'Youngest Kids Can Get COVID Shots With Other Vaccines'. Because SCIENCE.
From approval to suggesting co-administration took a record 12 days
We knew that (genuine) science was unwelcome in the halls of power ever since Fauci stepped into the limelight. And we were aware that the scientific method was basically a dead letter regarding anything covid-related. But apparently, even paying [obviously fake] lip service to objective science is too much for government scientists. How else can you explain the Ultra-Warp Speed progression from approval of covid vaccines for babies to endorsing co-administration with any number of other standard childhood vaccines?
From MedPage:
For kids under age 5 years who can now be vaccinated against COVID-19, it's okay to work the first dose into the regular vaccine schedule on a well visit, pediatricians said.
Though the littlest kids get the largest number of simultaneous shots in general per the CDC child and adolescent immunization schedule, there's no reason to think that adding the first dose of either COVID-19 vaccine would be a problem, experts said.
"If you have a 4-year-old or a 2-year-old coming in to get [their regularly scheduled] boosters, you can give the COVID vaccine at the same time, and then bring them back for their next doses," Tina Q. Tan, MD, of Northwestern University in Chicago, told MedPage Today.
The safety of giving COVID-19 vaccines concurrently with other shots is based on adult data, and experience with kids ages 5-11, who've been getting the Pfizer vaccine since it was authorized for this age group in October 2021, Tan said.
"We know you can give it at the same time without interfering with the immunity of the other vaccines," she said.
C. Buddy Creech II, MD, MPH, of Vanderbilt Children's Hospital in Nashville, and president of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, agreed that there's "no reason" to give the COVID vaccine separately from other pediatric vaccinations.
"The [COVID] vaccine on its own is safe and effective and we understand the side effect profile of it," Creech said during an Infectious Diseases Society of America press briefing. "We would anticipate that there would be no cause for concern giving it with other vaccines."
You have to admire the sheer chutzpah of these “experts”. The overwhelming onslaught of scientific evidence and real world experience demonstrates beyond even unreasonable doubt that these vaccines not only are not a net benefit to children but in fact offer no benefit at all.

This is a testament to Pharma’s voracious imperative to pad their profit margins. Instead of slowing down the runaway vaccination train for a population that does not have a pressing need for any covid mitigation in the first place to ask why the reality is almost perfectly opposite of everything they are claiming, the experts must prostitute themselves to milk the dwindling vaccine momentum for every last possible drop of Pfizer juice.
And boy is this imperative powerful. It’s one thing to pretend to do a trial, but to just go pedal to the medal without the pretense of trying to get even a fuzzy picture of how this game of Nuremberg Roulette might play out? We’re not just in totally uncharted ethical territory now, we’re off the charts altogether. Even the most depraved societies don’t turn the their own heirs into ad hoc science experiments. Well at least they didn’t used to.
Thus while in Europe they have been dialing back the vaccination programs for kids and adolescents, here in the USA we’re trying to package a vaccine that failed its clinical trials together with other vaccines on the schedule for infants too young to communicate anything, which is actually kind of important. With exploding rates of myocarditis and numerous other severe side effects from these vaccines that seem to become more pronounced the younger we go, it is reasonable to expect that vaccinating babies will inevitably result in the occurrence of a significant number of these SAE’s. So how is an 8 month old baby supposed to indicate to mommy that he has unusual chest pains or sensations? Yeah, that’s a problem right there. Are we just going to give every colicky vaccinated baby a cardiac MRI?
Their specific claims however elevate the gaslighting to a whole new level.
“there's no reason to think that adding the first dose of either COVID-19 vaccine would be a problem”
No reason??? Yes, besides for the upside-down [negative] vaccine efficacy, the horrific safety profile, the unknown long term safety profile, the uncharacterized immunologic responses (“reprograms both the innate and adaptive immune responses” definitely was not supposed to happen), or the corruption and fraud committed by Pharma together with the FDA/CDC/NIH et al in order to get these vaccine products approved in the first place. Besides those and similar trivial otiose considerations, there is indeed no reason to think that mixing in the spike shot with TDAP, MMR or chickenpox vaccines might lead to unexpected outcomes. This is completely insane.
"The [COVID] vaccine on its own is safe and effective and we understand the side effect profile of it"
The myocarditis denialism was just a big misunderstanding then. Not to worry though, now we really understand the entire side effect profile. Well, except for the menstrual irregularities which are now (finally) being studied by the NIH. Oh, and the minor admission that “in rare cases, coronavirus vaccines may cause Long Covid–like symptoms”, another massive revolution in the mainstream’s ‘understanding’ of the safety profile of the vaccines. Don’t worry though, they assured us that although this finding is completely unanticipated, it’s ‘rare’.
"We would anticipate that there would be no cause for concern giving it with other vaccines."
Because their track record until now has been so unbelievably stellar.
There’s a reason that “expert opinion” is not considered evidence for the safety of a novel biologics product - because they’re ghoulishly inept at “predicting” safety profiles. Were scientist’s inability to conceive of a plausible mechanism for speculative harms a viable standard to adjudicate safety concerns, the FDA could be retired, what with little need for the robust testing regiment all novel therapies and biological agents are (supposed to be) subjected to in the face of oft-theorized ‘lack of plausibility’ for unexpected adverse effects to occur. Such proclamations are critically examined precisely because we properly accord due deference to humanity’s eternal burden of not knowing what we don’t know. Regrettably though, experts seldom recognize the limits of their expertise, and vis-à-vis these vaccines seem unaware that any exist altogether.
Ironically, it may well be that adverse events from other childhood vaccines are at least partially responsible for the oddly reactogenic ‘placebo’ in the baby vaccine trials:
But sure, CovDtap is the way to go, we gotta keep those kiddie vax #’s up. After all, SCIENCE!
The mRNA and viral vector vaccines have roughly 15-times higher frequencies of adverse events than all other vaccines. Co-administration of these vaccines with any other vaccines will increase the risk level of the individual, no matter their age.
Money whores and mass murderers.