First of all, I hope your medical issues are able to be resolved. That's stressful, in and of itself.

As to the rest, thank you for addressing this issue. I couldn't get through some of the details of that man's suicide. Horrific!

I can't get into detail because it's confidential work stuff. But on a regular basis I hear sworn legal testimony from people who lost their jobs due to the vaccine mandates. People have lost their apartments/homes. They're under severe financial stress, which results in mental/emotional stress. Some have also talked about medical issues. It didn't even occur to me that they could be having medical problems directly because of this stress. No one is addressing this issue. It's like these poor people don't even exist. Thank you for bringing some attention to this.

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Is there any way to make de-identified versions of the individual case fact patterns available? I think that having a compendium of real stories documenting the real-life suffering of people bec of the mandate persecution would be valuable to help communicate a sense of the horrible evilness and torment of these mandates to a public that is not really sensitized to this

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Darn, I'll have to think it over. Off the top of my head, I can't think of how I could do that without getting into serious legal problems - which I know makes the examples I gave less than useless, since I can't prove any of it. I'm sorry. If it was just me risking legal problems, I'd take the chance. But since it involves many other parties, I'm not sure I could get around it. But I'll continue to think about this. Again, I'm sorry. I hate to be useless like this.

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Definitely not useless :)

Can you summarize the basic contours of fact patterns you're seeing

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Always pertinent writing. Thanks. Fauci and gates murdered them all.

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The bottom line is that these mandates involved governments and other organizations intentionally harming citizens. The damage intentionally done by governments has been underrated.

Speaking of my family, my job was under threat for about a year and I was banned from entering my company’s premises. The stress of this was great for my wife and myself. Our baby was born with a non-genetic defect that required a major surgery and we are unsure of whether stress was an influence. (Thankfully he seems ok now.) We were treated like trash at a hospital and I was unable to enter the room where my newborn was on an IV. We still feel anger and stress over this and we have not forgotten or forgiven. The people who inflicted these mandates and those who were complicit deserve to pay for their actions.

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Everyone who abused his or her power to impose toxxine mandates must be hanged.


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Everyone was harmed. Psychologically, or physically or dead.

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Some write as if the terror is in the past .That is totally wrong .The program of the exterminators was is now and will go on in the future .The worst is just around the corner ,when about 194 governments vote to hand over all decision making about health and our lives to the new world dictatorship ,run by Tetros,Gates ,Schwab Soros and their partners in crime .The vote is at the end of May .

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