Pfizer Explains: The Challenges of Gene Therapies and the Exciting New Novel Genetic Therapies in Development
Who better than the company now synonymous with genetic therapy to elucidate the potential pitfalls and unknowns of gene therapies?
For all of Pharma’s perfidy, they have little if any inhibitions about transparently describing what they’re up to on their own websites. You can often find a degree of nuance about subjects or entities that is far more sophisticated than the nonsensical caricatured and/or blatantly false version contaminating the public discourse. It is also revealing to see what products are being developed, not only for insight into corporate Pharma’s machinations, but also to see what is coming down the pipe that can be ‘re’purposed by malignant actors to further destructive agendas. So I thought it would be instructive to report on some of what Pfizer has cooking on the public-facing portion of their website.
Unlocking The Promise of Gene Therapy

On Pfizer’s website, you will find the following section dedicated to informing us of Pfizer’s myriad heroic efforts to deploy gene therapy as a cure to a variety of disease conditions:
Pfizer definitely isn’t shy about proclaiming the virtues of their genetic research to the world:
It’s probably a good idea to take a flier on their offer to join one of their many, many clinical trials. The tour of their gene therapy manufacturing facilities, perhaps.
Pfizer Gene Juices Currently in Development
Pfizer links to a PDF showing all abovementioned 104 of their products in various stages of development.
This document is worth its own article to properly dissect. I’ll just say right here that the following is definitely very concerning - look at what products have either “Fast Track” or “Breakthrough” designation:
Looks like we’re warp speeding a potpourri of other genetic pharmaceutical products through the red tape.
Or more precisely, whatever tattered shreds still remain of the red tape.
I get their urgency though, having a variety of genetic products saturating the market obscures which of the subsequent maladies are attributable to which of the gene juices, making it easier for them to deny any associations altogether. Thankfully at least there doesn’t seem to be enough demand to make this work though.
The ‘Challenges’ of Gene Therapy
Moving on, one of the other documents linked here is a “Gene Therapy Fact Sheet”, where we find the following fascinating tidbits.
Firstly, Pfizer wants in on the adenovirus vector bonanza:
Pfizer gives off an impression here that they may be pivoting from mRNA to the DNA vectors instead. I don’t know what the significance of this is, or if there is any. Many of these products have been in development for a few years already.
But it stands to reason that perhaps Pfizer already understood a few years ago that the perceived viability of the mRNA platform could ultimately be a Potemkin Village disguising inherent underlying toxicities or other issues that would make the mRNA platform unsustainable in the long term.
Moving onwards, the next page of this document contains the following section:
So let’s see - are any of these ‘challenges’ relevant to the current gene therapy tech being used for the covid vaccines?
This seems to jibe with what Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel had to say in a TEDx talk back in 2013 titled “What if mRNA could be a drug?”:
I’d recommend watching/listening to the whole thing.
For the record, they stabilized and immunologically disguised the mRNA so well that the mRNA sticks around for an indeterminate (endless?) length of time.
Another observation is that Pfizer openly admits that “while gene therapy holds promise for people with genetic diseases, it will not be an appropriate solution for every patient”. This seems mildly inconsistent with the overbearing indiscriminate ‘mass-vaccinate every living organism on the planet vaccine campaign’.
To be precise, Pfizer specifies only one condition outright for ineligibility - antibodies to the genetic vector or “delivery vehicle” - although they use language that stipulates the existence of unidentified additional criteria that would also make one ineligible for gene therapy treatment (“Eligibility for gene therapy treatments will be determined by a number of criteria, including”):
“Turning your body into medicine factories”
Yup, that’s Pfizer’s language:
They even have cute little gifs to illustrate, such as this:
This language is an eerily on-the-mark depiction of the usage of humans as batteries by the robots in The Matrix.
What could these technologies do in the hands of an authoritarian regime?
That is the pertinent question here. The stated goals for these genetic therapies is irrelevant. What matters is what these can be used for in the hands of evil tyrants or regimes with the power to deploy them on unsuspecting or coerced populations. Does anyone think that the CCP for instance would hesitate to use this sort of technology if were available to them?
Once created, this genie would be impossible to stuff back in its bottle. The practical knowledge of how to make and deploy this sort of genetic manipulation would be impossible to eliminate. The specter of, say, the WHO or UN with the power to literally use people as “protein factories” for anything they desire is a disturbing vision of a dystopia the possibility of which is very real.
Leave the matrix in The Matrix.
Thanks for the post. That TED talk video creeped me out. I love the reaction shot of the people in the audience, they looked creeped out too! (but I may be projecting).
Vaccines on the current schedule average cost = 0.30¢. Gene Therapy Injections cost even less to manufacture and are sold for even more than the current scheduled approved vaccines.