Vaccine Mandates Irreversibly Corrupt and Unwind the Social Fabric of Society
How to destroy a society from within in one easy step
Any proposed policy must be subjected to a basic cost/benefit analysis, and vaccine mandates are no exception. Unfortunately - although wholly consonant with how covid policies have been made so far - covid vaccine mandates have not been subjected to any such analysis. Also unfortunately, supporters of covid vaccine mandates are dangerously naïve about the real-world liabilities of such mandates, which is obvious from their support of such a socially destructive policy. They clearly do not grasp that there are social consequences of vaccine mandates that will reverberate across the entire society well after covid has receded into political endemicity.
And the consequences are severe indeed. As we shall see, vaccine mandates are something that the costs should make irrational to even seriously contemplate (if the goal is actually the furtherance of public health and not another objective masquerading under the guise of public health). This is true even if the mandates would make sense as a purely scientific matter - in the sense that if we would disregard the social “side effects” of the mandates they would indeed be a powerful tool to combat covid - reducing covid mortality is not worth the destruction of society. The best case scenario for vaccine mandates is that it’s akin to using a nuke to stop an ant you see trying to crawl into your house.
So lets explore how and why vaccine mandates are so profligately destructive to society, divided into 4 categories:
Perverts the Incentives Facing Policymakers and Scientists
Profoundly negative social conditioning of the population
Persecution of the unvaccinated
Delegitimizes the government
Perverts the Incentives Facing Policymakers and Scientists
“What is important is not the particular person who is elected President or the party he belongs to. I have often said we shall not correct the state of affairs by electing the right people; we’ve tried that. The right people before they’re elected become the wrong people after they’re elected. The important thing is to make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing. If it is not politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the right thing either.”
- Milton Friedman
Incentives matter, because human nature is that very few people have steadfast convictions strong enough to resist all social, financial, and personal temptations. Vaccine mandates would create or cement an incentive structure incorrigibly toxic to a healthy and functioning society:
No more transparency or standards from government and policymakers = retiring the scientific method from policymaking (and science)
How policy decisions are made and implemented is vitally important. If policy decisions are to be arrived at on the basis of thorough analysis scientific reasoning, then it is absolutely imperative that consequential decisions be subject to extreme and stringent standards and transparency regarding their asserted justifications to keep the policymakers and scientists honest.
The reason for this is simple: standards and transparency enforce a reliable degree of adherence to the scientific method and objectivity, as those offering input or adjudicating policy decisions are doing so knowing that it must subsequently past muster by a wary and oftentimes zealotry-inclined public. And if they act corruptly, they will suffer humiliation if not some sort of sanction.
One uncontestable fact is that there has been absolutely zero meaningful transparency regarding the covid vaccines. We still do not have, among other things:
the raw data from any of the vaccine trials
any reports from government agencies tasked with vaccine safety monitoring providing details of how they have so far adjudicated the existing pharmacovigilance data such as VAERS
any reports from government agencies tasked with vaccine safety monitoring providing details of the manufacturing and production infrastructure and how it has fared so far
the methodology by which the CDC/FDA/NIH (allegedly) adjudicates potential causality of reported vaccine injuries
access to internal FDA communications regarding their adjudication of the trial data for any of the approved vaccines
access to the military data - probably the dataset that most readily can establish causality per the Bradford-Hill criteria and per common sense - but we have a few whistleblowers alleging that the data has been corruptly altered to expunge reports of vaccine injuries
access to the internal developmental animal studies/experiments conducted by the vaccine companies that are not subject to disclosure requirements by the FDA, but that are typically used by the Pharma manufacturers to characterize their own products for themselves so that they understand exactly how they work and what might happen in real life so that they can figure out in advance how to design trials, depict the product/drug in media, and so on.
access to any reports regarding the manufacturing processes used to create billions of vaccine doses, especially in so short a window - manufacturing capacity was scaled up from zero to billions practically overnight by industry standards, without the typical extensive development of manufacturing capacity that includes myriad levels of reviews and testing to ensure that the manufacturing process is consistent and free of any impurities
access to the copious data filed with the FDA by the vaccine manufacturers that the FDA used to adjudicate awarding the EUA’s, and which the FDA is now lying - yes, openly lying - in court to avoid surrendering the data to a FOIA request. This after the FDA’s initial request for a release timeline that would require 75 years for the full release of the requested documents was rebuffed by the judge in a glimmer of judicial sanity.
Allowing mandates of something whose development, testing and manufacturing are all opaque to public review and analysis concurrently bereft of any safety monitoring despite an absolute eruption of a historically unprecedented mind-numbing number of injury and death reports encourages corruption and cut corners by manufacturers. “Sunlight is the greatest disinfectant”, as the saying goes.
Furthermore, the vaccines that are being mandated by - and on the basis of the advice of - the medical establishment are following a lengthy train of abuses, ineptitude, and propagandizing perpetrated by the medical establishment from Day 1 of this pandemic (really well before day 1, if we count the Gain of Function research greenlit by Fauci and Co).
The people and institutions who are responsible for the production, media campaigning, and mandating of the vaccines are also people and institutions against whom there are credible allegations (at bare minimum) of:
financial conflicts-of-interest
politicization of their scientific pursuits
and of course, causing the deaths of millions - and the unimaginable suffering of hundreds of millions more - through their lockdown policies and through not only failing to investigate but actively sabotaging/banning effective covid treatments
Allowing such corrosively tainted and compromised actors to even be remotely involved in making policy means that there is no regard whatsoever to not only prevent but also to remove corrupting influences and people from influence and decision-making positions of power within the government and academic institutions that are already festering there.
Even if somehow - despite the truly overwhelming odds - the vaccines are safe and effective despite them being created and administered in such corrupt and negligent fashion, allowing such a travesty against basic standards for integrity to stand and worse be codified into law through coercive mandates means that going forward public policy will be made without any regard for science, honesty, integrity, or transparency. Policies made by such processes and “standards” cannot possibly produce positive results. Even were the vaccines as safe and effective as claimed, it would be a stroke of luck akin to winning the lottery for the vaccines to turn out as advertised despite the complete abjuration of any and all standards, processes, safeguards, and common sense to produce and mass distribute the vaccines. After all, lightning even if it strikes once will not strike twice.
Rewarding corruption
This is very simple: rewarding something incentivizes it. Setting a precedent that such openly manifest corruption is acceptable sends a clear and unmistakable signal to every company (and not only in Pharma either) that anything that assists those in power in any way will be accepted while indemnifying to any and all liabilities.
Furthermore, the deification of the (formerly reviled) Pharma companies by the government and media - necessary to prevent people from focusing on the past history of unseemly behavior of these very companies in the past that would definitely cause “vaccine hesitancy” - means that if you produce something valuable to those in power, you can expect to be baptized anew free of any and all prior sins committed.
Profoundly Negative Social Conditioning of the Population
Regardless of the intent behind vaccine mandates, the practical implementation of mandates is invariably done in a manner that socially conditions the majority of the population supportive of a mandate in some pretty ominous and twisted ways that are immensely destructive to society in the long run:
Conditions people that it’s appropriate to coerce the other side instead of respecting their rights - fatal to a Democracy
The title says it all. Basically, in order to have a functional society, the various factions and groups that comprise the national polity must be able to get along without oppressing each other. The point of having a national government is in large part to dissipate the warring tribalism that is the state of humanity pretty much everywhere where there is not an overarching polyamorous government.
Covid vaccine mandates are about as far from that as you can get. Tolerance for genuine diversity - diversity regarding issues where people possess strong convictions - is essential in a Democracy (or any society really). A society conditioned to bludgeoning the rights of the minority or any group that resists those in power in order to enforce their whims upon them is a society that will do so repeatedly in other areas. Rule by mob of this sort is incompatible with a constitutional republic whose raison d'être is to protect the inviolable individual rights held separate and above the political process. Rule by mob of this sort is also what animated the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror.
Dehumanization of other people
Vaccine mandates are inevitably accompanied by demagogic rhetoric more inflammatory than a covid induced cytokine storm, as policy makers and government officials struggle to justify and implement the mandate. Demagogic rhetoric that depicts those who resist or oppose the mandate as evil, subhuman, and/or whose existence threatens the viability and health of society. A population conditioned to regard a minority as a dehumanized cancer is a population that is liable to support exterminating them. This ”feature” is easily extended to any other group or minority similarly deemed to be ‘problematic’ for society when doing so is an attractive political option for convenience or expediency, or if the now-conditioned population is susceptible to designating other groups or minorities as “problematic” as an organic reaction to a new social development or ideology gaining traction in society.
Internalization to regard other people as immoral
Another consequence of the rhetoric surrounding mandates is to condition people to instinctively regard those who engage in the behaviors that the mandates are seeking to stamp out as evil or immoral instead of rationally pursuing a course of action that makes sense both practically and ethically to them (and sensible to the mandate-compliers too if they would be honest about it).
People are by nature different, and these differences are manifest in how they assess risk/benefit, their ability to deal with different types and levels of stress, how they regard authority, and so on. Vaccines and vaccine mandates implicate a whole host of unique personal characteristics in a way that precludes the possibility of a non-“one-size etc.” approach. It is not immoral or selfish for some people in the present circumstances to resist the covid vaccines, it is basic human nature playing out.
Vaccine mandates would have the effect of conditioning society to regard those who resist vaccination as morally abhorrent, selfish and evil. This in turn will lead to people being prone to regard anyone who disagrees as simply and presumptively evil since the vaccine mandates are conditioning them to look at dissenting individuals as evil instead of having a legitimate basis for their actions or beliefs.
It is important to note that for this one in particular, mandates are a drastic and powerful change - there is a huge difference between propagandizing society that vaccine hesitancy is bad and making a legally enforceable rule that everyone must get vaccinated. Something that is so critical and necessary as to require and justify annulling the most sacred and fundamental personal and bodily autonomy rights is by definition something that anyone resisting must be truly evil and depraved.
Indoctrination to regard other people as enemies
Another consequence of the rhetoric surrounding mandates is to condition people to instinctively regard other people as presumptive enemies. If you keep preaching that a significant portion of society is selfishly placing the rest of society at mortal peril, then the rest of society will be trained to think of all people generally as selfish and willing to put others in mortal peril.
Promotion of hatred as the default emotion when dealing with someone who disagrees with you
Yet another consequence is the emphasis on hating those who disagree with anything you hold of. How you act regarding one thing affects how you act regarding everything - if you are constantly consciously focused on or feeling hatred because of something that is prominent and ongoing, then you will be conditioned to be constantly consciously focused on or feeling hatred generally. This is profoundly unhealthy for the individual feeling the hate, and it is of course even more profoundly destructive to the social fabric when the population in general is walking around in a hateful state or disposition.
Cultist conditioning to not think for yourself
This one is a bit subtler than the previous examples, but is just as harmful. People left to their own devices will assume - correctly - that a strongly held conviction by a substantial number of people indicates that there is a legitimate position underlying their conviction. Telling people that a significant portion of society rather than having a strong conviction are instead essentially just selfish, evil and illiterate forces them to accept an alternate version of reality or narrative that by definition means that their own basic logic and intuition is delusional. Someone who assumes that they lack the capability to think and farms out thinking to the government (or some other entity) is practically the definition of a cult member.
Persecution of the Non-Compliant
Vaccine mandates are quite literally the persecution of the unvaccinated, inflicting enormous practical, emotional and psychological harm upon them and violating their basic human rights. Doing evil is wrong. The following are clearly evil:
Deprivation of personal and bodily autonomy
The distress and psychological damage of being physically and emotionally (and legally) violated by force of coercion of any sort is something that is obvious and does not require elaboration. Just ask you local abortion activist.
Bodily Slavery in the form of the loss of authority/control over your own body
Also doesn’t really require elaboration, let’s just say that this feels like - and is - a form of bodily slavery, where the government is exerting a fundamental and superseding ownership right over your body (because the right to control, change or alter something is a fundamental right of ownership).
Personal health decisions are being made in someone else’s interest superseding yours
At the end of the day, the individual is the best situated overall to make decisions for their health. Being coerced into a medical intervention by people who do not care one iota about you is not a rational way to optimize personal health choices. Yes, this includes doctors, not just non-medically-credentialed government bureaucrats. (Explaining this requires its own article - this is an economics issue, not a medical issue - but I absolutely stand by this statement that doctors are no better than bureaucrats as a general rule and for sure when it comes to public policy). Ultimately, covid vaccine mandates amount to ‘health slavery’.
Stress of being subjected to the perceived risks of the vaccines and the coercion of the mandate
Regardless of how risky or safe the vaccines are in reality, someone who does not want the vaccine because they regard it as posing significant risk in their mind to their health will experience considerable stress from being forced to submit to vaccination.
First and foremost, there is the stress of fearing for one’s health and safety from the predations of the vaccine. The magnitude of this alone is hard to overstate.
Then there is the stress from all of the other psychological stressors, like losing your autonomy, your control and authority over your own body, your right to make health decisions in your best interests and not on the basis of someone else’s, and all of the other enumerated (and unenumerated) harms raised here. This is also difficult to exaggerate.
General persecution of the unvaccinated
Something that enforcement measures do by definition. See: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Austria for rather stark examples.
Inflicting any of these on people is evil and disgusting, and without a shred of either scientific or moral justification.
Delegitimizes the Government
A sufficiently oppressive government ultimately will not be considered legitimate by those it oppresses. This is hardly a radical sentiment. A government that violates your most basic rights without any semblance of a justification - and in this case also without a rational or coherent basis altogether - objectively lacks moral credibility and legitimacy.
The loss of legitimacy is not exclusive to the oppressed. Many of the unoppressed also come to that conclusion, understanding that the government that is committing crimes against other groups not themselves. And the government that persecutes one group today will turn its firepower on another tomorrow.
While this obviously is difficult to prognosticate when and how it ultimately would be manifest, that does not mean that it is insignificant. History strongly counsels that a government bereft of moral foundation or legitimacy in the eyes of its citizens is a transient one fated to be either overthrown or converted to a repressive tyranny (to thwart the inevitable coup attempts that those in power are well aware are percolating because of the perceived illegitimacy of the government).
Furthermore, people who feel truly unprotected by rule of law from government predations on behalf of other factions or groups - “rule of law for thee but not for me” - eventually tend to at least attempt to resist violently when all else fails. The fact of vaccine mandates coming on the heels of the clear policy choice to allow violence and property destruction by some but not others strongly reinforces the perception and conviction to many people that rule of law is indeed a dead letter in defending their lives and property.
Finally, denigrating and dispossessing every cherished and sacred individual right and liberty by forced subjugation of oneself - and especially one’s children - to violation by potentially dangerous drugs provides a clear and unambiguous moral imperative to resist the government and its supporters by any and all means necessary and practical.
There is no universe where the scientific benefits of vaccinating the entire population - even if the vaccines were as “safe and effective” as claimed - can possibly warrant the evil tyrannical regime necessary to implement and enforce such a policy.
Obviously and unfortunately, even without mandates the damage discussed above has already been inflicted to some degree by the vaccine’s approval and the incessant bullying to get everyone vaccinated. Mandates though still are a Rubicon not yet crossed that will eviscerate whatever hasn’t been destroyed yet, and so are worth fighting to preserve. Furthermore, should mandates be defeated, that gives momentum to restoring some of what has been lost so far.
That is extremely powerful stuff as was the first two hours & ten minutes I have just watched of A Second Opinion - which I will return to tomorrow. It occurred to me that if that excellent group were to fail in their mission, we would very likely be left at the mercy of the agents of corruption & insatiable greed who care nothing whatsoever for human life who have gradually like an infection, compromised it appears many institutions besides that of health.
More power to you all & I sincerely hope that the film has a happy ending.