Overview of the Real-World Experience and Evidence of Widespread Covid Vaccine Injuries and Deaths - Documenting the Enormous Increase in Health Problems and Deaths Since the Vaccine Rollouts
A list of clinical datapoints documenting the vaccine-associated carnage to show your local pro-vaccine doctor
This article is very simple: we’re just going to present the various datapoints and real-world experience/’facts on the ground’ showing the rise in the specific medical issues that the vaccines are widely alleged to cause.
Whatever one thinks about the medical or scientific rationales supporting or rebutting the assertion that the covid vaccines are dangerous, clinical outcomes will resolve the truth of the matter one way or another. (It is important to distinguish actual clinical outcomes from “reports” or “data” that can be doctored or outright fabricated out of whole cloth.)
If the vaccines are indeed causing an unprecedented amount of injuries and deaths, then we should be able to see a noticeable rise in deaths and in health problems that are associated with the short-term harms alleged to be caused by the genetic Covid vaccines. On the other hand, if the evidence truly does decisively prove that the vaccines are safe as the mainstream medical establishment claims, then it is impossible that there be any yet-unresolved increase in medical problems that started around the time of the vaccine rollout. If there were an increase in deaths or injuries that began with the vaccine rollout, on what basis can it be denied that the vaccines are not potentially the cause? Remember, a novel biological product is presumed dangerous unless and until it isproven to be safe.
This article will present the compelling evidence of the widespread devastation following the vaccine rollouts.
I am going to preface this article with what really is its conclusion, because I imagine that only the most intrepid readers will make it that far:
There has been an unexpected, undeniable, dramatic and sustained increase of various types of medical issues in population cohorts that historically do not experience these issues which coincide with the vaccine rollouts that has nothing to do with covid. This once-in-a-century (or 1/200 or 500 year event per insurance actuarial standards) public health catastrophe should have been noticed by every doctor. Yet, most doctors have failed to discern this rise of severe adverse health events even as they continue to push these vaccines, and now boosters, upon an increasingly disillusioned public. They continue to claim that there have not been any unusual patterns of medical issues since the vaccination campaign was launched.
This demonstrates that these doctors and medical professionals are laboring under a psychological and emotional bias that is keeping them from seeing this shocking, once-in-a-lifetime spike of health problems in age groups typically immune to such maladies.
These vaccines cannot be considered safe if only due to the unprecedented rise in health problems that began at the same time of the mass vaccination campaigns, for sure at least until this ominous phenomenon has been resolved.
A Few Caveats:
The quality of the individual datapoints and sources varies a great deal, and is quite uneven if they are taken individually. Analysis especially is not dispositive fact - it’s just attempting to decipher various reported experience, data, and patterns. Taken as part of a massive mosaic of evidence though renders this observation moot.
The goal is as much to highlight the different types or sources of clinical evidence of vaccine-associated injuries/deaths as it is to document the specifics of each one. Simply being aware of where to look by itself can empower people to do their own research.
I am but one person, with limited time and resources. There is no way in a million years that I could possibly include even half of the available relevant information, it is simply far too Herculean a task. Thus what I managed to pull together or track down on my own does not come close to representing the totality of available evidence for any of the enumerated categories. I am definitely missing a significant portion if not most of relevant datapoints. (I would be very grateful if people would cite additional information I missed in the comments.)
DMED provides remote access to a subset of data contained within the Defense Medical Surveillance System (DMSS). DMSS contains up-to-date and historical data on diseases and medical events (e.g., hospitalizations, ambulatory visits, reportable diseases, etc.) and longitudinal data relevant to personnel characteristics and deployments experience for all active and reserve component service members. The DMED application provides a user-friendly interface to perform queries regarding disease and injury rates and relative burdens of disease in active component populations.
The purpose of DMED is to standardize the epidemiologic methodology used to collect, integrate and analyze active component service member personnel and medical event data, and to provide authorized users with remote access to the summarized data. Using client-server technologies and database optimization, DMED users have unprecedented access to epidemiologic data on active component service members and tailored queries that respond in a timely and efficient manner.
Now, if the covid vaccines were causing injuries, we should see an increase in vaccine injuries starting around the time the vaccines were deployed on the military (as captured by the associated diagnostic codes).
A few heroic military physicians queried DMED and extracted the data. These whistleblowers went to Attorney Thomas Renz to publicize these data (See the Thomas Renz website.)
Senator Ron Johnson revealed the damning evidence first in a public event and subsequently in a letter to the DoD. The letter contains a comparison of the January - November 2021 data to the prior 5 year annual average showing that these conditions had avalanched at incredible rates:
Hypertension – 2,181% increase
Diseases of the nervous system – 1,048% increase
Malignant neoplasms of esophagus – 894% increase
Multiple sclerosis – 680% increase
Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs – 624% increase
Guillain-Barre syndrome – 551% increase
Breast cancer – 487% increase
Demyelinating – 487% increase
neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands – 474% increase
Female infertility – 472% increase
Pulmonary embolism – 468% increase
Migraines – 452% increase
Ovarian dysfunction – 437% increase
Testicular cancer – 369% increase
Tachycardia – 302% increase
The following (not included in Senator Johnson’s letter) is a comparison between 2021 and 2020 - in 2020, there was lots of covid but no vaccines, which indicates that covid is not a significant cause of the 2021 increases:
Diseases & Injuries Reported (Hospitalization) up 37%
Diseases of the Nervous System up 968%
Malignant Neuroendocrine Tumor Reports up 276%
Acute Myocardial Infarct Reports up 343%
Acute Myocarditis Reports up 184%
Acute Pericarditis Reports up 70%
Pulmonary Embolism Reports up 260%
Congenital Malformations Reports up 87%
Nontraumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Reports up 227%
Anxiety up 2,361%
Suicide up 227% (vaccine-associated suicide is a real phenomenon, most commonly due to severe neurological symptoms such as tinnitus)
Neoplasms for All Cancers up 218%
Malignant Neoplasms for Digestive Organs up 477%
Neoplasms for Breast Cancer up 469%
Neoplasms for Testicular Cancer up 298%
Female Infertility Reports up 419%
Dysmenorrhea Reports up 221.5%
Ovarian Dysfunction Reports up 299%
Male Infertility Reports up 320%
Guillain-Barre Syndrome Reports up 520%
Acute Transverse Myelitis Reports up 494%
Seizure Reports up 298%
Narcolepsy & Cataplexy Reports up 352%
Rhabdomyolysis up 672%
Multiple Sclerosis Reports up 614%
Migraine Reports up 352%
Blood Disorder Reports up 204%
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Reports up 2,130%
Cerebral Infarction Reports up 294%
Strikingly, for medical issues unrelated to the covid vaccines there has been no increase in 2021 compared to previous years.
Very recently, Thomas Renz released a 193-page document analyzing the DMED data (and all other major datasets relating to vaccine-associated adverse events): Official Notice of Evidentiary Findings Related to The Renz Law Covid19 Investigation. This document provides extremely robust and meticulous analysis of the DMED data (and subsequent DoD shenanigans), and should put to rest the ludicrous responses by the DoD and ‘fact checkers’ desperately trying to make this disappear.
In a nutshell, there has been an unprecedented avalanche of the types of health issues that are widely reported as vaccine side effects in the military’s state-of-the-art epidemiological database that coincided with the deployment of the vaccines to the military.
2. Insurance Data
Two bombshell insurance data reports that broke into the public domain have documented a historically unprecedented spike in excess deaths correlating to the vaccine rollout.
The first one to drop was from OneAmerica, an Indiana-based insurance company (graph and caption from the Rescue with Michael Capuzzo substack linked below):
This graph, provided by OneAmerica insurance company, represents publicly reported death rates from the CDC for 18-64 age groups from 2019-21. It demonstrates trends and the significant impacts of COVID-19 that an Indiana-based insurance company says are reflected in “huge” and unprecedented death rate increases among working-age people in the U.S.
An Indiana insurance executive dropped a bombshell statistic during an end-of-year virtual news conference, reporting a “stunning” 40% increase in the death rate among 18- to 64-year-old adults compared to pre-pandemic levels.
During the same call, OneAmerica’s CEO Scott Davison also described a major uptick in both short- and long-term disability claims.
The insurance executive rated the extraordinarily high death rate as “the highest … we have seen in the history of this business,” adding the trend is “consistent across every player in that business.”
To further underscore the import of his statements, Davison said, “Just to give you an idea of how bad [40%] is, a … one-in-200 catastrophe would be a 10% increase over pre-pandemic. So 40% is just unheard of.”
Contrary to what the public might assume — given the media’s unremitting coverage of COVID-19 — Davison reported most of the death claims listed causes of death other than COVID.
The second bombshell is from a German insurance company, showing an estimated 31,000 deaths and 400,000 doctor visits from the covid vaccines. As reported by Eugypius:
Andreas Schöfbeck, board member of BKK ProVita, one of these insurers, told Welt in the linked article that “The figures we have found are substantial and demand urgent verification.”
Basically, BKK ProVita noticed anomalous diagnoses indicating adverse vaccine side effects, particularly surrounding these codes: T88.0: Infection or sepsis after vaccination; T88.1: Other complications or skin rash following vaccination; Y59.9: Complications due to vaccines or biologically active substances; and U12.9: Undesirable side effects from Covid-19 vaccines.
Meanwhile, the official PEI reports figures almost one magnitude lower.
Percent of insured with vaccine side-effects. Yellow: All BKK-insured side-effects. Red: BKK ProVita insured side-effects. Grey: Side effects publicly acknowledged by PEI.
Schöfbeck says that probably there have been 400,000 clinical consultations by BKK insured alone due to vaccine complications. “Extrapolated to the total [German] population, the number would be three million.”
UPDATE: The data represents 10,937,716 German insured, over 13% of the country. The data comprises the first six months of 2021, and about half of the billing records for the third quarter of 2021. This is an extremely partial picture of the vaccine side effects, excluding much of the booster campaign here.
Here is the translated letter from Andreas Schöfbeck’s to the Paul Ehrlich Institute (also from Eugypius):
Dear Prof. Dr. Cichutek,
the Paul Ehrlich Institute has issued a press release announcing 244,576 suspected cases of adverse reactions to the Corona vaccines for the calendar year 2021.
Our company has data that give us reason to believe that there is a very pronounced under-reporting of suspected adverse reactions following Corona vaccination. I attach an analysis to this letter.
Physicians' billing data provide the basis for this analysis. We have sampled data from the anonymised records of company health insurers, totalling 10,937,716 insured persons. So far, we have billing data for the first half of 2021, and about half of the billing data for the third quarter of 2021. We queried this data for the ICD codes valid for vaccination side effects. Although we do not yet have the complete data for 2021, our analysis of the available data reveals 216,695 treated cases of vaccination side effects following Corona vaccination. If these figures are extrapolated to the whole year and to the total German population, perhaps 2.5 to 3 million people have received medical treatment for side effects following Corona vaccination.
For us, this is a serious wake-up call, that must be considered for the further administration of vaccines. We think it would be relatively easy and quick to confirm these figures, by asking the other health insurers (AOKs [general regional insurers], the alternative insurers, etc.) for a corresponding analysis of their data. Extrapolated to the number of vaccinations across Germany, this would mean that about 4-5% of the vaccinated have been treated by a doctor because of side effects from the vaccines.
We believe that vaccine side effects are being substantially under-reported. It is crucial to identify the reasons for this as soon as possible. Since there is no remuneration for reporting adverse reactions to the vaccine, our primary assumption is that doctors often neglect to report adverse reactions to the Paul Ehrlich Institute, because of the effort involved. Doctors tell us that reporting a suspected vaccine injury takes about half an hour, which means that 3 million suspected cases of adverse reactions would require doctors to work 1.5 million hours. That would correspond to the annual labour of around 1,000 doctors. This should also be quickly confirmed. A copy of this letter will also be sent to the German Medical Association and the Federal Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians.
The Central Association of Health Insurers will also receive a copy of this letter with a request to obtain corresponding data analyses from all health insurers.
Since we cannot rule out the danger to human life, we ask you for your report on your response by 6pm on 22 February 2022.
Andreas Schöfbeck
For a very well-written analysis in more depth, check out the following substack:
Insurance companies employ the best actuaries in the business - after all, the entire business of insuring against risks requires that you have near-perfect data that quantifies the risks you are insuring against. Life insurance companies would therefore be expected to have very clear and reliable documentation of trends in excess deaths were they occurring. Well, they are occurring.
Funeral Homes
If there was a surge in mortality, funeral homes should see a corresponding uptick in business. While most funeral home companies are not publicly listed - so their financial data is not public - there are a few that are.
One such company is Carriage Services $CSV - who saw a noticeable bump in sales. As reported by Edward Dowd:
Q4 & 2021 results: Revenues up 14% y/y Same store sales volume up 9% y/y After monthly sequential acceleration during July to September we saw a deceleration into Nov but now see sequential growth of 9% in Dec & 15% into Jan.
Current trends: “Our revenue and profit momentum from our third quarter of 2021 carried through the end of the year & actually accelerated in Dec 2021 & into Jan 2022 against what we expected would be almost impossibly high performance comparisons to Dec 2020 & Jan2021”
Operating income was up 23% on a same store sale basis as well. Business is quite good at this company. In a vaccine introduction year this should not have happened but it did & the pandemic is supposedly ending. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to see what’s happening.
Here’s another example of overloaded funeral homes - “From a funeral home in neighboring NH: Things are so busy for them, they are asking you to wait until someone is actually DEAD to contact them. Too busy to help those facing death!”:
Zoomed in to see their message clearly:
3. CMS Data
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has a database of all of the diagnostic codes billed, and has the vaccination status including when patients were vaccinated, allowing for a thorough analysis similar to the DMED data (although it would be a bit more complicated due to the presence of confounding factors, which is a subject for a different time).
Restricted to individuals without any prior history of the potentially vaccine-related adverse events being looked at in the CMS data, there were 661 Maine CMS recipients that died within 28 days of receiving the vaccine. Extrapolated for the entire US, this would yield about 155,000 similarly situated deaths.
(This doesn’t mean that all of these specific deaths are vaccine-related; and it also does not account for the majority of likely vaccine deaths or adverse events which would occur in people with a prior history of medical issues or who are comorbid for the recorded adverse health event/s. This data is somewhat complex, so it is beyond the scope of this article to properly flesh it out; Daniel Horowitz wrote a lengthy piece to explain and provide some context for the CMS data. Hopefully, someone who has the CMS data will calculate the rate of adverse events or deaths per # of vaccinated patient-days vs unvaccinated patient-days, which should yield a decently reliable number for deaths and various injuries.)
4. Whole Population Data
Wall St analyst Edward Dowd has produced a series of charts from the CDC’s mortality data. Presented without further comment:
This is the root population data that numerous analysts and researchers have been studying intensely to see if there is clear statistical evidence of vaccination uptake on overall mortality:
All-Cause Mortality Analyses
Multiple studies looking at the correlation of increases in overall population mortality to the vaccine rollouts have discovered that in fact the vaccines correlate very strongly:
Vaccination correlated negatively with mortality 6-20 weeks post-injection, while vaccination predicted all-cause mortality 0-5 weeks post-injection in almost all age groups and with an age-related temporal pattern consistent with the US vaccine rollout. Results from fitted regression slopes (p<0.05 FDR corrected) suggest a US national average VFR of 0.04% and higher VFR with age (VFR=0.004% in ages 0-17 increasing to 0.06% in ages >75 years), and 146K to 187K vaccine-associated US deaths between February and August, 2021. Notably, adult vaccination increased ulterior mortality of unvaccinated young (<18, US; <15, Europe).
Analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database can be used to estimate the number of excess deaths caused by the COVID vaccines. A simple analysis shows that it is likely that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the current COVID vaccines as of Aug 28, 2021.
This cross-country panel data study relates weekly estimates of excess mortality to the incidence of Covid-19 vaccinations, for the 32 OECD countries with high frequency excess mortality data available. The correlation between excess mortality and vaccination incidence is decomposed into two pathways: one from vaccination via Covid-attributed deaths to excess mortality and a non-Covid pathway that goes directly from vaccination to excess mortality, with Covid-19 deaths held constant. The non-Covid pathway from vaccination to excess mortality appears at least as large as the Covid pathway, and is the larger of the two pathways if lagged effects are captured. In results broken down by age, the effects are not apparent for the youngest age group who, until recently, were not exposed to Covid-19 vaccination.
The results show that whereas almost no excess mortality was observed in 2020 - the pandemic year without vaccinations - a relative strong increase in excess mortality is observed in 2021 - the pandemic year with vaccinations.
Beyond these overall mortality effects, we additionally show two very interesting characteristics of the mortality increase in 2021:
Age-dependent Pattern
An increase of the observed mortality compared to the expected mortality occurs not uniformly over the different age groups. The increase in mortality excess observed in 2021 is almost entirely due to an above-average increase in deaths in the age groups between 15 and 79, in some of which high deviations of the observed number of deaths from the expected value are observed.
The highest values are reached in the age group 40-49, where an increase in the number of deaths is observed that is nine percent higher than the expected values.
Such an observation suggests that the unusually high number of unexpected deaths in 2021 may be related to the COVID vaccines that were the first-time used and administered population-wide in 2021.
As of 6 February 2022, based on publicly available official UK and US data, all age groups under 50 years old are at greater risk of fatality after receiving a COVID-19 inoculation than an unvaccinated person is at risk of a COVID-19 death. All age groups under 80 years old have virtually no benefit from receiving a COVID-19 inoculation, and the younger ages incur significant risk. This analysis is conservative because it ignores the fact that inoculation-induced adverse events such as thrombosis, myocarditis, Bell’s palsy, and other vaccine-induced injuries can lead to shortened life span. When one takes into consideration the fact that there is approximately a 90% decrease in risk of COVID-19 death if early treatment is provided to all symptomatic high-risk persons, one can only conclude that mandates of COVID-19 inoculations are ill-advised. Considering the emergence of antibody-resistant variants like Delta and Omicron, for most age groups COVID-19 vaccine inoculations result in higher death rates than COVID-19 does for the unvaccinated.
Analyses of mortality statistics are probably the most prolific area of analysis of vaccine harms, e.g. Matthew Crawford’s series on vaccine mortality (links to the first 8 are included):
I put together a compilation of the numerous compilations Mark Crispin Miller put together on this subject (there are literally hundreds of reports here):
This is what I could dig up in a few minutes sorting through thousands of haphazardly organized bookmarks. Clearly, though, there is something going on that is very out of the ordinary.
Which brings us to the next section:
5. Athletes Collapsing/Dying
One of the more noticeably bizarre types of vaccine injuries are the multitudes of athletes suddenly collapsing. One of the best aggregators of athlete collapses is goodsciencing.com’s list (topline number as of 3/11/22, chart as of 2/10/22):
They are rather stringent regarding what they include in their tally, and obviously some cases will not be recorded or picked up, especially in lesser-known or followed sports or in less-prominent geographical jurisdictions. Athletes are perhaps the most physically fit and healthy cohort in society. This is an astronomical increase that is wholly without precedent.
6. Hart Group Letter on Spike in Pediatric Mortality in UK
RE: Signals that Covid-19 Vaccines may have caused death in children and young adults
We write to demand an immediate, urgent investigation to determine whether the Covid-19 vaccines are the cause of significant numbers of deaths seen recently in male children and young adults.
We also request that anonymised data and information known to be available, showing how many children have died following a Covid-19 vaccine and within how many days, be published for full transparency, in the public interest.
On Thursday 13th January 2022, at a hearing in the High Court[1] in London, evidence was presented showing a significant increase in the number of young male deaths following roll out of the Covid-19 vaccinations compared with the prior five-year average between 2015 and 2019. It is important to look at male deaths separately, given what is known about higher risks from myocarditis in young males.
Between 1st May to 24th December 2021 there were
402 registered deaths in 15–19-year-old males, 65 more than the 337 five-year average;
by contrast, 163 registered deaths in females, 12 less than the 175 five-year average; and
combining those, 565 deaths of males and females registered in total, 53 more than expected.
The Office for National Statistics has accepted that the increase in young male deaths is a statistically significant increase, with the mortality rate falling outside the expected confidence intervals from earlier years’ data.
Even more concerning is the fact that the actual number of deaths occurring of young males in this period is likely to be significantly higher than those registered. This is because the ONS estimates that owing to delays in registration, on average registered deaths in the period account for only 62% of actual deaths occurring. Any death where there was uncertainty about the cause will have been referred to the coroner and such deaths can take a long time to be registered. The fact that a signal is already evident in registered deaths is therefore a great concern.
Allowing for the ONS estimate, the 65 excess male deaths could represent 105 excess deaths of these young men, assuming the proportion of deaths that have been referred to the coroner is similar to previous years. If there have been more coroner’s referrals this year, the figure could be higher.
This is a broad category to capture various types of what some dismissively wave away as “anecdotes”. So let’s take a look.
Case Studies:
A case study is basically where the treating clinician writes up a report of what happened with a specific patient/s. There have been hundreds of case studies documenting vaccine injuries or deaths. Here are a few examples (don’t be deceived by some of the titles that include adjectives like “rare” or “first case” and so on).
Note: Unlike other lists of studies I found floating around, I read every single one at least in part for “quality control”. I tried to vet them to make sure there are no duplicates, that all the studies at least contain case reports, and that no studies that are arguing against the presence of vaccine injuries are on the list (it would be quite dishonest to include in a list of studies purporting to demonstrate how widespread vaccine injuries are studies that analyze broad data trends to attempt to show how vaccine injuries are not widespread). I also removed the AstraZeneca case reports in order to highlight the mRNA vaccine safety issues (remember that the DNA vector vaccines are officially considered to be more risky than the mRNA vaccines and so I want to remove the argument of “well this is mostly the DNA vaccines” from play). I doubt that I did not make a single mistake in sorting out this list though. Realize that this is by no means even close to complete (especially dermatological issues I included very few). It is worth putting such a large segment of the list just so that you can get a sense for the sheer quantity as you keep scrolling down…
To provide some context: The vast majority of doctors/clinicians either don’t believe that the vaccines can cause injuries or are too afraid to speak up — so their patients generally won’t be generating case reports. And the vast majority of practicing doctors don’t have time to write one up even if they did want to. Yet there is still an astounding number of documented vaccine adverse event case reports. We all know though that if anyone would have suggested when the vaccines were first rolled out that there would be hundreds and hundreds of case reports detailing numerous severe vaccine injuries, they would have been quickly deplatformed and ruthlessly expunged from public media.
Affidavits & Personal Experience of Doctors / Nurses
Contrary to what the media and medical authorities are constantly parroting, a significant percentage of medical professionals do not agree that the vaccines are safe because they personally witness (and perhaps try to treat) the vaccine injuries. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the medical professionals who are not in favor of the covid vaccines cannot speak up publicly about this or else they will face literal persecution from the medical boards and their colleagues.
(The AAPS - an organization that is trying to provide an alternative to the evil predations of the incorrigibly corrupted AMA - conducted a survey after the AMA conducted a sham survey of their own that found “99%” of doctors supported vaccination, Majority of Physicians Decline COVID Shots, according to Survey, that found almost the opposite of the AMA survey. Obviously, neither one is remotely representative of the reality - both surveys were hopelessly biased from the outset based on who was responding to the survey. What the AAPS survey did show, however, was that there is a sizable minority of doctors who definitely are not supportive of the mainstream narrative regarding the covid vaccines.)
There have been affidavits submitted in various proceedings or to regulatory agencies where physicians and medical professionals - people who clearly possess the necessary diagnostic acumen and expertise to have an expert opinion on assessing the likelihood of something being a vaccine injury - attest to vaccine injuries and/or deaths. Here are a couple of examples:
The following is excerpted from a lengthy first-person account written by a doctor documenting “what doctors say in private”:
Myths become facts
Just two months into the vaccine roll-out in the U.S., a doctor in the group posted this startling anecdote:
“Just saw a patient, an RN, who received 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine 3 days ago and that evening started experiencing dizziness, loss of balance and double vision which continues through today.
“Her husband also has reactivation of his trigeminal neuralgia after receiving 1st dose of Moderna.”
The doctor who posted this report is concerned because the patient is an RN (Registered Nurse and thus credible in their eyes) and has a spouse that also suffered neurological symptoms after vaccination.
How could this be a coincidence? The doctor queries the group for any similar anecdotes.
Remarkably a flood of adverse event reports ensued, some minor and others crippling.
Dozens of doctors reported that they themselves or their patients were suffering similar issues (I will list only a few here):
“I never had any underlying disorder but started a new lower lip twitch 2 days after 2nd dose of Pfizer. I’m almost 4 weeks out and still feel it intermittently. I never ever felt that before the vaccine. Some may not think related but I absolutely do.”
“After hours of a HR (Heart Rate) of 120-130s I was exhausted. Supposed to have my 2nd this week.”
“Has anyone seen slurred speech and word finding 24hrs after Pfizer dose. Went to ER, no stroke. Dx (Diagnosed with a) migraine. Now 4 days with same symptoms. Pt had COVID-19 in July 2020.”
“I had bilateral paresthesias of feet and hands one week after the moderna shot 1.”
“Saw a XX yo male who had a petit mal seizure 2 weeks after first dose of Pfizer and no other changes whatsoever in routine or diet or exposures or meds/supplements.”
“Had two days of the reactivation of the thoracic shingles neuralgia I had three years ago.”
“Have a patient who developed neuralgia at the thoracic region the next day after receiving 1st moderna vaccine. Suspected shingles but no rash has appeared and has followed 1 dermatome. Now they are 2wks out and still having the pain.”
“Had my first dose of Moderna 1/9. Had HA (Headache) and fatigue x 7 days. Had reemergence of trigeminal neuralgia since then. In remission 4 months after battling x 2 years. Consulted rheum about 2nd dose. They said to go ahead. I’m due Saturday. This post makes me want to not get it.”
“I personally had dizziness, loss of balance, and double vision with both my shots, worse with the second within 20 minutes of the vaccine.”
“I have had multiple pts with migraine.”
“One hemorrhagic stroke.”
“Local physician died (hospitalized with in a few days and never left alive,) Myocarditis and another with pericarditis and pleural effusion … My list goes on … and yes I have reported to VAERS it is time consuming and not purely passive as they also have contacted me on cases.”
“I had neuropathy of my hands and feet from one moderna vaccine in January.”
“In the past 3 days, 4 patients post J&J with neuro symptoms. 3 LOC (loss of consciousness) and AMS (altered mental status). One with bilateral LE (lower extremity) weakness and discoordination going to higher level of care for further eval.”
“Post Vaccine HSV1 (Herpes Simplex Virus) encephalitis. Pt had no history of HSV1 and 2.”
“I’ve seen a lot of reports of rashes, hives, tachycardia, stroke-like symptoms, dizziness, and in one case SVT (Supraventricular Tachycardia) after vaccination. I wish we could get better real-time data.”
This article is well worth reading in full.
One of the highly scandalous elements of the utter disregard for safety monitoring - especially by the US regulatory agencies - is the effort to block autopsies from being conducted on decadents following covid vaccination.
Thankfully, however, there have been a few conducted around the world in spite of the overwhelming pressure to not conduct (honest) autopsies:
The Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vaccine is “likely” to have been responsible for at least 10 deaths of frail elderly people in nursing homes in Norway, an expert review commissioned by the Norwegian Medicines Agency has concluded. The expert group was established at the end of February 2021 to look into the cause of the first 100 reported deaths of nursing home residents who had received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. At the time, around 30 000 elderly nursing home residents had been vaccinated. Although the mortality rate in nursing homes is generally very high and the deaths of some nursing home residents after vaccination was anticipated, the Norwegian Medicines Agency wanted to determine whether the vaccine had possibly hastened any deaths and to gain a clearer understanding of the risks and benefits of its use in frail elderly people. The review reported on 19 May and concluded that a causal link between the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and death was considered “likely” in 10 of the 100 cases, “possible” in 26 cases, and “unlikely” in 59 cases. The remaining five were deemed “unclassifiable.”
Exactly that kind of investigation was carried out by German pathologist Professor Dr Arne Burkhardt, who has 40 years of experience in the field. He examined the tissues and organs of 15 patients where a post-mortem had been performed, an exceptional opportunity that came about because the bodies were in institutes of legal medicine and institutes of pathology. There were seven men and eight women aged between 28 and 95. They died between seven days and six months post-injection. In essence, Burkhardt found internal damage in most of the deceased, caused by a self-destruct process in which immune cells – lymphocytes – had invaded different parts of the body. In five of the 15 cases, it was concluded that the correlation with the vaccination was very probable; in seven, it was probable; and in two cases it was not clear, but possible. ‘In one case we did not find any of these changes of any significance,’ Burkhardt said.
Peter Schirmacher, chief pathologist at the University of Heidelberg
The Deutsches Ärzteblatt, a weekly German-language medical magazine, reported this week that Peter Schirmacher, chief pathologist at the University of Heidelberg, found that toxicology reports indicate that 30%-40% of a sample of 40 people who died within two weeks of vaccination indeed died from the vaccine.
There are undoubtedly many more that I haven’t covered or am unaware of. Hopefully, more autopsies will be conducted going forward that can help to shed light on the pathophysiology of the covid vaccines.
Yup, embalmers. Turns out, embalmers have been discovering unusual “stuff” - particularly bizarre blood clots - while preparing bodies for funerals in recent months. Daniel Horowitz recently interviewed Richard Hirschman, who provided a very illuminating explanation of his personal embalming experience with this, along with a picture of Micro-Clots (https://gettr.com/post/puwu40e182):
I haven’t been keeping tabs on this though, but I have been told by others that are in the know that they are aware of many more embalmers who are discovering similar phenomena.
Bio-Marker Testing
Bio-markers are things they can test for that indicate that a particular pathology is present - for instance, elevated D-Dimer indicates elevated blood clotting (and it would be useful to have pre-vaccination baselines to compare to. One has to wonder how come the CDC or FDA did not force Pfizer or Moderna to track basic biomarkers from pre-vaccination compared to at least a few times after getting vaccinated in their Phase 3 trials, it’s actually a very simple and straightforward thing to do. There is no innocent explanation for this…)
There have been a few adventurous and gutsy doctors who have systematically tested a large number of their patients to see if there are changes in biomarkers that are indicative of things like clotting, inflammation, and cardiac anomalies that are known to be affected by the covid vaccines, such as the following examples:
In conclusion, the mRNA vaccines numerically increase (but not statistically tested) the markers IL-16, Fas, and HGF, all markers previously described by others for denoting inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle, in a consecutive series of a single clinic patient population receiving mRNA vaccines without a control group.
There was a UK group that ran a similar type of study, but were pressured (or worse) to not publish it, although I can’t find a link for the moment.
If you want to understand just how entrenched, pervasive, and successful the censorship against the vaccine injured has been - and the magnitude of its evil and demented nature - there is no replacement to watching/listening to the victims describe their experiences not only of the medical facts of their injuries/experiences, but the unrestrained hostility from all corners of society.
In particular, Senator Ron Johnson held multiple events where vaccine victims gave their (horrifying) firsthand accounts detailing their vaccine injuries.
Finally, just read this recent piece from Medpage Today (selected excerpts):
Vaccine Researcher Who Developed Tinnitus After COVID Shot Calls for Further Study
Gregory Poland, MD, director of the Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group in Rochester, Minnesota, remains a steadfast vaccination advocate -- even though he developed tinnitus soon after receiving his second dose of COVID vaccine.
A little more than a year ago, Poland was driving back from the hospital after receiving his second shot when he nearly veered out of his lane.
"It was like someone suddenly blew a dog whistle in my ear," Poland told MedPage Today. "It has been pretty much unrelenting."
Since then, Poland said he has been experiencing what he describes as life-altering tinnitus, or ringing in the ear. It occurs in both ears, but is worse in the left than in the right.
Yet Poland realizes his life may never be the same, and that many others may be grappling with the same reality. He continues to receive emails from other individuals across the country and around the world who say they have also developed tinnitus after COVID vaccination.
Poland believes there may be tens of thousands of people affected in the U.S. and potentially millions worldwide. He feels strongly that more research should be done to determine what caused these symptoms and what can be done to help people desperate for relief.
"What has been heartbreaking about this, as a seasoned physician, are the emails I get from people that, this has affected their life so badly, they have told me they are going to take their own life," Poland said.
And of course, the government/media/BigTech are doing their best to eliminate all evidence of vaccine injuries/deaths, with varying degrees of success, e.g.:
This is really an extremely parsimonious selection of what really requires much more elaboration (I never really tracked this because the censorship is so blatant as to be self-evident at this point), but will hopefully suffice in light of all of the other evidentiary data points.
Last but certainly not least (although I am going to mostly punt on this) is the pharmacovigilance (PV) - “the science and activities relating to the detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects or any other medicine/vaccine related problem.”
I am putting this last because to properly analyze and present this data is complicated and messy - it is massively underreporting the true incidence of vaccine injuries/deaths - and would at least double the length of this essay. Thus it is easier to present it after first showing that the real-world evidence is quite clear that the PV data is not only generally reflecting genuine vaccine-caused adverse events, but is radically underreporting them.
The point of this sort of database was to act as a sort of “tripwire” to alert the agencies tasked with safety monitoring that something *may* be going awry with vaccine safety, not to be a conclusive dataset that can establish or refute that the vaccines were the cause of the reported events. (Ironically, Pfizer claimed in their filings with the FDA that they didn’t need to set up their own safety monitoring system because VAERS was adequate to do the job.) The medical community unfortunately in their desperation to protect the precious vaccines has been waging an all-out Soviet-style propaganda war to delegitimize VAERS as a collection of inept laypeople attributing happenstance to the vaccines and malicious anti-vaxxers filing deliberately fabricated reports. (I’ll hopefully get around to finishing a separate piece on the medical community’s mendacious perfidy regarding VAERS.)
This was an obvious and glaring safety signal to anyone with an ounce of honesty and sanity. Yet the government agencies and medical community simply waved it away derisively without any basis whatsoever (as we can clearly see from the real-world experience).
Here is a partial list of academic papers/studies on VAERS & other PV database data analysis:
There are plenty of analysts churning out a variety of different types of analyses of VAERS and other data, such as Dr. Jessica Rose, Mathew Crawford, or Steve Kirsch, among many, many others.
You have reached The End. Congratulations!!
Anyone who has additional source material etc that I missed, or spots something that I got wrong/mischaracterized, I would be grateful if you could include it in a comment below.
Wow, this is a phenomenal gold mine of references I will no doubt be referencing in future articles!
If you’re not familiar with my blog and want to add more citations (ha), I’ve assembled an arsenal of references related to various topics. Some examples below organized by topic:
Wow, this is a phenomenal gold mine of references I will no doubt be referencing in future articles!
If you’re not familiar with my blog and want to add more citations (ha), I’ve assembled an arsenal of references related to various topics. Some examples below organized by topic:
• democide (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-an-agree-to-disagree-relative and https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier)
• hospicide (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-governor-ron-desantis)
• masking (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-oregon-health-authority)
• mandatory school injections (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-washington-state-board / generic version: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-governing-body)
• violation of bodily autonomy (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-new-york-state-department)
• corruption of human rights laws (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-uk-government)
• tyranny (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant)
• collusion (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling)
• inculcation (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-covidian-a-time-travel)
• propaganda (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized)
• the ivermectin disinformation campaign (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded and https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie)
• censorship (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dispatches-from-the-new-normal-front)
• smearing of scientists (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-robert-malone)
• internment camps (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it)
This letter (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-yamhill-county-board) also categorizes my past articles by topics but doesn’t include ones published after that date.
Thanks for taking time to write this!