I have had unusually little time to write these past few weeks. Somehow, a slew of prior obligations, a commitment to do a presentation at an event in Maryland, medical conditions, random emergencies, work, and a religious fast day wiping out a Sunday all came together at roughly the same time.
So I figured I could write up a random collection of things for the moment.
Case Reports
The compilation of case reports requires a lot of time and effort to both compile and sort out. One specific difficulty I am having is that I lack the necessary medical background to accurately and precisely catalogue the essential diagnostic characteristics of many of the case reports. I have been trying to find someone/s who has the required medical background who can help me with this (so far without much success).
If you are able to help with this, or if you know someone who can help, please drop a comment or email me aronhertz123@gmail.com. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to offer compensation as I myself do this on a voluntary basis, but I would be tremendously appreciative.
On a lighter note, the list of case reports has now grown so large that substack was literally unable to fit the entire thing even without including active links (which take up a lot more memory apparently, without links I was able to fit about 1700 case reports into one article but not with links):
I was able to find a different outlet to host the complete list though, which will hopefully be up sometime this week. I am writing an intro/FAQ of sorts for them which will also be posted on the substack.
One of the things I want todo is write a series of posts about different types of case reports
I also have an ongoing thread of some of the more exotic case reports that I update periodically, which can be a decent resource and entertaining. They’re a bit all over the map in terms of what sorts of case studies are in the thread, sometimes I included specific info from the case report, and they’re not organized in any coherent manner, and most of them are somewhat snarky. The following is the last tweet in the thread as of me writing this:

Substack Collaboration :)
There’s a feature on substack where you can put a different substack profile as an author for a post that I have been wanting to try out for ages.
I finally did (at least halfway), pitching in a bit on Etana Hecht’s most recent post over at the aptly-named Clown World:
In all seriousness, this is a good overview of many of the basic data points that together present a reality far different than the official narrative. Etana is a gifted writer who is connected with an impressive number of people on the frontlines of the various fronts in the war against the modern day forces of covid (and other) tyranny and evil.
I saw a few of the comments expressing a sentiment that there is no point in trying to convince anyone who is still on the other side despite everything that has transpired. I will hopefully write a post to explore the utility of debating certain types of people, because I do think that there actually is an opportunity now to move some people in our direction.
Twitter Tussles
Speaking of twitter, I was recruited to rebut on Twitter an individual in my community (broadly speaking) who is a particularly obnoxious bully at times. Sometimes, bludgeoning is the way to go instead of politely debating, especially when dealing with bullies. I’m a bit surprised I haven’t been deported off of twitter yet after these went down. Yet. She did block me though.
I will probably write a formal article or two about her, because she is emblematic of many of the ubiquitous and pervasive traits of the “expert class”. In the meantime, you can enjoy a few Twitter takedowns of your typically narcissistic ignorant pseudo-expert. Opening tweets of a few threads & a link to ThreadReaderApp which is an easier format:





Regarding this last one, I want to state for the record that I don’t know what the deal is with other vaccines for the most part, before covid I never thought twice about the standard vaccines (although I did think that the newer ones for things like chicken pox were kind of pointless). Knowing what we know now however, let’s just say that at a minimum we need to review every single vaccine top to bottom and see how much of the standard narratives are lies from the Pharma-Govt Industrial Complex.

Parliamentary Pizzazz in France
Finally, there was some excitement in the French Parliament recently where the government’s proposed legislation to extend vaccine passports and other covid restrictions failed. I will hopefully be posting a guest article (with this title) from our resident French activist scholar this week.
Great piece!! Thanks for the shoutout!
Very good, Ashemedai!!!
Terrific forensic deconstructions of Blimi's bullshit!