As to Dr. Fauci’s sin, it is being cautious - overly so, to his critics - about public health measures.
This one line sums up the essence of the disturbing and delusional weltanschauung of the mindless adherents to the cult of Fauci & the Medical Establishment.
This article recently appeared in a magazine prominent in my community:
So, in the interest of clarity, let’s lay out precisely what the author’s position is. He is arguing that Fauci has been a bit too cautious - “As to Dr. Fauci’s sin, it is being cautious” (last column, opposite the middle of the picture) - that’s all. Just a tad. And the worst case scenario is that he was acting overly cautious - “overly so, to his critics”; and even then, this is only according to his critics, which the tone and tenor of his article implies are probably misguided anyway.
And lest you think that this is not representative, the same author recently wrote a different article trying to insinuate that the whole notion of referring to Fauci as a monster is intrinsically crazy, the type of thing you would only expect to see from extremist nutcases.
This is, with all due respect, a flagrant lie that is deliberately misrepresenting the views of Fauci’s opponents, especially the ones singled out in the article for criticism. It is obvious to anyone with an ounce of sense and honesty that you aren’t calling someone a “Nazi” for “the sin of being [sic] overly cautious”. As we shall see, the problem with Fauci is that he’s a depraved and wicked man - not that he’s “overly cautious” - something that is painfully obvious from the plain facts of the covid saga.
“Cautious” Versus Negligent or Maliciously Wrong
Here are 4 distinct types of criticisms, or culpability:
When we say someone was too cautious, what that means to convey is that the person was overly aggressive in minimizing the risk of something unnecessarily. This criticism highlights the underlying character trait/s that makes people overly risk-averse. This criticism is comparing the character trait to the losses incurred as a result of being unwilling to act in a less risk-averse way regarding other things. Therefore, this is only useful or honest when applied to a situation where the defining character traits of the person criticized is the “overly cautious or risk averse” trait. In addition, the corresponding losses being attributed to the criticized person cannot be the sort that entailed a similar magnitude of potential damage so that the “overly cautious'“ disposition would have applied to both options - it isn’t being cautious to move the nuclear disposal site from 50 miles outside of Town A to 50 miles outside of Town B (assuming they’re equal in all other regards).
When we say someone was negligent, what that means to convey is that the person acted recklessly, disregarding the potential or possibility of his actions to cause unintended damage.
When we say someone acted maliciously or deliberately, this means to convey that the person understood that his actions would cause an unintended harm but simply disregarded the side effects and went ahead anyway.
When we say someone acted intentionally, this means to convey that the person intended to accomplish the evil or destructive outcome being attributed to him.
The author is arguing that #1 is the correct standard to apply to Fauci. This is absurd, and also an extremely grotesque trivialization of the shocking and depraved wickedness of the covid policies.
“The Real Anthony Fauci”
The main indictment of Anthony Fauci is not that he’s the highest paid Federal bureaucrat (which he is), nor that he is extraordinarily corrupt (also true), nor that he is a pathological liar (absolutely true).
The indictment on Fauci is the millions and millions people killed or ruined by the covid policies, and the incalculable human suffering caused by the inevitable widespread devastation of society they caused. *Destruction that if caused by malicious actions would amount to genocide, literally.* Specifically noteworthy is the war (spearheaded by Fauci) on effective covid treatments such as HCQ, Ivermectin, and a host of others; and the approval and subsequent financial incentivization for hospitals to use remdesivir, a toxic and ineffective drug, on covid patients. (Robert Kennedy documents all of this in horrifying detail in his book “The Real Anthony Fauci”. - the type of resource that an honest person would at least consult to get a sense of what is actually animating the passions of the people who compare Fauci to Mengele.)
There is furthermore no doubt that Fauci was never “following science”, something that was always an absurd and wildly unpredicated assertion at best, considering that everything he said or did was inconsistent with the contemporaneously available evidence. Dr. Scott Atlas - someone who was a voice of sanity throughout the whole public health debacle of covid - testified that Fauci & Co never were based on science or data of any sort, and never engaged in any sort of honest or critical thinking. (You can tell that Dr. Atlas is an honest individual just by the simple fact that his opponents always have to lie about what his positions are or deceptively twist his words, something that isn’t generally necessary to do in order to malign a genuinely dishonest person.)
Another “contention” is that Fauci is a coldblooded, pathological liar (often in such egregious manner), which also demonstrates that he was acting in bad faith and with malicious intent regarding covid.
Thus, the issue with Fauci is not that he’s “overly cautious”, but that he is a willful murderer who has been a critical driving force behind the most diabolical and destructive policies ever self-inflicted by a civilized government on its own people. That this is the position of those opposed to him and his reign of terror is obvious to anyone who is remotely intellectually honest. And the plain facts of the matter, as we shall demonstrate, unambiguously point to ill motives, not a misplaced instinct to be “overly cautious”. This article, frankly, is a disgrace.
What this amounts to is a fundamentally perverse and manipulative description, because what is being argued by the “Fauci is a mass murderer” side is that Fauci has willfully and wantonly perpetrated human death and suffering on an incomprehensible scale. Even if you disagree with that on a factual basis, it is rational and consistent to depict or compare someone whom you believe to be guilty of mass atrocities as or to someone who commits/committed mass atrocities. That’s kind of the point.
On a deeper level, this manifest obliviousness by the author reveals a profound lack of interest on the part of the author to ever investigate or entertain (even a little) that he might be fundamentally wrong in his political worldview. It is now undeniable to the point of being practically self-evident that the covid policies inflicted societal harms on a shocking scale to millions of people, even if they were successful somewhat at curbing covid (which they assuredly weren’t). That this would be the case is obvious to anyone who had some sense, and is at least by now obvious to anyone with even a smidgen of intellectual honesty. And it just as obviously follows from this that if these policies were imposed on anything but a firm, rigorous scientific basis that was the product of open and honest debate, these policies would by definition be atrocities perpetrated against the entire society.
Most despicable and abhorrent is the unrelenting war on covid treatments. The failure of the government health agencies (& medical community) - whose most publicly visible and influential figure is Anthony Fauci - to aggressively pursue potential is sufficiently grievous and shocking to be a ‘scandal of the decade’. The outright war on all effective covid treatments, while simultaneously mandating drugs that are incredibly toxic like remdesivir - is something which belongs in a dystopian novel. The debate over treatments is quite public now, and even the author cannot possibly be unaware of it. The accusation against Fauci is that he deliberately sabotaged the uptake and approval for numerous effective covid treatments, which signed the death warrants for millions of covid victims around the globe who would have been saved had Fauci not personally done everything in his power to help ensure that the medical community would reject the various covid treatment options, or had he at least allowed the treatments to be included in the government’s recommendations.
Everyone who is honest understands that this is what’s animating the view of Fauci as a mass-murdering fiend. The author, however, would essentially have you believe that all of the above is fairy-tale nonsense. This blindness to the very real devastation wrought by the covid policies is some sort of perverse, narcissistic - and frankly, evil - elitism that should have no place in polite society. Whitewashing evil murderers is indeed not something we should ever accept or normalize. The blindness to the argued suppression of covid treatments by the anti-Fauci side is simply vile disinformation desperately trying to whitewash the millions of preventable deaths whose warrants were signed by his hand.
(There is also another separate dimension to the Nazi comparisons at play here - there is a widespread phenomenon of stuff being done by governments that is either blatantly evil or Nazi-esque, circa 1930’s. Fauci has been a primary instigator in these as well, but this requires its own article to address though.)
The following synopsis captures the basic essence of how the people the author derisively maligns think of Fauci:
To begin, Fauci has a long and checkered past of being a craven politician with an incredibly narcissistic ego. From the beginning, he has been deceitful, someone whose opinion is always and reliably supportive of whatever the politically ascendant powers want. This is exacerbated by his sudden and often extreme shifts on critical facts or issues that seem to be a product of political savviness and acuity, not anything scientific. He has become more and more blatantly political as time (and administrations) has passed, to the point of singling out Republican voters for criticism while refusing to criticize Democrat-aligned groups. This dichotomy was especially brought out when Fauci refused to state the obvious self-evident fact that the Floyd protests were the most egregious violation of the establishment’s medical guidance that prohibited even small private outdoor gatherings as too dangerous to be allowed.
Ethically, Fauci (more so than anyone else with any degree of national prominence) is a pathological liar who is comfortable with saying literally anything that advances his positions and standing. He has even brazenly and repeatedly perjured himself in front of Congress(!!). He furthermore has seized upon his newfound celebrity status resulting from the pandemic to promote himself in a manner unbecoming to a public servant, who is not supposed to benefit, especially from a situation where so many of the citizenry whom he purports to serve have died or are suffering horribly, especially those whose misfortune was a direct result of his policies. This is also an immense conflict of interest, whereby Fauci benefits immensely in his personal prestige, power, finances, and (perhaps most critically) relevancy and immunity from facing any accountability for his myriad corrupt and evil abuses and actions, so long as the covid pandemic continues to be a national emergency.
The ultimate indictment of Anthony Fauci, and the one that is most synonymous with his name, is that he is one of the most prolific mass murderers in human history. His lockdowns and treatment guidelines together are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands in the US alone, and millions around the globe as lockdowns led to the reemergence of diseases that were under control, mass starvation, and a number of other easily foreseen consequences that were brusquely brushed aside if they were even entertained at all. Additionally, he bears considerable responsibility for the pandemic itself, as SARS-CoV-2 was produced by the institution and research he was instrumental in enabling through funding and more importantly by using his position to be a pivotal driving force behind gain-of-function research on deadly viruses and pathogens. Worse, he has - and continues to do so to this day - led the war on effective covid treatments that caused the needless deaths of perhaps 80% or more of the covid deaths in the US and around the world. Indeed, a twisted Machiavellian sociopath in every sense of the phrase.
To cap it all off, Fauci does not even come across as a prolific expert. Nothing about him bespeaks penetrating clarity, depth of understanding, easy fluency, and a capacity to convey complex points in laymen concepts that are the hallmarks of true experts of any field, much less the humility that is a crucial trait especially for experts who in particular are easily led astray by their own inflated sense of personal infallibility.
Anthony Fauci is an abomination who is unqualified for the office he holds, much less the influence he wields and prestige he enjoys, and his continued presence on the national stage is deeply offensive and an affront to common sense and basic decency.
It is perfectly understandable and rational - and I daresay even ethically sound - that people would compare Fauci to Mengele (especially considering Fauci’s sordid past of experimenting on children stuck in foster care, something casually dismissed by this author in a previous article without ever daring to mention the specific accusation). The author’s indefensible trivializing of one of the most prolific mass-murderers alive today, however, is disturbing, and also deeply offensive to many of those who have suffered or lost loved ones by his hand. Furthermore, portraying the anti-Fauci position as “he’s just too cautious” is the sort of vicious manipulation that is typical in an abusive relationship, where the abuser is able to confuse and disorient the victim through cunning manipulation of basic reality so that the victim becomes unable to articulate the suffering and abuse he or she is suffering. Indeed, the title of this offensive article - Defining Indecency Down - is ironically an apt description of the article itself.
One request to the author: If you wish to deceive yourself, fine, but please can you at least be honest and not distort the views of those you wish to criticize?
Also on this topic: Are Nazi Comparisons Ever Warranted? An In-Depth Look at Why the Case in Favor of may be More Compelling Regarding Covid Policies