Some context for the Israel-Gaza situation
The propaganda machine has successfully erased much of the past 75 years of Middle East history
When it comes to Gaza/Palestine, a lot of people are trapped in a similar psychology to a segment of the vaccine injured who cannot admit to themselves their malady was caused by the covid vaccine. Many people strongly identify with something that forces them to look at the Israel-Palestine situation as fundamentally about innocent civilian populations and corrupt governments on both sides. This includes a Western ethos that holds some version of 'all people at heart just want to be free to live their lives', and a sense of the corruption of the Israeli govt vis a vis covid/covid vaccines (which is definitely real).
Thus the prospect of a society that has religious aspirations that supersede their own personal welfare, and even more so one that harbors genuine evil, is something nearly impossible to absorb because of the cognitive dissonance it would entail.
Another obstacle for many is that the pandemic shaped their paradigm of world politics where they frame the good vs evil demarcation as a battle solely between the ‘globalist elite’ vs the citizens, and have a hard time fitting something like Islamic jihad into this matrix, as it is as much a phenomenon of the vox populi as the aristocracy.
However, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is its own affair that exists independently of the overarching themes of WEF/UN/Big Industrial Complex/et al designs of destroying/resetting human civilization as we know it.
In 1948, in response to Israel's Declaration of Independence following the UN vote to accept a partition plan that gave the Arab population a much bigger land mass than Israel, the surrounding Arab countries instead of accepting it ganged up on Israel, and tried to not only topple the nascent state politically, but openly declared their intention to purge the land of all Jews. This was literally a mere THREE years after the Holocaust. It was only by miraculous events that Israel survived its own War of Independence.
In the course of the war, the Arab armies/leaders propagandized the Arabs who were living in the territory of the newly-founded Israel that they were going to be massacred & they must uproot themselves and flee. Thus was born the refugee problem in the Middle East.
Concomitantly, the surrounding Arab countries expelled the Jews who were living there - nearly 1,000,000 Jews - almost all of whom resettled in Israel. The obvious solution to the refugee problem on the Arab side at that point would have been for the Arab refugees fleeing a fabricated propaganda phantom danger to take the place of the Jews expelled from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Jordan, et al.
However, the Arab leaders understood that having a million refugees living on Israel's doorstep were valuable for religious & political objectives:
-- They could (and did) exploit the plight of such a refugee population to portray Israel as an evil regime brutalizing & oppressing the poor innocent refugees.
-- Having a source of constant aggression/violence with Israel was a means of warding off challenges to their power in their respective countries - by feeding their populations "red meat" of 'look, we're helping to kill Jews, harass the Jews, fight wars with the Jews', they could pacify their own inherently politically unstable populations who would otherwise be fertile ground for brewing revolution because of their poor quality of life & their inherent disposition towards violence - they needed to siphon & redirect their violent tendencies to a target other than themselves.
-- Having a population of people who believed in killing Jews would provide lots of recruits for terrorism & war - Jihad against the Jews & other infidels living in Israel - which was a matter of religious significance.
-- They did not want to take in a population that was essentially ungovernable and destabilizing, and a hotbed of jihadi recruitment for terrorist organizations around the world, many of whom were in conflict with the respective regimes governing the various Arab countries.
And herein lies the nub of the matter. The population of Gaza / West Bank at large is basically a majority-antifa society with a religious zealotry for killing. Of course, nobody wants to admit this. But it is true nonetheless. Waze has a default setting in Israel to avoid Arab villages, because if Jews get lost & accidentally end up in an Arab village, they would be lynched & hacked to death, literally. There are no Jews living in Gaza or the West Bank because they would be murdered on sight. This is a simple, ubiquitous and "normal" fact of life for those living in Israel.
It is furthermore an open secret - upheld by every iteration of polling inside Gaza/West Bank (yes, polls have issues, but when you consistently get the same results every time & it fits in with the broader mosaic of evidence, they can’t be summarily waved away as meaningless) - that a majority of the population not only supports Hamas or at least has a positive view of their principles, but that Hamas' support grows precisely when they engage in terrorism, rocket attacks or war with Israel.
This is hardly surprising when one considers the historical enmity against the Jews, and the society-wide indoctrination the population has been subjected to for decades. Palestinian textbooks are some of the most vile and genocidal propaganda in the world.
The following quotes are from a 2017 study reviewing the shocking & abhorrent Nazi-esque attitudes, sentiments and ideology saturating Palestinian textbooks, and an article covering that study:
“Israel is massively demonized” in the schoolbooks, the study notes, and Jews “are de-humanized as wolves and snakes” while a Molotov cocktail attack on an Israeli bus is grotesquely termed a “barbecue party.”
"According to the findings of the study, PA schoolbooks' attitude to the Jews, Israel and peace is based on three fundamentals: de-legitimization, demonization and indoctrination to violent struggle. There is no call for peace or coexistence with neighboring Israel. A Palestinian narrative has been constructed based on the fundamentals. It represents the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a distorted manner historically and does not leave any hope for ending it in peaceful coexistence of the two parties involved"
Jews are demonized in the PA schoolbooks as enemies of Islam's revered prophets, namely, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, which automatically places them in the camp of the forces of evil and prepares for their further demonization within the context of the conflict.
The PA schoolbooks attribute to the Jews who immigrated to Palestine in the 19th century intentions of exterminating the Palestinian inhabitants and portray them as an existential threat to the Palestinian individual.
They are de-humanized as wolves and snakes in this context.
This very line continues in the 2016-2017 books as well (the expression "Devil's aides", for instance). Israel is severely demonized by means of over thirty accusations found in the books, starting with its usurpation of Palestine and the expulsion of the original inhabitants, through massacres, murder of Palestinian children, assassination of Palestinian leaders, aggression against neighboring Arab states, destruction of Palestinian cities and villages, desecration of Muslim and Christian holy places, mass arrests, attempts at the elimination of Palestinian identity and cultural heritage, besieging the Palestinians by the separation fence, damaging Palestinian economy and harming Palestinian society, and ending in perpetuating the state of ignorance among Palestinians and responsibility for intra-family violence and drug abuse in Palestinian society.
The new schoolbooks of 2017 add new accusations: The Israeli nuclear reactor in Dimona is responsible for cancer cases in Hebron, the "Zionist occupation" releases wild boars to destroy the Palestinians' crops, etc.
The newly released books also feature stories full of strong graphic descriptions of arrests, killings, violent deportation and brutality that were not that common in the books before 2016. The demonization effort is further intensified by the almost total absence in the PA schoolbooks of substantial objective information about the Jews and Israel that would counter-balance the numerous demonizing pieces.
Also, the Jewish-Israeli "other" is treated as a group only, without any reference to Jewish or Israeli individuals as ordinary human beings, which is bound to create in the students' mind the impression of an alien and a threatening entity.
No attempt is made either to understand the adversary's motives, and the PA books are totally devoid of self-criticism that might have explained, for example, that Israel has built the separation fence following the suicide bombing attacks by Palestinians in the early 2000.
Israel and the Jews are depicted as the ultimate criminal party and the Palestinians are the ultimate victim."
"Indoctrination to violent struggle instead of peace:
The PA schoolbooks are devoid of any support of the goal of peace and coexistence with the State of Israel. On the contrary, they talk of a violent struggle for liberation without limiting it to the areas of the West Bank and Gaza.
Rather, they refer to places inside pre-1967 Israel, such as Acre, Haifa and Jaffa as ones that are supposed to be liberated.
Even the return of the refugees has violent connotations, and in this particular case it is the pre-1967 territories of Israel that are meant. The new textbooks even intensify this line by a text talking of the return of the refugees to the (Palestinian) homeland's sovereign territory where the Palestinian flag is to be hoisted."
"In this framework traditional Islamic concepts such as Jihad and martyrdom are utilized in order to give the liberation struggle a religious character and thus, make it further intensified.
That religious character of the war reaches its peak in an 11th grade textbook with a traditional Prophetic Saying (Hadith) by which the Muslims will kill all Jews, with the active help of trees and rocks, as a precondition to the End of Days.
Though explicit support of terrorist attacks against Israel is rare in the books, such actions are implicitly encouraged by praising their perpetrators who are called "ones who sacrifice themselves (fidai)".
Those who are killed in action, or imprisoned, are named "martyrs (shahid)" and "prisoners of war (asir)", respectively, and are much exalted in the books.
The newly issued books of 2017 add to that a new theme - name mentioning of present-day terrorists: The female leader of the terrorist group that perpetrated the massacre of over thirty men, women and children in a bus on Israel's Coastal Highway in 1978 is presented to the students as a heroine and martyr.
A new theme appearing for the first time in the 2016 books is the fate of the Jews in the country after its supposed liberation: the complete removal of the usurper (Israel) and the extermination of the foreigners' defeated remnants, namely, those who will survive from among the six million Jews who now live there.
The worsening of the attitude to the Jewish-Israeli "other" in the new books in the context of the fighting against it is also expressed by the description of an attack with Molotov cocktails on an Israeli bus as "a barbecue party".
In other words, the PA schoolbooks prepare the students intellectually and mentally for a violent struggle for the liquidation of Israel and the "removal" of its Jewish citizens under the slogan "liberation of Palestine from Zionist occupation".
In view of this situation it is clear to any intelligent person that no advancement towards a peaceful solution to the present conflict is to be anticipated without total change in this line of thought that the PA has been systematically inculcating into its students' minds for over twenty years by now."
De-legitimization of the Jews
"De-legitimization of the Jews is expressed by non-recognition of their being a nation having rights in the country they regard as their ancient homeland. Rather, their attachment to it is described as "greedy ambitions (atma)"
"Their national movement - Zionism - is portrayed as a colonialist movement in the service of Western Imperialism aiming at gathering the world's Jews in the country and expelling the Palestinians from it. It is thus presented as an existential threat" "Moreover, the new schoolbooks have omitted the few former references to the Jewish past in the country and now argue, instead, that Jews' historical claims regarding their presence there in antiquity are false"
The support for Hamas/Hamas ideology is furthermore in the context of the open knowledge that Hamas' military infrastructure & war-fighting capabilities are derived from stealing international aid from their own citizens (e.g. pipes to repair/construct sewers are used instead for pipe bombs & manufacturing rockets; concrete for construction is used to build reinforced 'terror tunnels' underneath the border; fuel/energy is diverted from civilian use for military use; et al). In other words, the population is largely on board with triaging war instead of their own welfare.
Furthermore, Hamas isn't an external group imposing themselves on the population - its soldiers and personnel come from the population. They are the sons, brothers and fathers of the people living there (except for the upper echelon who live in luxury in places like Qatar & are essentially international money laundering thieves who also happen to be fanatical genocidal religious zealots).
The barbarian Hamas savages who chopped off infants' heads, raped women next to the corpses of family members, tied a bunch of children together and burned them to death, shot the faces of children they already murdered to make it impossible to identify them afterwards, et al, are produced by the culture and population attitudes in Gaza.
Parents who claim to desire material prosperity & peace for their children also teach their children to play games like "stab the Jew". “Stab the Jew” is a game where one kid dresses up like a terrorist, jumps out from behind a hiding spot on a few other kids dressed like Jews, and pretends to stab them. The “Jewish” children then pretend to drop dead.
One need only look around the world, where massive rallies came together to support/celebrate the Hamas atrocities, chanting things like "gas the Jews", "from the river to the sea Palestine will be free", etc to see that there are indeed many, many "normal" people who openly desire & advocate for genocide. Those same people (most of them anyway) would in any other context appear to be quite normal citizens who "just want to live their lives". Now imagine having a population full of such people on your doorstep.
The fact of a minority of the population not being on board with the genocidal aspirations and jihadist zealotry does not detract from the reality of the majority of the society.
Because Israel is surrounded by hostile countries whose populations desire their destruction, since 1948, Israel has lived under the constant mortal existential peril so much so that Israeli society is quite literally organized around military service. One who hasn't lived there cannot really grasp the nature of this.
Thus Israel has been forced to maintain a minimum degree of vigilance to ensure that the population in Gaza cannot broach into Israel, for if they did, what happened on Saturday would be inflicted upon every last man, woman and child in Israel, "from the river to the sea".
Israelis have never been happy that so much of their lives/culture/society is spent on military & self-defense - it is a drag on the economy, IDF service has been a flash-point for conflict between the religious/non-religious factions within society, plus the plenty of other miseries attendant to a perpetual state of militarization.
Yet despite all this, Israel is the most restrained army in world history, with no historical analog or comparison. Israel routinely forgoes taking out important terrorists or military targets because they can't do so without collateral damage. (Hamas takes advantage of this unprecedented reluctance to cause civilian casualties, such as placing their military HQ within the main Gaza hospital.)
And even when they have no choice but to attack a military target, Israel goes out of its way to avoid civilian casualties. One of the characteristic tactics to minimize civilian casualties deployed by Israel is to drop a 'knock' bomb - essentially a dud bomb that makes a big thud but doesn’t explode - a half hour before dropping the real bomb to alert any civilians in a building that "hey, we're about to blow this thing up, GET OUT".
(Sadly, they can't do this currently, because Hamas will literally use the warning as a heads up TO LOCK CIVILIANS INSIDE THE DESIGNATED BUILDING.)
Israel also has sent its own soldiers on ground missions despite knowing that they will sustain casualties instead of simply taking out the target by airstrike, in order to minimize civilian collateral damage.
No country on Earth would ever willingly tolerate being rocketed, bombed, terrorized, and subjected to an unending state of belligerence from another country. (Even the US would not stand idly by if for instance the drug cartels would start lobbing rockets over the Southern border.)
Israel's response to the abominations inflicted by the Hamas savages now is the organic response from their own citizens that the govt ensure that "Never Again" remains a 'never' proposition. The overriding moral imperative for a govt is to protect its population from violence, and it is now being held to task for failing to do so.
Everyone in Israel is pretty traumatized by these attacks, and there is a very palpable sense of national unity in body & purpose to exterminate the terrorist threat once and for all. Human beings - even corrupt govt hacks complicit in pharmacological mass carnage - are not so utterly soulless as to be unmoved by such ferocious, barbaric evil. There is a national unity to confront the existential peril of Hamas because its existential peril has been rendered clear, unassailable and without ambiguity, not because of pernicious propaganda from the global establishment (although G-D Knows that they certainly stand to benefit & may well be complicit in helping to organize/prod this attack in the first place).