Bombshell reporting, very important read. Excellent work.

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Just found this through the Gummi Bear post. Fantastic analysis.

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Well done! I've read a lot of Hans Von Spakovsky but not that, I'll have to check it out.

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I am surprised that it hasn't gotten more traction given the political prominence of electoral fraud as an issue right now

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I wrote a ton of emails quoting Hans and John Fund, begging GOP and Trump to be ready. Seems like they just ignored me. I was an election observer but nothing happened where I was.

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What state/precinct were you stationed at?

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AZ Pima, precinct 3.

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We would be naive in the extreme to believe that the 2020 presidential election was the first time the fraud machine had been used to swing election results. But the remarkable hutzpah that these people demonstrated during that election tells you they know full well they are above the law and that nobody will ever do anything to hold them accountable.

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There ya go...politics, politicians and the entire form of government is one gigantic fraud. It is obvious that neither party has any interest in honest and up-front elections because that might introduce a wild card like Trump or some other 3rd party non-DC Swamp candidate that could actually win.

The major problem is that even if we get a solid alt-3rd party winner for the king of the hill, the entire DC Swap and all the rats from both parties will never agree to give up their cushy, never-working, wealth stealing positions (in no way are they to be termed as jobs where one has to actually work) and as we saw with Trump, even many repubs refused to change course. It has been for decades the good-old-boys club where the citizens are excluded and ignored.

In the end, the system becomes extremely corrupt and busted and must be burnt to the ground and the ashes buried. There is no way the current state of DC affairs can ever be turned around into a government of, for and by the people, No way.

The build backwards better theme is only the siren call of the scumbag leftists and the call for life long slavery...that is if they haven't murdered you first. We need a total rebuild from the ground up...without a smidgen of leftism.

Come the early to mid 2030's, after the great reset fails miserably, a new type of government will emerge. The DC Swamp will be drained, filled and plowed under. Keep the faith, baby!

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"1982 is a mere thirty years ago"? I can't help but question the author's understanding of vote-tally math after reading such an assertion.

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Whoops, thanks so much for pointing that out ;))

I fixed it, although "mere 40 years" doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

I do think that the basic point is valid though -- nothing changed on the political scene in Chicago or anywhere else regarding election administration and infrastructure since 1982, which is still pretty recent historically, there are plenty of people still alive and kicking who were part and parcel of that scheme.

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Thanks for correcting it.

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Thank you for this very important article.

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This a year and a half old article but very informative.

One thing I have not seen anyone do is a voter analysis by county (easy) or voter district (very hard) to see where the increased votes for Biden came from versus the increased votes for Trump. (Since both saw sharp increases in votes) I have done so for Georgia and a couple other states.

It shows that despite all the rhetoric, Fulton county was not the problem in Georgia. The increase (actual votes percentage wise) for Biden over Clinton was the same as the increase for Trump over Trump there. The problem comes from other counties where the percentage increase for Biden vs Clinton is much higher than the increase for Trump vs Trump. That's where the focus should have been since the beginning.

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Great article, I've read many election fraud articles the last couple of days after the showing of 2000 Mules. Somehow I have my suspicions they will force the "digital ID" as the only mechanism to assure safe elections without fraud. Covid passport did not work so they will change it to "Election Passport". Your thoughts?

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Intriguing thesis. They certainly are wiling and craven enough to turn on a dime like that, it could be that it would be worth it to get the vaunted social credit score system up and running. I have my doubts though about the practicality of pulling it off in the US, the election security measures are probably too entrenched and intertwined with all the racial and gender craziness.

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I vote many times every day and I always vote for myself. Hello there I'm the leader of my own life.

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