widespread demand for its testing, but that won’t likely happen in our lifetime.
"A serious limitation in the case we report is the refusal of the hospital that performed the biopsy to provide the histopathological images or perform immunohistochemical staining for the spike protein"
"vaccination might lead to the development of ENKL in a manner similar to severe mosquito bite allergy (SMBA)."
How long they can refuse to perform the biopsies and to liken the consequences of C 19 vaccines to those from a severe mosquito bite allergy? Medicine truly beclowning itself in its efforts to protect these vaccines. Disgusting, pathetic, and hopefully at some point, prosecutable.
Too bad they didn’t bother with the carcinogen tests, which now gives them the ability to deny any links in their minds. If they don’t test for it, then it can’t exist. 🙄
I have noticed how many diseases have taken off Flu is double the usual number, strep A, meningococcal… even the rapid spread of monkey pox. The vaccine & Covid has definitely destroyed peoples immune system. Possibly even wiped it clean from previous immunity of other diseases ? Very unusual things happening.
It's not surprising to see case reports of cancers developing or recurring after the administration of Covid-19 experimental gene therapy shots. I anticipated this in late 2020 when I learned that "Operation Warp Speed" was simply the peddling of mRNA shots to an unsuspecting public.
While I had hoped to see the development of at least one traditional vaccine, I realized that this was wishful thinking, and I knew that mRNA shots would cause untold damage to the bodies of people who took them. I knew this because I reside in the epicenter of gene editing/mRNA platform for prophylaxis or therapy hell, i.e. Massachusetts (read Harvard/Moderna land). I also had prior knowledge about lipid nanoparticles for the delivery of mRNA therapies from attending talks on this subject, which inspired me to do additional reading on the topic.
Due to my concerns about the shots, and my natural proclivity for taking action to avert disasters, I set out to see if I could do some damage control.
To that end, in January 2021, I initiated a conversation with a Harvard-affiliated oncologist. I chose this particular oncologist because of their participation on one of the NCCN Cancer Treatment Guidelines Boards. Since these Boards establish the standard of care for cancer treatment (generally followed by National Cancer Institute designated cancer centers) I thought I could gain insight into the current thinking about offering mRNA gene therapy shots to cancer patients -- those in active treatment and those who were cancer survivors (cancer patients in remission or considered "cured").
To make an already too long story a bit shorter, I gently broke the ice on this sensitive topic (no one mentions the Covid-19 mRNA gene therapy shots at any Harvard affiliated hospital or practice, unless they are prepared to sing its praises to the high heavens -- in other words, no criticism is allowed.
I broached the topic by suggesting that mRNA gene therapy shots were a bad idea for cancer patients because, in more than one way, they could cause a cancer recurrence or a new cancer. My first thought was about solid tumor cancers, where late recurrences (15-20 years after first diagnosis) are seen even in supposedly-cured early stage cancers. It is thought that this may be due to the presence of dormant cancer cells that become reactivated years after the initial treatment. So, based on prior knowledge about the mRNA therapy platform, I hypothesized that the lipid nanoparticles could enter any cell in the body, including the dormant cancer cells. I thought that when dormant cells began churning out a SARS‑CoV‑2 protein, the cells would become active. It seemed to me that reactivating dormant cancer cells would also reactivate the "cured" cancer. Speculation, yes, but entirely possible.
I mentioned several other ways the gene therapy shots could cause cancer, some of which have been discussed already by researchers studying this subject. However, the bottom line is that both the mRNA and the lipid nanoparticles may be able to cause cancer to develop.
Needless to say, the Harvard oncologist subjected me to the official party line, assuring me that the vaccine's developers (Moderna) told them that the mRNA would stay at the injection site so it could neither cause a recurrence nor a new cancer. I persisted in asserting that the oncologists should warn cancer patients about the above-mentioned risks -- to no avail -- and was informed that cancer patients would be told to get the primary Covid-19 series and the boosters. No surprise here.
But, one interesting development is that the Harvard Cancer Center (comprised of Mass General (MGH)/Brigham) is now falling apart. Their world-renowned NCI designated cancer center (DFCI), which has been part of the Mass General (MGH)/Brigham conglomerate for the last 30 years, announced in September 2023 that they were leaving MGH/Brigham and joining the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC - also a Harvard Medical School teaching hospital, but in a different hospital system). (
The goal of this move is to build a dedicated adult cancer hospital in Boston. Currently, inpatients in this system are treated at the Brigham (which is a general hospital). No one seems to know exactly why they are making this move, but I think that moving more care to the inpatient setting (hospital) will allow them to offer newer targeted treatments, including immunotherapy, to acutely ill cancer patients. There's undoubtedly a lot of money in this approach, especially given the rise in cancer cases, particularly leukemias and lymphomas, which are more commonly treated in an inpatient setting. And, interestingly, your article’s list of case studies includes a number of leukemias and lymphomas (the right cancers for an expensive hospital setting). Planned or chance? Perhaps we’ll never know.
When three of our 60-68 year old male friends suddenly developed cancers after their 2021 jabs, my husband and I were suspicious, to say the least. One was an aggressive leukemia, killing our dear friend 10 months after his jabs. The second was a case of sudden widespread (metastatic) cancer for which no primary site could ever be identified. He died 8 months after his two Pfizers. The third was a sudden lymphoma, this friend died the same week as our friend with leukemia, 8 months after his two injections. Then comes our 42 year old carpenter, dead 9 months after his Stage 4 renal carcinoma that had already spread to his bones at diagnosis. Next, a 41 young mother and neighbor of ours, still fighting sudden breast cancer after a normal mammogram the year before… 4 sudden tumors in one breast. Well. And that’s just the cancers… I won’t go into all the vasculitis, blood clots, and neurological illnesses that have developed in people we know the last 3 years. It’s all very demoralizing.
Elsewhere in the comments I described my brother, who died of turbo liver cancer just under two years after his Covid vaccination. He was previously in excellent health.
Scientists who care are getting closer to proving it. Check out Dr. Jordan Vaughn out of Alabama. Journalist Sharyl Atkinson did a great short show on him and his patients just last week. She had talked with him months ago and did an update on his practice last week. Full Measure is her show. You can google her show name and her and it’ll take you right to her youtube postings. Then of course, Kevin McKernan and many others including cancer genomics specialist Dr. Phillip Buckhaults out of Columbia, South Carolina are at this moment proving DNA integration and finding spike from the Pfizer injectables inside tumor samples from patients. Scary stuff. But it’s work worth doing.
I recall when standing in front of the Customs house in Dublin in 2020, that professor Dolores Cahill outlined and predicted the large amount of deaths that would occur from the mRNA vaccine. I believe she recounted from her work experience in the Max Plank Institute the disturbing outcomes from her research involving the mRNA technology from 10 years previous eg; cancers, lung problems, liver etc.
Here’s a troubling coincidence. My long time friend and wife both in their 80’s within a month after their 5th Pfizer: she had a return of breast cancer, he simultaneously acquired A-fib plus aggressive lymphoma (multiple “turbo” tumors) Both recovered within a year after aggressive chemo therapy. The A-fib not so much.
My brother (age 66) got the initial Moderna shots in spring of 2021. About 15 months later he developed a persistent cough, which mystified his doctor. By November 2022 he was feeling pretty sick; blood tests unhelpful. January 2023 he was definitely having liver issues, and ultrasound led to a diagnosis of widespread and sudden onset liver and other tumors. Two weeks later he was dead.
Prior to that he was active and in excellent health, taking very good care of himself except for being a heavy drinker. While he would have been predisposed to liver problems, I can't help thinking the vaccination triggered it.
Dear Dr. McCullough. I’ve exhausted all resources researching into “healing issues” for those who’ve taken the Covid jab and not successful. Is there medical documentation to show this is the case?
Dear Dr. McCullough. I’ve exhausted all resources researching into “healing issues” for those who’ve taken the Covid jab and not successful. Is there medical documentation to show this is the case?
Dear Dr. McCullough. I’ve exhausted all resources researching into “healing issues” for those who’ve taken the Covid jab and not successful. Is there medical documentation to show this is the case?
You can find a study showing that dang near everything and anything causes cancer. But we're supposed to believe that a brand new, never-tried mRNA vaccine that had safety trials of two or three months ... definitely does NOT cause cancer?
Come on, man.
Excellent point.
Cancer is the result of your body losing its natural defense against it forming. You never "catch" cancer nor do you catch most diseases. All big pharma drugs interfere with your body keeping you healthy. Untested and unknown mRNA substances are going to rip out your soul and render you a quick study for the grave. And the crazier thing is these murdering clowns of pharma want to sell you an anti-cancer vaccine. Wake up!
Can someone well informed on Cancer, explain to me, why cancer has a seasonal-effect pattern or cancer patients being killed off by annual flu season in Winter? Vitamin D production lower in Winter or higher in summer? It seems like while its upward trending, its a wave-like pattern. Year over year, I don't think that "they'll all be dead in 3-5 years!!!!!!!" prediction is coming true from Cancer, at least. The actual fatalities per week, appears to have gone up....250 deaths from 2022 to 2023 (ish) and 400 from (2023 to 2024) looking at the yearly maximum/spikes. 250 deaths over 52 weeks = 13,000 which is a very small drop in the bucket compared to the 200M or so vaccinated individuals in the US. Even 400*52 = 20,800. Also still, a drop in the bucket compared to the 400M Americans total population.
That's an extra 400 deaths per week equates to a 0.005% mortality relative to the whole US population and 0.01% relative to the US vaccinated population? That's ...quite a far cry from "100% will be dead in 3-5 years!!!!!!!!" At that rate, you're looking at like ~10k years to kill off the entire us vaccinated population. Nature will do it long before the c-19 vaccine would.
The growth looks quite linear, so you could do a series-time calculation for assuming an increase of 150 more extra deaths per year for say the next 20 years....and even in the 20th year, from today, we'd be at 20*150 + 400 = 3,400 deaths per week or 176,800 per year. That's still only 0.1% of the US vaccinated population per year.
If heart disease (which takes out about 50% more), takes out 0.15%, you're still at only 0.25% of the US Vaccinated population dying per year extra from the c-19 20 years time assuming this trend continues linearly as the graph kind of indicates. If it becomes exponential, yes, 20 years will look far different. So far though, I don't see much evidence based upon the cancer-graph
Firstly, there are Not 400 million Americans, there are roughly 320 or so million Americans. Unless you’re counting the anticipated 70 million more illegal Aliens allowed to cross the border and Arabs from Gaza being proposed to infiltrate. But I digress. If the cancers and heart damage and all other undocumented/associated illnesses and deaths continue to increase, this is nothing short of genocide. Period. Perhaps the next MIC deployment will give you the linear graph you so desire. BTW empathy and compassion are biblical fruits of the spirit.
True. There's 333M in 2022 according to census data. I'm also including like 50Mbl for temporary foreign legal workers and illegal immigrants. Then just round up slightly.
A key takeaway is simply this - yes, a 400 million population may not be changing much, but when you deal with such large numbers they are EXTREMELY stable and predictable.
Even the tiniest little change, if you can see it then it means something.
So if there's 250 more deaths per week then it literally means 250 or so people, every week, are dying from this crap causing cancer. You blow that off as no biggie, cos hey, in the big scheme of things...?
So if YOU get ass-cancer and faced a painful death, hey, you're just a speck and mean nothing, you know, to the big picture?
My point is... These numbers don't support the claims of everyone vaccinated dead in 5 years starting at the third year...
Can you link to some legitimate claims of ‘everyone vaccinated dead in 5 years’??
Quite a few memes, discussions with French virologist and Noble prize winner ummm..... drawing a blank on his name, he died after saying vaccinated people test positive for AIDS Luc Montagnier.
Here's a doctor claiming it at the Orange County Board of Comissioners based upon some statement a doctor made:
Likewise for the former Pfizer executive Michael Yeadon whose been speaking out ( ).
Dr. Barkahdi and a few others have claimed the meme. Multiple interviews with Virologist Greet Vanderbosche keeps claiming a super-covid-mutation will come and whip out "hundreds of millions" virtually-overnight.
Its a meme in the vaccine community now because so many people believe it, say it, repeat it and it originated from a noble prize winning virologist and other virologists; among with a PhD in and professor of immunology from Thailand, etc.
Another doctor here. Dr. Shawn Brooks says 5 years death will hit them all and they are all sterile, etc:
Here's the anti-vaccine advocate David Wolf saying it:
Professor Dalores Cahil...
Alt source:
PHD degree holder saying it:
Dr. Zelenko..
Dr. Harvey Risch is a Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology at Yale University. He specializes in the areas of cancer etiology, prevention, and early diagnosis, and in epidemiologic methods.
Perhaps a more easily recognizable connection would be with people who were in remission for a considerable length of time, and whose cancers reawakened after vaccination. Professor Angus Dalgleish in the UK, one of the more prominent oncologists there, has had a number of interviews with John Campbell, specifying that he is seeing this with his oncology patients, as well as a number of papers written on the subject.
I recently watched the interview.
One thing that stood out is his saying that if people need a booster shot then the vaccine has failed. Since this isn’t a true vaccine then it failed from the first shot. The PTB have rewritten history.
"It was always to prevent more severe sickness and death."
Yeah, but that’s not what they said in the beginning is it?
And the question becomes, how much death would have been prevented if alternative meds (like ivermectin??) would have been given during the first couple of days of infection, rather than waiting for the illness to get bad enough for hospitalization, ventilators etc.
Dear Dr. McCulloch: The recent discovery of the “mammalian stress mechanism” (MSM) enables the “Unified Theory of Medicine” envisioned by the late Dr. Hans Selye, whose theory became the prevailing paradigm of medical research for some 30 years after the discovery of DNA in 1953. The discovery of the MSM provides a simple, straightforward theoretical explanation of how the worthless and dangerous mRNA COVID injections cause cancer by inducing harmful MSM hyperactivity. The MSM appears during early embryological development to convert the chromosomal genetic blueprint into complex multicellular structures, and then remains active for the remainder of life to maintain and repair tissue structures and regulate hemodynamic physiology, which determines organ function. The mRNA injections consist of weaponized coronavirus genetic materials that attack and hijack the cells of the vascular endothelium to replicate more viral RNA that propagates throughout the body when it is abnormally introduced into systemic circulation. The consequent disruption of the vascular endothelium, which is the focus of MSM activity, causes the abnormal release of tissue factor and von Willebrand Factor into systemic blood circulation. Tissue factor activates blood enzyme factor VII, and von Willebrand Factor activates blood enzyme factor VIII. The simultaneousl activation of factors VII and VIII hyper-activates the enzymatic interaction of factors VII, VIII, IX, and X that generates thrombin, which causes systemic inflammation that promotes cancer throughout the body. I have published a paper that explains all this, and explains how stress theory can be used to cure cancer: More information is available via my website
Thank you very much for posting this. I would think that the over expression of Factors 7,8,10 etc. would promulgate the clotting and TPP we saw as opposed to cancer, but then again we know that inflammation is basically the fire for every disease, right? Even the term “stress” or the out-of-control stressors of life have been postulated to cause or exacerbate cancer. What about the supposed implication of Ace2 inhibitors with the convid “virus” or spike proteins? These directly affect the endothelium and cause disruptions. Then there are all the secretive components of the vax and suspicions of graphene oxide and magnetic fields created. Let’s not forget the SV40 used to make this and the Flu jabs. I could be mistaken but as Prime once said, “There's more to this than meets the eye.”
Dear Deborah, looks to me as if you are a candidate to read my book. You obviously possess the knowledge to pose intelligent questions, and you already have a pretty good knowledge of research information. Can you describe your background and training? Please have a look at my website and check the Amazon source for my book called “50 Years Lost in Medical Advance: The Discovery of Hans Selye’s Stress Mechanism” where you can download a free electronic copy of the book. Try exploring that. You are welcome to contact me via my website. As for inflammation, it’s regarded as a mystery, but its purpose is obvious: it loosens the cell connections and dissolves the basement membrane that holds cells in tight formations so that repair cell fibroblasts can move from adjacent damaged tissues into damaged tissues where they engage in tissue repair. When the tissue repair activity becomes “hyperactivated” it can cause proliferating, over-stimulated repair cells to invade and disrupt adjacent healthy cells. This releases more tissue factor into systemic circulation and induces nociception that releases von Willebrand Factor into circulation; this, in turn, causes dangerous systemic thrombin generation that causes systemic inflammation, which, as Virchow discovered in the 1800’s, precedes the appearance of the self-sustaining state of “malignancy.” The key to treating cancer is to calm the stress mechanism hyperactivity to enable spontaneous apoptosis of the hyperactivated repair cells. Instead, the cancer racket “treats” cancer with the very stresses that cause cancer: mutilating surgery, toxic chemicals, and harmful radiation). This is scientific insanity on steroids. To understand all this you need to read my book. Then you will understand that medicine is now on the brink of revolutionary advance, with the discovery of a theory that guides physicians to treat the actual cause of disease (stress mechanism hyperactivity induced by excessive and unremitting combinations of stresses) instead of relying on fickle symptoms.
Hello. I just have a lowly Biology degree and worked in labs my whole life. I have none of your obvious expertise and deeper understanding, but am simply trying to filter out truth from allopathic lies and confusion. Your hypotheses make a lot of sense, so I will definitely consider your book. Have you ever researched Otto Warburg, Weston Price, or Seyfreid (sp?) and his theory of cancer being a metabolic disease? Also have you heard of 1,4 beta glucan’s ability to regulate the immune system? Supposedly it was researched in the 1940’s.
You evidently know more than most cancer doctors. I am passingly familiar with Warburg’s work but regard it as a side branch leading to a blind alley. The MSM indicates that cancer cells are normal cells that have been thrust into a “hyperactivated” state by excessive thrombin exposure. In that state, they produce abnormal metabolic by-products, and that was what Warburg was detecting. Once the “vicious cycle” of malignancy becomes self-sustaining, it is only aggravated by the so-called “treatments” that are used to “fight” the cancer. The entire concept is wrong-headed but it serves the cancer racket well, because the continued “treatments” only make the cancer worse, and sustain it, so there is less chance of spontaneous remission. You need to read the book. Try downloading the free electronic version. If you like it I will negotiate a discount price for you.
Wartburg did his work in the 1930s. I would be interested to hear your thinking about Thomas Seyfried's ideas about the metabolic theory of cancer.
There is no shortage of ideas about what causes cancer, most of which are inspired by the “abnormal” metabolism of cancer cells. Most of these presently popular ideas overlook basic biology. The first thing I would recommend is that you read a book called “The Secret History of the War on Cancer” by Devra Davis. Her book explains how wartime researchers Goodman and Gilman (of pharmacology textbook fame) learned about the WWII disaster in the port of Bari, Italy, where an American Liberty ship filled with an illegal cargo of mustard gas was bombed, strafed, and sunk by a surprise German air raid. This released catastrophic quantities of toxic war gas that killed and maimed thousands of civilians as well as soldiers and sailors. This story is generally suppressed from public awareness to the present. An American expert named Alexander was sent to investigate the disaster and he reported that the survivors exhibited low white blood cell counts. This inspired Goodman and Gilman with the notion that toxic mustard gas derivatives might be an effective treatment for leukemia, which causes elevated white cell counts. Lacking anyone with leukemia, they tried injecting mustard gas derivatives into a mouse with a large tumor, and the tumor shrank in size. Based on their observation of this single mouse, they immediately proceeded to try the same “treatment” on a dying silversmith. Though he died within days of this “treatment” they published their results along with their hypothesis that the mustard gas derivatives had prolonged the life of the silversmith----which was an outrageously unscientific claim.
Up to that time, there were two schools of thought about cancer. One held that cancer is a systemic disease with local manifestations that should be left untreated, because treatments tended to hasten death.
The other was that cancer is a localized disease with systemic manifestations that could be cured by removing all the cancerous tissues.
After the DNA discovery, which happened soon after the end of WWII, Mary Lasker began a vociferous campaign managed by her husband’s advertising agency that promoted the notion that cancer is caused by “defective DNA”. There has never been convincing evidence of this nonsense. Nevertheless, it encouraged the idea that cancer could be cured if the supposedly defective cells could be eradicated by toxic chemicals, radiation, and mutilating surgery. This is criminally insane bullshit, because toxic chemicals, excessive radiation, and surgical stress are all proven CAUSES of cancer. How can you “treat” cancer with the same stressful factors that cause cancer??? Nobody ever asks that obvious question. All these treatments do is hasten the death of the patient, but usually the actual cause of death is heart attacks, strokes, and pulmonary embolism, all of which are caused by “Trousseau’s Syndrome (syndrome meaning “we don’t know”) which accompanies all forms of cancer. There are lies, there are damned lies, and then there are statistics----and statistics are used to confuse the true lethality of conventional cancer treatments by attributing the deaths to heart attacks, strokes, and so forth.
Anyway, the hypotheses of Warburg, Price, and Seifried all seize upon the abnormal metabolism of cancer cells. Actually, the cells themselves are normal tissue repair cells that are hyperactivated and nobody can distinguish any difference between cancer cells and tissue repair cells during the peak phase of wound healing. In both cases the cells are in a hypermetabolic state that often outstrips their requirements for oxygen and glucose, and they often exhibit broken chromosomes because they are dividing and replicating with abnormal speed. Under these circumstances, eukaryotic cells revert to “anaerobic” metabolic pathways for lack of oxygen, causing them to produce lactic acid, NADH and so forth. This is basic biology, which is overlooked by these tyros.
In science, one must first devise a TESTABLE hypothesis. Then one can proceed to test the hypothesis to either confirm or disprove it. Warburg, Price, and Seifried have failed to provide any means to test their ideas, so their ideas are useless. We may believe in God (which I do) but there is no available means to test and confirm God’s existence.
Meanwhile, cancer treatment has devolved into a wildly profitable racket. The story is always the same. First the cancer victim is frightened half to death with the notion that the cancer is going to kill him if nothing is done. That isn’t true, because cancer often resolves spontaneously if it is left alone----in which case doctors dance victory laps and claim credit for the “cure.” But more often the first round of treatments with toxic chemicals, harmful radiation, and mutilating surgery shrinks or extirpates the tumors, and then the doctors declare that the cancer is in “remission.” But the cancer almost always re-appears, often accompanied by seemingly unrelated tumors in distant locations, or it “metastasizes” in typical ways. For example, hyperactive lung tumor cells are often transported to the brain. Both the lung and the brain are “target organs” for stress and cancer because both are rich in tissue factor and autonomic innervation. That explains why cancer of the lung and brain are so common. Generally organs and tissues rich in tissue factor are “target organs” for cancer and stress, such as the gonads, cervix, nervous tissue, retina and so forth. Ligaments, tendons, muscle, and other tissues lacking in tissue factor are seldom afflicted with malignancy.The bowel is relatively lacking in tissue factor, but it is intensely innervated with autonomic nerve endings.
The importance of the mammalian stress mechanism lies in the fact that it is TESTABLE. However, the sort of sophisticated animal, human clinical, and laboratory techniques necessary to test and confirm the mechanism are strictly controlled by the politics of Big Pharmaceutical companies and medical professions, both of which profit at the price of public health, so finding ways to test the mechanism won’t be easy.
Meanwhile, I can only encourage whoever reads this to read my book, which is called “50 Years Lost in Medical Advance: The Discovery of Hans Selye’s Stress Mechanism” and is available on Amazon. I expect that stress theory will slowly gain adherents until there is widespread demand for its testing, but that won’t likely happen in our lifetime.
"A serious limitation in the case we report is the refusal of the hospital that performed the biopsy to provide the histopathological images or perform immunohistochemical staining for the spike protein"
"vaccination might lead to the development of ENKL in a manner similar to severe mosquito bite allergy (SMBA)."
How long they can refuse to perform the biopsies and to liken the consequences of C 19 vaccines to those from a severe mosquito bite allergy? Medicine truly beclowning itself in its efforts to protect these vaccines. Disgusting, pathetic, and hopefully at some point, prosecutable.
Too bad they didn’t bother with the carcinogen tests, which now gives them the ability to deny any links in their minds. If they don’t test for it, then it can’t exist. 🙄
I have noticed how many diseases have taken off Flu is double the usual number, strep A, meningococcal… even the rapid spread of monkey pox. The vaccine & Covid has definitely destroyed peoples immune system. Possibly even wiped it clean from previous immunity of other diseases ? Very unusual things happening.
It's not surprising to see case reports of cancers developing or recurring after the administration of Covid-19 experimental gene therapy shots. I anticipated this in late 2020 when I learned that "Operation Warp Speed" was simply the peddling of mRNA shots to an unsuspecting public.
While I had hoped to see the development of at least one traditional vaccine, I realized that this was wishful thinking, and I knew that mRNA shots would cause untold damage to the bodies of people who took them. I knew this because I reside in the epicenter of gene editing/mRNA platform for prophylaxis or therapy hell, i.e. Massachusetts (read Harvard/Moderna land). I also had prior knowledge about lipid nanoparticles for the delivery of mRNA therapies from attending talks on this subject, which inspired me to do additional reading on the topic.
For those who don't already know, Harvard University established a mRNA immunotherapy research collaboration with Moderna in 2019. (
Due to my concerns about the shots, and my natural proclivity for taking action to avert disasters, I set out to see if I could do some damage control.
To that end, in January 2021, I initiated a conversation with a Harvard-affiliated oncologist. I chose this particular oncologist because of their participation on one of the NCCN Cancer Treatment Guidelines Boards. Since these Boards establish the standard of care for cancer treatment (generally followed by National Cancer Institute designated cancer centers) I thought I could gain insight into the current thinking about offering mRNA gene therapy shots to cancer patients -- those in active treatment and those who were cancer survivors (cancer patients in remission or considered "cured").
To make an already too long story a bit shorter, I gently broke the ice on this sensitive topic (no one mentions the Covid-19 mRNA gene therapy shots at any Harvard affiliated hospital or practice, unless they are prepared to sing its praises to the high heavens -- in other words, no criticism is allowed.
I broached the topic by suggesting that mRNA gene therapy shots were a bad idea for cancer patients because, in more than one way, they could cause a cancer recurrence or a new cancer. My first thought was about solid tumor cancers, where late recurrences (15-20 years after first diagnosis) are seen even in supposedly-cured early stage cancers. It is thought that this may be due to the presence of dormant cancer cells that become reactivated years after the initial treatment. So, based on prior knowledge about the mRNA therapy platform, I hypothesized that the lipid nanoparticles could enter any cell in the body, including the dormant cancer cells. I thought that when dormant cells began churning out a SARS‑CoV‑2 protein, the cells would become active. It seemed to me that reactivating dormant cancer cells would also reactivate the "cured" cancer. Speculation, yes, but entirely possible.
I mentioned several other ways the gene therapy shots could cause cancer, some of which have been discussed already by researchers studying this subject. However, the bottom line is that both the mRNA and the lipid nanoparticles may be able to cause cancer to develop.
Needless to say, the Harvard oncologist subjected me to the official party line, assuring me that the vaccine's developers (Moderna) told them that the mRNA would stay at the injection site so it could neither cause a recurrence nor a new cancer. I persisted in asserting that the oncologists should warn cancer patients about the above-mentioned risks -- to no avail -- and was informed that cancer patients would be told to get the primary Covid-19 series and the boosters. No surprise here.
But, one interesting development is that the Harvard Cancer Center (comprised of Mass General (MGH)/Brigham) is now falling apart. Their world-renowned NCI designated cancer center (DFCI), which has been part of the Mass General (MGH)/Brigham conglomerate for the last 30 years, announced in September 2023 that they were leaving MGH/Brigham and joining the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC - also a Harvard Medical School teaching hospital, but in a different hospital system). (
The goal of this move is to build a dedicated adult cancer hospital in Boston. Currently, inpatients in this system are treated at the Brigham (which is a general hospital). No one seems to know exactly why they are making this move, but I think that moving more care to the inpatient setting (hospital) will allow them to offer newer targeted treatments, including immunotherapy, to acutely ill cancer patients. There's undoubtedly a lot of money in this approach, especially given the rise in cancer cases, particularly leukemias and lymphomas, which are more commonly treated in an inpatient setting. And, interestingly, your article’s list of case studies includes a number of leukemias and lymphomas (the right cancers for an expensive hospital setting). Planned or chance? Perhaps we’ll never know.
When three of our 60-68 year old male friends suddenly developed cancers after their 2021 jabs, my husband and I were suspicious, to say the least. One was an aggressive leukemia, killing our dear friend 10 months after his jabs. The second was a case of sudden widespread (metastatic) cancer for which no primary site could ever be identified. He died 8 months after his two Pfizers. The third was a sudden lymphoma, this friend died the same week as our friend with leukemia, 8 months after his two injections. Then comes our 42 year old carpenter, dead 9 months after his Stage 4 renal carcinoma that had already spread to his bones at diagnosis. Next, a 41 young mother and neighbor of ours, still fighting sudden breast cancer after a normal mammogram the year before… 4 sudden tumors in one breast. Well. And that’s just the cancers… I won’t go into all the vasculitis, blood clots, and neurological illnesses that have developed in people we know the last 3 years. It’s all very demoralizing.
Elsewhere in the comments I described my brother, who died of turbo liver cancer just under two years after his Covid vaccination. He was previously in excellent health.
I’m so sorrry, Tardigrade. That is terrible to lose your brother, a healthy guy before those infernal jabs.
Thank you. I am sorry about your friends. We can suspect the shots, but there's no way of proving it.
Scientists who care are getting closer to proving it. Check out Dr. Jordan Vaughn out of Alabama. Journalist Sharyl Atkinson did a great short show on him and his patients just last week. She had talked with him months ago and did an update on his practice last week. Full Measure is her show. You can google her show name and her and it’ll take you right to her youtube postings. Then of course, Kevin McKernan and many others including cancer genomics specialist Dr. Phillip Buckhaults out of Columbia, South Carolina are at this moment proving DNA integration and finding spike from the Pfizer injectables inside tumor samples from patients. Scary stuff. But it’s work worth doing.
I recall when standing in front of the Customs house in Dublin in 2020, that professor Dolores Cahill outlined and predicted the large amount of deaths that would occur from the mRNA vaccine. I believe she recounted from her work experience in the Max Plank Institute the disturbing outcomes from her research involving the mRNA technology from 10 years previous eg; cancers, lung problems, liver etc.
Out of curiosity, I looked her up. Holy cow, they came down on her like a ton of bricks.
It isn't until the second page of hits that I finally got past the propaganda to a link to what she actually thinks. I'll listen to it when I get time.
Here’s a troubling coincidence. My long time friend and wife both in their 80’s within a month after their 5th Pfizer: she had a return of breast cancer, he simultaneously acquired A-fib plus aggressive lymphoma (multiple “turbo” tumors) Both recovered within a year after aggressive chemo therapy. The A-fib not so much.
My brother (age 66) got the initial Moderna shots in spring of 2021. About 15 months later he developed a persistent cough, which mystified his doctor. By November 2022 he was feeling pretty sick; blood tests unhelpful. January 2023 he was definitely having liver issues, and ultrasound led to a diagnosis of widespread and sudden onset liver and other tumors. Two weeks later he was dead.
Prior to that he was active and in excellent health, taking very good care of himself except for being a heavy drinker. While he would have been predisposed to liver problems, I can't help thinking the vaccination triggered it.
Note: COVID protects itself by deactivating the Vitamin D receptor, which increases the risk of Cancer and many other diseases
15 more reports of Cancers and COVID are at
Dear Dr. McCullough. I’ve exhausted all resources researching into “healing issues” for those who’ve taken the Covid jab and not successful. Is there medical documentation to show this is the case?
Dear Dr. McCullough. I’ve exhausted all resources researching into “healing issues” for those who’ve taken the Covid jab and not successful. Is there medical documentation to show this is the case?
Dear Dr. McCullough. I’ve exhausted all resources researching into “healing issues” for those who’ve taken the Covid jab and not successful. Is there medical documentation to show this is the case?